| 划词

The stream was dammed up to form ornamental lakes.



It's hard to dam up one's feelings.




combobox, comboloio, combos, comb-out, comboys, comb-papilla, Combretaceae, combridge, combs, comburant, comburent, comburimeter, combust, combustibility, combustible, combustible material, combustibleness, combustiblerefuse, combustibles, combustiblesubstance, combustion, combustion-supporting, combustive, combustor, comby, COMCM, COMDEX, come, come about, come across, come across sb, come after, come alive, come along, come apart, come around, come away, come back, come back to life, come before, come between, come down, come down on, come due, come forth, come forward, come from, come home, come in, come in for, come in handy, come into, come into being, come into effect, come into power, come near, come of, come of age, come off, come on, come out, come out with, come over, come over sb, come round, come sth to light, come this way, come through, come to, come to hand, come to life, come to light, come to nothing, come to nought, come to sb, come to terms with sb, come to terms with sth, come to the fore, come to the point, come to the rescue, come together, come true, come under, come under heavy criticism, come up, come up against, come up smiling, come up to, come up with, come upon, come-along, come-and-go, come-at-able, comeback, COMECON, comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedies, comedietta, comedist, comedo, comedocarcinoma, comedomastitis, comedones, comedown, come-down, comedy, come-hither, comeliness, comeling, comely, comendite, comentropy, come-off, come-on, come-outer, comer, COMERO, comes, Comesomatidae, comestible, comestibles, comet, co-metabolism, cometary, comether, cometic, cometography, cometophobia, comets, comeuppance, come-uppance, come-uptime, Comex, CoMFA, comfily, comfimeter, comfinement, comfit, comformity, comfort, comfort food, comfort station, comfort zone, comfortable, comfortably, comforter, comforting, comfortless, comfortlessly, comfortlessness, comfrey, COMfuel, comfy, comic, comic book, comic opera, comic strip, comical, comicality, comically, comics, COMINCH, Cominform, coming, coming back, coming-in, coming-of-age, coming-on, comingout, coming-out, comings and goings, comint, Comintern, comique, comirin, Comisco, COMIT, comitadji, comitalia, comitative, comitia, comitiva, comitragedy, comity, comix, Comleyan, comlognet, comm., comma, comma bacillus, command, command language, command line, command module, command post, command prompt, commandable, commandant, commandcode, commanddoman, commandeer, commander, commander in chief, Commanderia, commander-in-chief, commandership, commandery, commanding, commanding officer, commandism, commandment, commando, commandress, commands, commandstation, command-string, commasculation, commaterial, COMMCEN, commeasurable, commeasure, commelinaceae, commelinin, commemorable, commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratory, commence, commencement, commencement ceremony, commend, commendable, commendably, commendam, commendation, commendatory, commensal, commensalism, commensurability, commensurable, commensurate, commensuration, comment, commentary, commentary on, commentate, commentator, commentcode, commenter, comments, commerbund, commerce, Commerce Department, commerce-destroyer, commercial, commercial agency, commercial art, commercial artist, commercial bank, commercial credit, commercial law, commercial letter of credit, commercial loan, commercial message, commercial paper, commercialese, commercialise, commercialism, commercialist, commercialistic, commercialization, commercialize, commercially, commercialpar, commercioganic, commerciogenic, commie, comminate, commination, comminatory, commingle, commingler, commingling, comminjute, comminute, comminuted fracture, comminuter, comminution, comminutions, commis, commiserable, commiserate, commiseratingly, commiseration, commiserative, commision, commissar, commissarial, commissariat, commissary, commission, commission on human rights, Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Commission plan, commission-agent, commissionaire, commissioned, commissioned officer, commissioner, commissionership, commissioning, commissura, commissurae, commissural, commissure, commissuroplasty, commissurotomy, commit, commit oneself, commit suicide, commitment, committal, committed, committee, committee member, committeeman, committeewoman, commix, commixture, commode, commodify, commodious, commodiously, commodity, Commodity Exchange, commodity-equivalents, commodore, Commodore-in-Chief, common, common bile duct, common carrier, common cold, common denominator, common divisor, common era, common factor, common fraction, common ground, common land, common law, common logarithm, common man, Common Market, common measure, common multiple, common noun, common room, common salt, common seal, common sense, common stock, common time, common year, commonable, commonage, commonality, commonalty, common-base, common-collector, commoner, commonland, common-law, commonly, commonness, common-or-garden, commonplace, commonplaceer, commons, commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, commonweal, commonwealth, Commonwealth Day, Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth of Dominica, Commonwealth of Independent States, Commonwealth of Nations, commorant, commotio, commotion, commove, communal, communalism, communalist, communalistic, communality, communalize, communally, Communard, commune, communes, communicable, communicable disease, communicant, communicate, communicatee, communicatingcode, communication, communication channel, communication equipment, communication system, communication theory, communications, communications protocol, communications satellite, communicative, communicative competence, communicativeness, communicator, communicatory, communion, communionist, communique, communis, communise, communism, communist, Communist Manifesto, Communist Party, communistic, communist-led, communitarian, community, community center, community chest, community college, community property, community service, community-based-rehabilitation, communitywide, communization, communize, communologist, commutability, commutable, commutant, commutants, commutate, commutation, commutation ticket, commutationswitch, commutative, commutativity, commutator, commutator-rectifier, commute, commuter, commuter train, commuterdom, commuterland, commuterville, commuting, commy, COMMZ, COMNAVAIRLANT, COMNAVAIRPAC, COMNAVCENT, COMNAVFE, COMNAVFOR, Como, Co-mo, comodo, comodule, comol, comolecule, comonomer, comopt, Comoran, Comorin, Comoro, Comoro Islands, Comoros, comorphism, Comos, comose, comospore, comous, comp, compact, compact car, compact disc, compact disk, compactability, compactablility, compacted, compactedness, compact-grain, compactibility, compactible, compactification, compacting, compaction, compactivity, compactly, compactness, compactor, compactron, compacttopology, compactum, compadre, compages, compaginate, compalox, compander, companding, compandor, companile, companion, companion way, companionable, companionably, companionate, companions, companionship, companionway, companion-way, company, company man, Company Name, Compaq, comparability, comparable, comparable to, comparable with, comparably, comparand, comparascope, compa-ratios, comparatist, comparative, comparative anatomy, comparative literature, comparative psychology, comparatively, comparativist, comparativistics, comparator, comparator-densitometer, comparator-sorter, compare, compare to, compare with, compared, compared to, compared