Pyrolysis products from a FB pyrolyzer can be utilized as high quality fuel or chemical feedstocks.
Very similar to a hedgehog, except that the knarl takes offense easily and will wreak havoc on garden plants (FB).
The world's biggest and most famous kelpie is the Loch Ness Monster, although it is often mistaken for a sea serpent (FB).
The length AF plus FB is clearly the same as the total length AB.
(Laughter) FB: After the pizzeria reading, we have a slice.
(笑声) FB:看完比萨饼之后,我块。
I cannot handle you right now. FB: Episode three.
JM:我现在付你。 FB:第三集。
Six years after we first met. FB: My childhood best friend dies.
JM:我第次见面六后。 FB:我儿时最好的朋友去世了。
I'm relaxed. FB: I'm not doing this with you.
JM:我很放松。 FB:我会和你起做这件事。
Say -- FB: " Boy, it's good you're done with that MFA."
JM:说——FB:“男孩,你完成了那个 MFA 真好。”
What is wrong with you? JM: What's wrong with you? FB: I'm not the one being aggressive.
FB:你怎么了? JM:你怎么了? FB:我是那种咄咄逼人的人。
And then that last triangle relation guarantees for us that the side FB is going to be the same as the side EC.
然后最后个三角形关系向我保证 FB 边与 EC 边相同。