On the opening day all tickets are a dollar; thereafter, they'll be two dollars.
开张那天票价一元, 以后两元。
On the opening day all tickets are a dollar; thereafter, they'll be two dollars.
开张那天票价一元, 以后两元。
Thereafter they did not speak.
Shortly thereafter an acolyte in black gown and white surplice appeared and lighted groups of candles on either side of the altar.
Japan offers a temptingly quick cheap break, but—for foreigners—little or no enforceable contact with the kids thereafter, notes Jeremy Morley, a New York-based “international divorce strategist”.
The Air Kerma Rate of 125I sources is determined by the well-type ionization chamber.Thereafter the apparent activity of 125I sources is calculated and measured results are anylyzed.
GM has said it will build Saturns through the end of 2009 and would be willing to sell vehicles to Saturn's new buyer for a period thereafter.