with, compare-exchange, comparer, comparing, comparison, comparison-shop, comparoscope, compart, compartition, compartment, compartmental, compartmentalization, compartmentalize, compartmentation, compass, compass card, compass plane, compass point, compassable, compasses, compassion, compassionate, compassionate leave, compasslng, compassplane, compasssaw, compasstimber, compasswindow, compathy, compatibility, compatibilization, compatibilizer, compatible, compatible software, compatibly, compatilizer, compatriot, compazine, compe&2&re, compeer, compel, compellation, compelled, compellent, compelling, compels, compend, compendatrix, compendency, compendia, compendiary, compendious, compendiously, compendium, compens, compensability, compensable, compensate, compensated control, compensating, compensating balance, compensation, compensationresistor, compensative, compensator, compensatory, compensatory damages, compensatrix, compenzine, compere, compère, compessure, compete, compete with, competence, competency, competent, competently, competitin, competition, competitive, competitiveness, competitiveroute, competitiveswimming, competitor, competitory, competitress, compilation, compilatory, compile, compile-and-go, compiled, compiler, compiler-compiler, compilerswitch, compiling, compiling program, compital, complacence, complacency, complacent, complacently, complain, complain of, complainant, complaining, complainingly, complaint, complaisance, complaisant, complanarity, complanate, complanatine, complanation, complaster, compleat, complect, complected, complement, complement fixation, complemental, complementarity, complementary, complementary color, complementary distribution, complementary DNA, complementarymorpheme, complementation, complemented, complementer, complementing, complementizer, complementoid, complement-on-nine, complement-on-one, complement-on-ten, complement-on-two, complementophil, complementor, completable, complete, complete blood count, completeblade, completed, completedictionary, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completist, completive, complex, complex conjugate, complex fraction, complex instruction set computer, complex ion, complex number, complex sentence, complexant, complexation, complexes, complexible, complexification, compleximetry, complexing, complexiometry, complexion, complexional, complexioned, complexionless, complexities, complexity, complex-marker, complexometry, complexon, complexone, complexones, complexor, complexsound, complextransformation, complexus, compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate, complicated, complication, complice, complicit, complicitous, complicity, complier, compliment, complimental, complimentary, complin, compline, complon, complot, complotype, compluvium, comply, complyingly, compnserve, compo, compo-casting, compole, compo-mould, componendo, component, component part, componential, components, components of cells, comport, comportable, comportment, compos mentis, compose, composed, composedly, composedness, compose-message, composer, composertron, composing, Compositae, composite, composite number, composite material, composite number, compositeness, compositequantity, compositeturnover, compositing, composition, compositional analysis, compositionalism, composition-factors, compositionmetal, compositive, compositor, compositron, composmentis, compossible, compost, compost heap, compost-applier, composting, composts, composure, compotation, compotator, compote, compotier, compound, compound interest, compound eye, compound fracture, compound interest, compound microscope, compound number, compound pendulum, compound sentence, compoundanimal, compounded, compounder, compounder-extruder, compound-filled, compounding, compoundingroom, compoundsubstance, compound-wound, comprador, compradore, compral, compreg, comprehend, comprehendingly, comprehensibility, comprehensible, comprehensibly, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensive examination, comprehensive school, comprehensively, comprehensivize, compress, compressed, compressed air, compressed gas, compressibility, compressible, compressing, compressingrubber, compression, compression fracture, compressional, compression-side, compressive, compressometer, compressor, compressorblade, compressor-expandor, compressure, comprex, comprimario, comprint, comprisable, comprisal, comprise, comprizal, comprize, compromise, compromising emanations, comprovincial, compt, compter-TV, comptograph, comptometer, Compton, comptroller, comptroller general, Comptroller of the Currency, compu-, compulsator, compulsion, compulsionist, compulsive, compulsively, compulsorily, compulsory, compunction, compunctious, compunication, compuphone, compurgation, compurgator, CompuServe, computability, computable, computalk, computation, computational, computational linguistics, computative, computator, compute, computed tomography, compute-limited, computer, computer architecture, computer code, computer database, computer game, computer graphics, computer language, computer network, computer operation, computer program, computer programmer, computer programming, computer science, computer scientist, computer simulation, computer software, computer store, computer system, computer technology, computer virus, computeracy, computer-aided-architectural-design, computerarchitecture, computerate, computer-chronograph, computerese, computer-experiment, computergame, computer-imitation, computerisation, computerise, computerism, computerite, computerizable, computerization, computerize, computerized axial tomography, computerized tomography, computerlike, computer-limited, computer-literate, computer-logic, computerman, computernik, computerocracy, computer-on-a-chip, computer-oriented, computer-readable, computerspeak, computery, Computex, computing, computing device, computing machine, computing system, computistical, computor, computus, computyper, comrade, comrade-in-arms, comradeliness, comradely, comradery, comrades, comradeship, comsat, COMSEC, COMSOC, Comsol, Comsomol, comspec, Comstock, Comstock), comstockery, Comstockian, COMSUBLANT, COMSUBPAC, Comsymp, Comte, Comtean, comtesse, Comtian, Comtism, Comtist, COMTRAC, COMTRAN, comuccite, comultiplication, Comus, COMUSMACV, con, con-, con artist, con spirito, con., CONAC, conacre, CONAD, conaffetto, Conakry, conalbumin, conalog, conamore, Conan, Conant, conarial, conarium, conation, conative, conatus, conboluria, conca, concanavalin, concast, concat, concatemer, concatenate, concatenation, concavation, concave, concave lens, concave polygon, concave-concave, concave-die-drawing, concave-downward, concaver, concavity, concavo-concave, concavo-convex, conceal, concealment, concede, concededly, conceit, conceited, conceitedly, conceivability, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, conceive of, conceiver, concelebrant, concelebrate, concelebration, concent, concenter, concentrate, concentrate on, concentrated, concentratingtable, concentration, concentration on, concentrations, concentrative, concentrator, concentre, concentric, concentric circle, concentrical, concentricity, Concepcion, concept, conceptacle, conception, conceptional, conceptism, conceptive, concepts, conceptual, conceptualise, conceptualism, conceptualist, conceptualization, conceptualize, conceptually, conceptus, concern, concern oneself with, concerned, concernedly, concernful, concerning, concernment, concerns, concerns over, concert, concert band, concert grand, concert hall, concertante, concertation, concerted, concertedness, concertgoer, concertina, concertinist, concertino, concertize, concertmaster, concertmeister, concerto, concerto