A small bulbous plant (Chionodoxa luciliae) native to southwest Asia, Crete, and Cyprus, cultivated for its early-blooming blue flowers.
A small bulbous plant (Chionodoxa luciliae) native to southwest Asia, Crete, and Cyprus, cultivated for its early-blooming blue flowers.
A temporal filcher is 6 feet tall with a baglike body from which protrudes a twisted horn, a thick neck, and a bulbous head.
13958681890 This ship shall be of all steel welded construction with one continuous deck, bulbous stern, bulbous bow, single propeller, single rudder, forecastle, poop, and of stern-engined type.
型及用途SHIPFORM AND PURPOSE 本为钢质全焊接结构、单甲板、尾机型、,单桨、单舵,由柴油机驱动螺旋桨推进的散货,具有尾和首线型。