This is because thin nasal skin has a high capacity to contract and redrape over the sculpted framework.
Additionally, the surviving technology components appear fairly advanced, alluding to some sort of high capacity oxygen sustainment system and advanced temperature regulation and damage resistance, some of the mechanics even still functioning.
此外, 幸存的技术部件看起来相当先进,暗示某种高容量氧气维持系统和先进的温度调节和抗损伤系统,其中一些机械装置甚至仍能运转。
An inert gas system was required on existing product carriers from 1 May 1983 and by 1 May 1985 for ships of 40-70,000 dwt and down to 20,000 dwt which are fitted with high capacity washing machines.
从 1983 年 5 月 1 日起,到 1985 年 5 月 1 日,现有的载重吨为 40-70,000 载重吨和低于 20,000 载重吨并配备大容量清洗机的船舶需要安装惰性气体系统。