grosso, concerts, concessible, concession, concessionaire, concessional, concessionary, concessioner, concessive, concessively, concetto, conch, concha, conchae, conchairamidine, conche, conchie, conchiferous, conching, conchiolin, conchiplasty, Conchita, conchite, conchitis, concho, concho-, Conchobar, conchoid, conchoidal, conchologist, conchology, Conchorhagae, conchoscope, conchospiral, conchospore, Conchostraca, conchostracans, conchotome, conchotomy, conchy, concierge, conciliar, conciliarism, conciliarist, conciliate, conciliation, conciliationism, conciliationist, conciliative, conciliator, conciliatory, concinnate, concinnity, concinnous, concise, concisely, conciseness, concision, conclave, conclavist, conclination, conclude, concluding, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, concoct, concoction, concoctive, concolorous, concomitance, concomitancy, concomitant, concord, Concord grape, concordance, concordancy, concordant, concordat, Concorde, Concordia, concours, concourse, concrescence, concrete, concrete jungle, concrete mixer, concrete-lined, concretely, concreter, concreting, concretion, concretionary, concretise, concretism, concretist, concretive, concretively, concretization, concretize, concretor, concubinage, concubinal, concubinary, concubine, concupiscence, concupiscent, concupiscible, concur, concurrence, concurrency, concurrent, concurrently, concurring, concurring opinion, concusconine, concuss, concussion, concussive, concutient, concyclic, Condar, condeep, condemn, condemnable, condemnation, condemnatory, condemned, condemned cell, condensability, condensable, condensamine, condensance, condensate, condensation, condensation trail, condensationrubber, condensative, condensator, condense, condensed, condensed milk, condenser, condenser microphone, condenser-reboiler, condensery, condenses, condensibility, condensible, condensifilter, condensing, condensite, condensor, condescend, condescendence, condescendent, condescending, condescension, condign, condignly, condiment, condiments, con-dinozzle, condisciple, condition, conditional, conditional probability, conditional sale, conditionality, conditionally, conditional-variable, conditioned, conditioned reflex, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioner, conditioning, conditions, condo, condolatory, condole, condole with, condole with, condolence, condolent, condolore, condom, condominium, condoms, Condon, condonable, condonation, condone, condoned, condonement, condor, condottiere, conduce, conduce to, conducive, conducively, conduct, conductance, conductibility, conductible, conductimetry, conducting wire, conductingpower, conduction, conductive, conductively-closed, conductiverubber, conductivity, conductograph, conductometer, conductometric, conductometry, conductor, conductoscope, conductress, conductron, conduit, conduits, condulet, conduloy, conduplicate, conduritol, condurrite, condy, condylar, condylarthrosis, condyle, condylectomy, condylion, condyloid, condyloma, condyloma acuminatum, condylotomy, condylus, cone, cone bearing, cone cell, cone clutch, conea, coned, coneflower, cone-in-cone, conel, conelet, cone-lock, Conelrad, Conen, conenose, conepenetrometer, coner, conering, cones, cone-shaped, cone-spheroid, conessine, Conestoga, Conestoga wagon, conestron, Conewangoan, coney, Coney Island, confab, confabulate, confabulation, confabulator, confarreation, confect, confectant, confection, confectionary, confectioner, confectionery, confectioning, confederacy, confederal, confederate, Confederate States of America, confederation, confederative, confer, conferee, conference, conference call, conference room, conference table, conferment, conferrable, conferral, conferrale, conferree, conferrence, conferrer, conferva, confervoid, confess, confessant, confessed, confessedly, confesser, confessingly, confessio in iure, confession, confessional, confessionary, confessor, confetti, confidant, confidante, confide, confidence, confidence game, confidence man, confidence trick, confident, confidential, confidential information, confidentiality, confidentially, confidently, confiding, confidingly, config, configurable, configurate, configurated, configuration, configurationism, configurator, configure, configured-in, configured-off, configured-out, confine, confined, confinement, confines, confining, confiningbed, confirm, confirmability, confirmable, confirmand, confirmation, confirmationnote, confirmative, confirmatory, confirmed, confirmedly, confiscable, confiscate, confiscation, confiscator, confiscatory, confiteor, confiture, confix, conflagate, conflagrant, conflagrate, conflagration, conflate, conflation, conflex, conflict, conflict of interest, conflicting, conflictive, confluction, confluence, confluens, confluent, conflux, confocal, conform, conform to, conformability, conformable, conformably, conformal, conformal projection, conformality, conformaltransformation, conformance, conformation, conformational, conformer, conforming to, conformism, conformist, conformity, conformity-clause, confound, confounded, confoundedly, confounding, confraternity, confre&2&re, confrere, confrère, confrication, confriction, confront, confrontation, confrontational, confrontationist, confronted with, confrontment, confucian, confucianism, Confucius, confusable, confuse, confused, confusedly, confusing, confusion, confutation, confute, conga, congas, conge, congeal, congealable, congealer, congealment, congee, congelation, congelative, congelifraction, congeliturbation, congener, congeneric, congenerous, congenetic, congenial, congeniality, congenially, congenital, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disease, congenitally, conger, conger eel, congeries, congery, congest, congested, congestin, congestion, congestive, congestive heart failure, congius, conglobate, conglobation, conglobe, conglobulate, conglobulation, conglomeracy, conglomerate, conglomeratic, conglomeration, conglomerator, conglomeritic, conglutin, conglutinant, conglutinate, conglutination, conglutinin, conglutinogen, congnitron, Congo, Congo red, Congolese, Congos, congou, congrats, congratters, congratulant, congratulate, congratulation, congratulations on, congratulator, congratulatory, congregant, congregate, congregation, congregational, Congregational Church, congregationalism, Congregationalist, congregative, congress, Congress of Industrial Organizations, congressional, congressional district, Congressional Medal of Honor, Congressional Record, Congressite, congressman, Congressperson, congresswoman, Congreve, congruence, congruencetransformation, congruency, congruent, congruenttransformation, congruity, congruous, congruously, conhydrine, Coniacian, conic, conic projection, conic section, conical, conical buoy, conical projection, conicalbed, conically, coniceine, conichalcite, conicity, conicle, conicograph, conicoid, Coniconchia, conics, Conidae, conidia, conidial, conidinphore, conidiocarp, conidiole, conidiome, conidiophore, conidiosporangium, conidiospore, conidium, conifer, coniferae, coniferals, coniferin, coniferophyte, coniferous, coniferous tree, conifers, conification, coniform, conifruticeta, coniine, conimeter, coning, coniofibrosis, coniology, coniolymphstasis, coniometer, coniosis, coniotomy, coniotoxicosis, coniroster, conirostral, coniscope, conispiral, conium, conization, conj, conj., conjecturable, conjectural, conjecture, conjee, conjoin, conjoined, conjoining, conjoint, conjointly, conjugacy, conjugal, conjugality, conjugant, conjugase, conjugate, conjugate-clei, conjugate-concentric, conjugated, conjugated protein, conjugatenetwork, conjugates, conjugation, conjunct, conjunction, conjunctional, conjunctiva, conjunctive, conjunctiviplasty, conjunctivitis, conjunctivochalasis, conjunctivo-cytology, conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy, conjunctivodacryocystostomy, conjunctivorhinostomy, conjunctivum, conjunctly, conjuncture, conjuration, conjurator, conjure, conjure