A new mathod is studied for the synthesis of diketones with the crosscoupling reaction of organotin reagents and diacyl chlorides catalyzed by cellulose oxyphosphine palladium complex compound.
本文首次采用纤维素氧膦 -钯络合物为催 ,丙酮为溶 ,有机锡试与二元氯偶联合成二元酮物。
A new mathod is studied for the synthesis of diketones with the crosscoupling reaction of organotin reagents and diacyl chlorides catalyzed by cellulose oxyphosphine palladium complex compound.
本文首次采用纤维素氧膦 -钯络合物为催 ,丙酮为溶 ,有机锡试与二元氯偶联合成二元酮物。