My wife and I now live in El Cajon, Calif., where my Cub has a comfortable hangar15 at Gillespie Field.
My wife and I now live in El Cajon, Calif., where my Cub has a comfortable hangar15 at Gillespie Field.
ALISO VIEJO, Calif. - Animal control officers seized 82 cats from a couple's home after neighbors complained about the odor they were causing.
I called up Shimano's U.S. headquarters in Irvine, Calif., and convinced the company to let me evaluate this voguish velocipede for Scientific American.
'It's a return on the investment of being green,' says Jon Provisor, chief technology officer and co-owner of the Marina del Rey, Calif., firm.
这家公司位于加州,其首席技术长和老板之普罗维索(Jon Provisor)说,这是环保投资的回报。
'It takes a lot of luck to get these positions,' says Tammie Deweever, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a home customer-service agent for LiveOps, Santa Clara, Calif.