up, conjurer, conjuring, conjuror, conjury, conk, conked, conker, conkers, conky, conloy, conman, con-man, con-mannerism, conmanship, conmoto, conn, Conn., Connacht, connarite, connate, connation, connatural, connect, connect to, connect with, connected, connectedly, connectedness, connecter, connectible, Connecticut, connectin, connecting, connecting flight, connecting rod, connecting room, connecting-rod, connection, connectionism, connectionless, connection-peg, connectitvity, connective, connective tissue, connectivity, connector, connectorless, connectron, connellite, conner, Conners, connexin, connexion, connexity, connexivum, connexon, Connie, conning tower, conningtower, conniption, connivance, connivancy, connive, connivence, connivent, connoisseur, connoisseurship, Connor, connotate, connotation, connotational, connotative, connote, connotive, connubial, connubiality, connubially, Conoclypidae, Conocyeminae, conocyst, conodont, Conodontiformes, conodonts, conoid, conoidal, conoplain, conopodium, conormal, conoscope, Conpernik, conplane, conqinine, conquer, conquerable, conqueress, conqueringly, conqueror, conquest, conquian, conquinamine, conquistador, Conrad, Conradian, Conrail, conrotatory, Conroy, CONS, consanguine, consanguineous, consanguinity, conscience, conscience money, conscienceless, conscience-stricken, conscientious, conscientious objector, conscientiously, conscientization, conscionable, conscious, consciously, consciousness, consciousness-expanding, consciousness-raising, conscious-sedation, conscribe, conscript, conscriptee, conscription, conscriptive, consecrate, consecrated, consecration, consecratory, consectary, consecution, consecutive, consecutively, consenescence, consensual, consensus, consent, consent decree, consentaneous, consenter, consentience, consentient, consenting, consequence, consequent, consequential, consequentiality, consequentially, consequently, conservancy, conservation, conservation of charge, conservation of energy, conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, conservationist, conservatism, conservative, Conservative Judaism, conservative party, conservatively, conservativeness, conservativesubstitution, conservatize, conservatoire, conservator, conservatorium, conservatorship, conservatory, conserve, conserved, consider, considerable, considerably, considerate, considerately, consideration, considered, considering, considering that, consign, consignable, consignation, consignee, consigner, consignment, consignmentnote, consignment-sheet, consignor, consilience, consilient, consist, consist in, consist of, consistence, consistency, consistency-convergent, consistent, consistently, consistodyne, consistometer, consistorial, consistory, consociate, consociation, consocies, consol, consolable, consolan, consolation, consolatory, console, console table, consoles, consolette, consolidant, consolidate, consolidated, consolidatedtax, consolidation, consolidator, consolidine, consolidometer, consoling, consols, consolute, consomme, consonance, consonancy, consonant, consonantal, consonantalize, consonantism, consort, consortia, consortion, consortium, conspecific, conspectus, conspersi, conspicuity, conspicuous, conspicuous consumption, conspicuously, conspicuousness, conspiracy, conspiracy of silence, conspirator, conspiratorial, conspiratory, conspiratress, conspire, conspirer, conspirito, conspue, const, constable, constabular, constabulary, constac, constance, constancy, constant, Constanta, constantan, constant-current, Constantia, Constantine, Constantinople, constantluminance, constantly, constantmagnitude, Constantsa, constant-scanning, constatation, constate, constative, Constellariidae, constellate, constellation, consternate, consternation, constipate, constipated, constipation, constituency, constituent, constituents, constitute, constitution, Constitution of the United States, Constitution State, constitutional, constitutional convention, Constitutional Union Party, constitutionalism, constitutionalist, constitutionality, constitutionalize, constitutionally, constitutive, constitutor, constrain, constrained, constrainedly, constraint, constraints, constrict, constricted, constricting, constriction, constrictive, constrictor, constringe, constringence, constringency, constringent, construable, construal, construct, constructibility, constructible, constructing, construction, construction site, construction worker, constructional, constructionism, constructionist, constructive, constructive fraud, constructive trust, constructively, constructiveness, constructivism, constructivist, constructivity, constructor, construe, consubstantial, consubstantialism, consubstantialist, consubstantiality, consubstantiate, consubstantiation, Consuela, Consuelo, consuetude, consuetudinary, consul, consulage, consular, consulate, consulship, consult, consultable, consultancy, consultant, consultation, consultative, consultatory, consultee, consulter, consulting, consulting company, consulting firm, consulting room, consulting service, consultive, consultor, consumable, consumables, consume, consumedly, consumer, consumer credit, consumer goods, consumer price index, consumer-city, consumerism, consumerist, consumerization, consumers, consuming, consumingly, consummate, consummately, consummation, consummative, consummator, consummatory, consumption, consumptive, cont, contabescence, contact, contact dermatitis, contact lens, contact print, contactant, contactbed, contactbreaker, contactchart, contactee, contactile, contactless, contactmetal, contactnetwork, contactor, contacts, contactsubstance, contactweather, contadina, contadine, contadini, contadino, contagion, contagiosity, contagious, contagious disease, contagiously, contagiouspersion, contagium, contain, contained, containedly, container, container ship, container vessel, containerbase, containerboard, containerization, containerize, containerport, containers, containership, containershipping, containerwharf, containment, contains, Contamin, contaminant, contaminate, contaminated, contamination, contaminative, contaminator, contan, contango, contarinia, contd., conte, conteben, contemn, contemplable, contemplate, contemplated, contemplation, contemplative, contemplator, contemporaneity, contemporaneous, contemporary, contemporize, contempt, contempt of court, contemptibility, contemptible, contemptibly, contemptuous, contemptuously, contend, contender, content, content word, contented, contentedly, contention, contentious, contentive, contentment, contents, conterbrace, conterminal, conterminous, contessa, contest, contestable, contestant, contestation, contestee, contests, context, context-dependent, context-free, contextless, contexts, context-sensitive, contextual, contextualism, contextuality, contextualize, contexture, Conti, conticaster, contig, contignation, contiguity, contiguous, contiguously, continence, continency, continent, continental, continental breakfast, continental congress, continental divide, continental drift, continental quilt, continental shelf, continental slope, continentalism, continentalist, continentality, continentalization, continentalize, continentformation, continently, contingence, contingencies, contingency, contingency fee, contingent, contingent on, contingently, continua, continuable, continual, continually, continuance, continuant, continuate, continuation, continuative, continuator, continue, continued, continued fraction, continuing, continuing