One day, Jackson met the state's governor outside the court house in Knoxville. The governor was telling a large crowd about his great services to the state.
Hours after arriving on America soil, the former footballer turned politician appeared in a Brooklyn federal court house where he struggled to stand up during his brief hearing.
The trial at the northern city of Bauchi was interrupted by angry youths who shouted and threw stones outside the court house.Police used teargas to disperse the crowd.
They saw few or no churches, but the prophet's mansion, the court–house, and the arsenal, blue–brick houses with verandas and porches, surrounded by gardens bordered with acacias, palms, and locusts.
He was from Constantinople, twelve miles away—so he had travelled, and seen the world—these very eyes had looked upon the county court–house—which was said to have a tin roof.
In one sleepy town the truck driver stopped. I went into the court house to find a toilet. I looked into offices and saw people at work at typewriters and adding machines.