education, continuity, continuity-bond, continuity-fitting, continum, continuo, continuous, continuously, continuoustransmitter, continuous-waste-and-vent, continuum, contline, conto, contoid, contop, contorniate, contorograph, contort, contorted, contortedbed, contortion, contortionist, contortions, contortive, contour, contour line, contour map, contourchasing, contour-chasing, contoured, contour-etching, contourgraph, contouring, contourite, contourquenching, contours, contra, contra-, contra-angel, contra-aperture, contraband, contrabandage, contrabandist, contrabass, contrabassoon, contracept, contracepted, contraception, contraceptive, contraceptive device, contraceptive pill, contracid, contraclockwise, contra-credit, contract, contract bridge, contract in, Contract Law, contract out, contractable, contractant, contracted, contractibility, contractible, contractibleness, contractile, contractileprotein, contractility, contracting, contraction, contractionary, contractive, contractor, contractual, contracture, contracupuncture-point, contracyclical, contradance, contradeciduate, contradict, contradictable, contradiction, contradictious, contradictive, contradictor, contradictorily, contradictory, contradistinction, contradistinctive, contradistinguish, contra-doping, contraextension, contrafactual, contrafactum, contrafissure, contraflexure, contraflow, contrafluxion, contrafluxtion, contragradience, contragradient, contrail, contra-incision, contraindicate, contraindication, contraindications, contrainjection, contrainjector, contra-ion, contrajet, contralateral, contralto, contramoxi-point, CONTRAN, contranatant, contranatural, contraoctave, contraorbital, contraorbitally, contraparotic, contrapolarization, contrapose, contraposition, contrapositive, contrapposto, contraprop, contrapropeller, contraption, contrapuntal, contrapuntist, contrarian, contrariant, contrariety, contrarily, contrariness, contrarious, contrariously, contrariousness, contrariwise, contrarotate, contra-rotating, contrarotation, contra-rudder, contrary, contrary to, contraseasonal, contrast, contrast medium, contrast with, contrastes, contrastimulant, contrastimulation, contrastimulism, contrasting, contrastive, contrastively, contrastol, contrasty, contrasuggestibility, contrasuggestible, contra-suggestion, contrasuppression, contrate, contraterrene, contratest, contratoxin, contravalency, contravalid, contravallation, contravane, contravariance, contravariant, contravene, contravention, contra-wound, contrecoup, contrectation, contredanse, contrefilet, contretemps, contribute, contributing, contribution, contributionnetwork, contributive, contributor, contributory, contributory negligence, contrite, contrition, contrivable, contrivance, contrive, contrived, contriver, control, control account, control board, control center, control character, control circuit, control experiment, control function, control grid, control line, control operation, control panel, control rod, control room, control strategies, control surface, control system, control test, control tower, control valves, control-animal, control-driven, controlet, controlfin, controlgear, controllability, controllable, controllable-pitch, controlled, controlled substance, controller, controllership, controlling, controlling interest, controlment, Control-Menu, control-orientation, controlrocket, controls, controlswitch, contronym, controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversy, controvert, controvertible, controvertist, contubernal, contumacious, contumacy, contumelious, contumely, contuse, contusion, Conularida, conulariids, Conulata, conule, conuli, Conulidae, conundrum, conurban, conurbation, conure, CONUS, convalesce, convalescence, convalescent, convallamarin, convallamarogenin, convallaretin, convallarin, convallasaponin, convallatosin, convallatoxol, convect, convection, convection current, convection zone, convectional, convective, convector, convectron, convegence, convelater, convenable, convenance, convene, convened, convener, convenience, convenience food, convenience store, conveniency, convenient, conveniently, convenor, convent, conventicle, convention, conventional, conventionalise, conventionalism, conventionalist, conventionality, conventionalization, conventionalize, conventionalloading, conventionally, conventioneer, conventioner, conventual, converg, convergance, converge, converged, convergence, convergence-and-divergence, convergency, convergent, convergent thinking, convergent-divergent, convergents, converger, convergescence, convergeuniformity, converging, converging lens, conversable, conversance, conversancy, conversant, conversation, conversation piece, conversational, conversationalist, conversationally, conversationist, conversazione, converse, conversely, conversible, conversion, conversion factor, conversus, convert, convertaplane, converted, converter, converter-transmitter, convertibility, convertible, convertible bond, convertibly, convertin, converting, convertiplane, convertite, convertor, convex, convex lens, convex polygon, convex-concave, convexification, convexity, convexity-concavity, convexly, convexobasia, convexo-concave, convexo-convex, convexoid, convexo-plane, convexsurface, convey, conveyable, conveyance, conveyancer, conveyancing, conveyed, conveyer, conveyer belt, conveyerisation, conveyerization, conveyerweigher, conveying, conveyingefficiency, conveyor, conveyor belt, conveyorization, conveyorize, conveyors system, convicin, convict, conviction, convictive, convictively, convince, convinced, convincible, convincing, convincingly, convive, convivial, convivialist, conviviality, convivially, convocation, convocator, convoke, convolloside, convolute, convoluted, convolution, convolutional, convolve, convolver, convolvicine, convolvine, convolvulaceae, convolvulaceous, convolvulin, convolvulus, convoy, convulsant, convulse, convulsion, convulsionary, convulsionism, convulsions, convulsivant, convulsive, convulsively, cony, conycatcher, Conyma, coo, cooba, cooccurrence, cooch, coocoo, cooee, cooer, coogan, cooing, cook, Cook Strait, cookbook, cook-chill, Cooke, cooked, cookee, cookeite, cooker, cookers, cookery, cookery book, cookery-book, cook-general, cookhouse, cookie, cookie cutter, cookie jar, cookie sheet, cookies, cook-in, cooking, cooking oil, cooking stove, cooking utensil, cookoff, cook-off, cookout, cookroom, cooks, cookshack, cookshop, cookstove, cooktop, cooktove, cookware, cooky, cool, cool down, cool jazz, coolabah, coolant, coolant system, coolants, cool-bag, cool-box, coolconveyer, cooldown, cool-downtime, cool-dryness, cooled, cooledmold, coolelevator, cooler, coolerman, coolers, coolheaded, cool-headed, coolibah, Coolidge, coolie, coolies, cooling, cooling system, cooling tower, coolingcylinder, cooling-down, cooling-jacket, cooling-off, coolingroom, cooling-stage, coolish, coolly, CoolMail, coolness, cool-off, coolometer, CoolPAD, CoolPlayer, coolresistence, coolsville, CoolTalker, coolth, coolville, cooly, coom, Coomassie, coomb, coombe, Coombs, coomys, coon, cooncan, cooner, coonhound, coonkin, coons, coonskin, coontie, coony, coop, co-op, cooper, cooperage, cooperancy, cooperant, cooperate, cooperating, co-operating, cooperation, co-operation, cooperationist, cooperative, cooperatively, cooperativity, cooperativize, cooperator, Cooperite, coopery, Coopetition, co-opt, co-optate, co-optation, cooptative, co-optative, coordinability, coordinal, coordinate, coordinate axis, coordinate bond, coordinate clause, coordinate geometry, coordinate system, coordinated, coordinated universal time, coordinates, coordinating conjunction, coordinating conjunctions, coordination, coordination compound, coordinationpolymer, coordinative, coordinatograph, coordinatometer, coordinator, Coorg, coorongite, coose, coosong, coot, cootie, cooties, cootle, coowner, coownership, cooxidation, co-oxidation, cop, copacetic, copaiba, copal, copalchi, copalite, copalm, Copan, copane, copang, coparallel, coparallelism, coparcenary, coparcener, coparceny, copartner, copartnership, copasetic, cop-cop-yarn, COPD, cope, cope with, copeck, Copel, Copeland, copemate, copen, Copenhagen, Copenhagenian, Copeognatha, copepod, Copepoda, copepodite, copepods, coper, Copernican, Copernican system, Copernicus, copernik, copes, copesetic, copesmate, copestone, cophase, copiapite, copicide, copier, copier-duplicator, copiers, copigment, copihue, copilot, co-pilot, coping, coping saw, coping stone, coping-cut, coping-stone, copiopia, copious, copiously, copiousness, copist, copita, coplanar, coplanarity, Copland, coplane, coplaner, coplasticizer, copodyskinesia, copolar, co-polarization, Copoloid, copolyalkenamer, copolycondensation, copolyester, copolyether, copolyimide, copolymer, copolymerisation, copolymerization, copolymerize, coporabigemina, copos, cop-out, coppa, copped, copper, copper mine, copper oxide, copper plate, copper pyrites, copper sulfate, copper sulphate, copperah, copperas, copper-asbestos, copperband, copper-bath, copper-bearing, Copperbelt, copper-beryllium, copperbottom, copper-bottomed, copper-clad, copper-coated, copper-colored, coppercone, Copperfield, Copper-Fixed, copperglazing, copperhead, Copperheadism, coppering, copperish, copperize, copperizing, copperknob, copper-lead-tin, copper-manganese, Coppermine, coppermith, coppernob, coppernose, coppernosed, copperon, copperplate, copperplating, copper-plating, copper-silicon, copperskin, copper-slug, coppersmith, coppersmithing, coppersmithy, coppersurfaced, copper-surfaced, coppersweetening, copper-tipped, copper-to-glass, copper-tungsten, copperware, copperweld, copperworm, coppery, coppice, coppice-method, coppicing, copple, COPR, copra, copragogue, copraol, coprecipitate, coprecipitation, co-precipitation, copremesis, copremia, copremic, coprime, coprinin, coprinoid, coprinophilous, Copro, copro-, coproantibody, coproatibody, coprobious, coprocampesterol, coprocessing, coprocessor, coproculture, coprocytogram, coprodaeum, coprodeum, coproduce, coproduct, co-product, coproduction, co-production, coprogen, coprogenic, copro-humus, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolaliac, coprolite, coprolith, coprological, coprology, coproma, copromanganese, copromicrite, coprophaga, coprophage, coprophagous, coprophagy, coprophemia, coprophilia, coprophilous, coprophobia, coprophobic, coprophrasia, coprophyte, coproplanesis, coproporphyrin, copropraxia, co-prosperity, coprostane, coprostanol, coprostanone, coprostasis, coprostasophobia, coprostene, coprostenol, coprostenone, coprosterol, copro-yeast, coprozoic, coprozoon, cops, copse, copsy, Copt, COPTEC, copter, Coptic, Coptic Church, coptine, coptis, coptisine, coptography, copula, copulae, copulant, copular, copularium, copulate, copulation, copulative, copulatory, copulin, copunctual, COPUOS, copy, copy editor, copy right, copyboard, copybook, copyboy, copycat, copycutter, copydesk, copy-edit, copy-editor, copyfit, copyfitting, copyflo, copygraph, copyhold, copyholder, copying, copyingpencil, copyingpress, copying-press, copyist, copyleft, copymaker, copymoney, copy-money, copy-on-reference, copyread, copyreader, copyright, copyright infringement, copyrolysis, CopyStar, copy-typist, copywriter, coq, coq au vin, coque, coquelicot, coquet, coquetry, coquette, coquettish, coqui, Coquilhatville, coquilla, coquille, coquimbite, coquina, coquito, cor, cor pulmonale, Cora, coracidium, Coraciidae, coraciiform, Coraciiformes, coracine, Coraciomorphae, coracite, coracle, coracobrachialis, coracoid, coracoiditis, coracoscapula, Coragraph, coral, coral red, coral reef, coral sea, coral snake, coral tree, coralbells, coral-bells, coralberry, coralbush, coralene, coralgal, coralgil, coralhead, Coraline, coralinomycin, corallaceous, Corallanidae, coralli-, coralliferous, Corallimorpharia, corallin, Corallinaceae, corallinate, coralline, corallita, corallite, coralloid, corallum, coralroot, corals, coram, coramine, coramjudice, corampopulo, coranglais, coranto, corasil, coraua, coravel, corazon, CORBA, corban, corbasil, corbeau, corbeil, corbel, corbeling, corbelled, corbelling, corbel-table, corbicula, corbiculae, corbiculate, corbie, corbiestep, Corbin, corbina, corbit, corbond, corbula, corcass, corchorin, corchorus, corcir, corcula, Corcyra, cord, cordage, Cordaitales, CORDAT, cordate, cordeau, cordectomy, corded, cordein, Cordelia, Cordelier, cordelle, corder, Cordia, cordial, cordiality, cordially, cordials, cordiamine, CORDIC, cordierite, cordiform, cordillas, cordillera, Cordilleras, cording, cordington, cordis, cordite, corditis, cordless, Cordoba, cordoban, cordol, cordometer, cordon, cordon bleu, cordon off, cordonazo, cordonbleu, cordoncillas, cordonnet, cordonnier, cordotomy, cordovan, cordremis, cords, cordtex, Cordura, corduroy, cordwain, cordwainer, cordwood, cordycepin, cordycepose, Cordyceps, cordylite, Cordylobia, cordylus, core, core dump, Corea, Corean, corebit, coreboard, coreclisis, corectasis, corectome, corectopia, cored, coredialysis, corediastasis, co-reductase, coreduction, coreference, coreflection, Corel, corelate, corelation, corelative, CorelDraw, coreless, coreligionist, corella, corelysis, corema, coremaking, coremetamorphosis, coremetry, coremia, coremiform, coremioid, coremium, coremorphosis, corenclisis, coreometer, coreoplasty, coreopsin, coreopsis, Coreper, corephthisis, corepin, coreplane, corepraxia, corepressor, coreprint, corequake, corequisite, corer, coreroom, core-shell, coresidency, co-resident, coresidual, corespondent, corestock, core-stock, corestored, coretomedialysis, coretomy, coretraction, corewall, corex, Corey, corf, Corfam, corfe, Corfiote, Corfu, corgi, corguide, corhart, Cori, Coria, coriaceous, coriamyrtin, Corian, coriander, coriandrol, coriariamyrtin, coriarine, Coricidin, coridius, corindon, coring, coring bit, Corinna, Corinne, Corinth, Corinthian, Corinto, corioallergosis, Coriolanus, coriolin, Coriolis, coriolis effect, coriolis force, corion, coriose, corious, co-riparian, corium, Corixidae, Corixoidea, cork, cork board, cork screw, corkage, corkboard, corked, corker, corkgauge, corkily, corking, corkite, corkrubber, corks, corkscrew, corkslab, corkwood, corky, corm, cormatose, cormel, cormidium, cormlet, cormogenous, cormophyte, cormophytic, cormorant, cormus, corn, corn beef, corn belt, corn bread, corn earworm, corn field, corn flour, corn meal, corn mint, corn poppy, corn salad, corn stalk, corn starch, corn syrup, corn whiskey, Cornaceae, cornaceous, cornada, Cornales, cornball, cornbrash, corncake, corn-chandler, corncob, corn-cracker, corncrake, corncrib, corndodger, corndog, cornea, corneal, cornean, corneas, corneascope, corned, corned beef, corneite, corneitis, cornel, Cornelia, cornelian, Cornelius, Cornell, Cornell University, cornemuse, corneo-iritis, corneosclera, corneoscleral, corneoscute, corneo-trabeculae, corneous, corner, corner kick, corner man, corner post, corner stone, cornerback, cornered, cornerer, cornering, cornerite, cornerman, corners, cornerstone, corner-vane, cornerways, cornerwise, cornet, cornet-a'-pistons, cornet-a-pistons, cornetcy, cornetist, cornetite, cornet-player, cornett, cornetti, cornettist, cornetto, corneum, corn-exchange, corney, cornfed, cornfield, cornflake, cornflakes, cornflower, cornhusk, cornhusker, Cornhusker State, cornhusking, cornice, corniced, cornices, corniche, cornichon, cornicle, cornicles, corniculate, corniculi, corniculus, cornification, corniform, cornigerine, cornily, corniness, corning, Cornish, Cornish pasty, Cornishman, cornite, Cornith, cornland, cornless, cornlet, cornloft, cornmeal, cornmill, cornmint, cornocentin, cornoid, cornopean, cornor, cornrow, cornsilk, cornstalk, cornstarch, cornstock, cornstone, cornu, cornua, cornual, cornucavate, cornucopia, cornucopian, cornue, cornulites, cornus, cornute, cornuted, cornuti, cornuto, cornutol, Cornwall, Cornwallis, cornwallite, corny, coro, corol, corolitic, corolla, corollaceous, corollar, corollary, corollate, corollet, Corolliferae, corolliferous, corolliform, corolline, corollule, coromandel, coromat, coromegine, coromell, Coromerc, coromophyte, corona, Corona Borealis, corona discharge, coronach, coronadentis, coronadite, coronae, coronagraph, coronal, coronal suture, coronals, corona-resistant, coronarism, coronaritis, coronarius, coronarospasm, coronary, coronary angiography, coronary artery, coronary artery disease, coronary bypass, coronary care unit, coronary occlusion, coronary sinus, coronary thrombosis, coronascope, Coronatae, coronate, coronation, coronavirus, Coronel, coronene, coroner, coronet, coroneted, coronetted, coroniform, coronite, coronium, coronizing, coronograph, coronoid, coronoid process, coroplast, coroplasty, corotate, corotation, corotron, corotte, coroutine, corozo, corp, corp., corpman, corpora, corporal, corporal punishment, corporality, corporally, corporate, corporate bond, corporate finance, corporately, corporation, corporation law, corporatism, corporatist, corporative, corporativism, corporator, corporeal, corporeality, corporealize, corporeally, corporeity, corporin, corposant, corpotendons, corpotentorium, corps, corps de ballet, corpse, corpselike, corpses, corpsman, corpulence, corpulency, corpulent, corpulmonale, corpus, corpus callosum, Corpus Christi, corpus delicti, corpus luteum, corpus striatum, corpuscle, corpuscular, corpuscular radiation, corpuscular theory, corpuscule, corpusculum, corpusculus, corpusstriatum, CORR, corrade, corradiation, corral, corrasion, corrasive, correct, correctant, corrected, correction, correctional, correctitude, corrective, correctives, correctly, correctness, corrector, corregidor, correlate, correlate with, correlated, correlation, correlation coefficient, correlation matrix, correlation table, correlation-radial-velocities, correlative, correlativity, correlatograph, correlator, correligionist, correllogenin, correlogram, correlometer, correspond, correspond to, correspondence, correspondence course, correspondence school, correspondency, correspondent, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponsive, corresponsively, corrida, corridor, corrie, Corriedale, Corrientes, corrigenda, corrigendum, corrigent, corrigibility, corrigible, corrin, Corrine, corrival, corroborant, corroborate, corroboration, corroborative, corroborator, corroboratory, corroboree, corrode, corroded, corrodent, corrodentia, corrodibility, corrodible, corronel, Corronil, Corronium, corroscometer, corrosible, corrosion, corrosion resistant, corrosional, corrosion-proof, corrosion-resistant, Corrosiron, corrosive, corrosive sublimate, corrosively, corrosiveness, corrosives, corrosivity, corrosometer, corrugate, corrugated, corrugated board, corrugated cardboard, corrugated fastener, corrugated iron, corrugating, corrugation, corrugativus, corrugator, corrupt, corrupted, corruptibility, corruptible, corruptibly, corruption, corruptionist, corruptive, corruptly, corruptness, Corsa, corsac, corsage, corsages, corsair, corsaire, corsairs, corsak, Corse, corselet, corselette, corses, corset, corseted, corsetie&2&re, corsetiere, corsetière, corsetry, corsets, corsetting, Corsica, Corsican, corsite, corslet, cortege, Cor-Ten, Cortes, cortex, cortical, corticalization, cortical-nephron, corticalsubstance, corticate, corticated, corticectomy, cortices, corticin, corticipetal, cortico-, corticoafferent, corticoautonomic, corticobulbar, corticocerebellar, corticodiencephalic, corticoefferent, corticoid, corticointegration, corticole, corticoliberin, corticolous, corticomesencephalic, corticopeduncular, corticopetal, corticopontine, corticose, corticospinal, corticosteroid, corticosteroids, corticosterone, corticostriate, corticothalamic, corticotroph, corticotrophic, corticotrophin, corticotropic, corticotropin, corticotropinoma, corticotropins, corticotype, corticous, cortico-visceral, corticrocin, cortification, cortile, cortili, cortin, cortina, cortine, cortinellin, cortisol, cortisone, Corton, cortone, corundellite, corundolite, corundum, corundume, coruscant, coruscate, coruscation, corve, corvee, corvée, corves, corvet, corvette, Corvi, Corvidae, corvina, corvine, Corvus, corvusite, corybant, Corybantic, corybantism, corybulbine, corydaline, corydalis, corydon, Corylus, corymb, corymbate, corymbiferous, corymbose, corymbous, corymbulose, Corynebacter, corynebacteria, Corynebacteriaceae, Corynebacteriophage, corynebacterium, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, coryneform, corynine, corynoxeine, corypalmine, coryphaeus, coryphate, coryphee, coryphée, Coryphodontidae, Coryphodontoidea, Corystospermales, coryza, cos, cos lettuce, cosanols, COSAR, cosa-teracine, COSATI, Cosban, coscinoid, COSCO, cose, cosec, cosecant, cosech, cosedimentation, cosegregation, coseismal, coseismic, co-seismic, co-selector, Cosenza, coseparation, coseparator, coset, cosey, cosh, cosher, coshery, cosie, co-sigma-function, cosign, cosignatory, cosigner, cosily, cosin, cosine, cosiness, cosinoidal, coslettise, coslettize, coslettizing, Cosm, cosmea, cosmecotogy, cosmepolitical, cosmesis, cosmetic, cosmetic surgery, cosmetician, cosmeticize, cosmetics, cosmetics for animals, cosmetologist, cosmetology, cosmic, cosmic background radiation, cosmic dust, cosmic radiation, cosmic ray, cosmic string, cosmical, cosmically, cosmid, cosmin, cosmine, cosmism, Cosmo, cosmo-, cosmobiology, Cosmocercidae, cosmochemistry, cosmochronology, cosmodom, cosmodrome, cosmogenesis, cosmogenetic, cosmogenic, cosmogeny, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmogonical, cosmogonist, cosmogony, cosmograd, cosmographer, cosmographic, cosmography, cosmoid, cosmoline, cosmologic, cosmological, cosmological constant, cosmologist, cosmology, COSMON, cosmonaut, cosmonautic, cosmonautics, cosmonette, cosmophysics, cosmoplane, cosmoplastic, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitans, cosmopolite, cosmopolitical, cosmopolitism, cosmorama, cosmos, cosmoscopic, cosmosin, cosmosphere, cosmotron, cosmozoism, cosolubilization, cosolvency, cosolvent, cosotoxin, cosovereignty, cospace, COSPAR, cospectral, cospectrum, co-spectrum, cospinning, COSPLAY, cosponsor, cosputtering, COSR, Cossack, cosset, cossette, cossettes, Cossidae, cossie, Cossoidea, Cossuridae, Cossyphodidae, cost, cost accountant, cost accounting, cost analysis, cost effective, cost ledger, cost of capital, cost of living, cost overrun, cost plus, costa, Costa Rica, Costa Rican, Costaceae, costadditions, costae, costal, costalgia, costalia, costalis, costar, co-star, costard, Costarica, Costarican, costarum, Costas, costate, cost-benefit, Costco, costean, costeaning, costectomy, cost-effective, cost-effectiveness, cost-efficient, Costello, costen, costene, coster, Costermansville, costermonger, cost-free, cost-freight-insurance, costful, costing, costive, costless, costliness, costly, costmary, costo-, costodiaphragmitis, cost-of-living, costol, costopneumopexy, costoscapular, costosternoplasty, costotome, costotomy, costotransversectomy, cost-plus, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-push, cost-recovering, costrel, costrip, costs, costula, costumbrista, costume, costume designer, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, costumier, costuming, costunolide, costuslactone, cosulfa, cosupervision, cosuppression, co-surety, co-suretyship,


3G, 401(K), a,



18. W: Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?

问题18. W: 你知道为什人反对在河的上游建新的大坝吗?


Once she allowed her anger to show, it could not be dammed up again.



Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?

8. W:你知道人为什反对在河上建新坝吗?


Which was, I think, why we both got in trouble when Dave dammed up the stream running through the jungle and flooded much of lower West Broad Street.



" Some day I'll stay at home, and we'll try to dam up the brook and make a swimming pool."


VOA Standard 2013年8月合集

The goal is to keep the dialogue between the two countries flowing, even as recent disagreements threaten to dam up progress.



And now, fear of unknown things seized her, leaped swiftly out of the darkness at her and she could only stand and stare at him, all the flood of questioning dammed up at her lips.



There we had a delightful swim in the broad piece of water above the lock, where the river looked much bigger than its natural size from its being dammed up by the weir.



When you dam up a stream of water, as soon as the dam is full, as much water must run over the dam-head as if there was no dam at all.


胡敏故事 - 4级

I disagreed, of course, saying that it could decay a little longer, and that I was taking a holiday even though I thought I should dam up a hole in the dam before the water rose, otherwise the water would replace the daylight in the hole.




cottar, cottaring, cottarpinning, cotte, cotter, cotter pin, cotterel, cottering, cotter-pin, cotterpinning,


3G, 401(K), a,
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