| 划词

Regional mucoperiosteal flap with labiobuccal groove mucoperiost-eal flap can cover the bone grafting closely,it gives the alveolar bone a normalcontour and need not second vestibuloplasty.




dentalloy, dentaphone, dentarpage, dentary, dentate, dentate nucleus, dentatenucleus, dentation, dentel, dentelated, denter, dentes, dentex, denthion, denti-, dentiaskiascope, denticare, denticle, denticular, denticulate, denticulation, denticule, dentification, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerate, dentigerous, dentil, dentilabial, dentilingual, dentimeter, dentin, dentinal, dentinalgia, dentinasal, dentine, denting, dentinification, dentinoblast, dentinogenesis, dentinoid, dentinoma, dentinosteoid, Dentinum, dentirostral, dentiscalprum, dentist, dentistry, dentists, dentition, dentoalveolitis, dentograph, dentoid, dentolingual, Denton, dentoosteitis, dentophone, dentophonics, dentosurgical, dentrid, dentrite, dentritic, dents, Dentsu, dentulous, denture, denture-blank, denturecast, dentures, denturist, denuclearise, denuclearize, denucleate, denucleated, denucleination, denudate, denudation, denude, denuded, denuder, denumerable, denunciate, denunciation, denunciative, denunciator, denunciatory, denutrition, Denver, Denverite, deny, denying, Denys, Deo gratias, Deo volente, deobligation, deobstruent, deoccupy, deodand, deodar, deodorant, deodorise, deodoriser, deodorization, deodorize, deodorizer, deodorizing, Deogratias, deoil, deoiler, deoiling, de-oiling, deolepsy, deontic, deontology, deoperculate, deoppilant, deorbit, deordination, deordorization, deorientalization, deorsum, deorsumvergence, deoscillator, deossification, Deovolente, deoxidant, deoxidate, deoxidation, deoxidiaer, deoxidization, deoxidize, deoxidizer, deoxy, deoxyaconitine, deoxyadenosine, deoxyandrographolide, deoxycamptothecine, deoxycorticosterone, deoxycytidine, deoxygenate, deoxygenation, deoxygenization, deoxygenize, deoxyglucose, deoxyguanosine, deoxyhemoglobin, deoxynucleoside, deoxynucleotide, deoxyribonuclease, deoxyribonucleic, deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleoprotein, deoxyribonucleoside, deoxyribonucleotide, deoxyribose, deoxysaccharide, deoxyschizandrin, deoxyshikonin, deoxysugar, deoxythymidine, deoxyuridine, Dep, DEPA, depacketize, depaint, depainting, depair, Depal, depalatalization, depalletizer, depancreatize, depanner, depanning, deparaffinage, depart, departed, department, department head, department of agriculture, Department of Biology, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, department of education, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, department of state, Department of the Treasury, department store, departmental, departmentalise, departmentalism, departmentalization, departmentalize, departure, departure gate, departure lounge, departure time, depassivation, depasturage, depasture, depauperate, depauperation, depauperize, depegram, depend, depend on, depend upon, dependability, dependable, dependably, dependance, dependant, dependence, dependence-driven, dependency, dependent, dependent clause, dependent on, dependent variable, dependents, depending, depentanize, depentanizer, depeople, depepsinized, depeq, depergelation, deperm, depersonalise, depersonalization, depersonalize, deperulate, deperulation, depeter, Depew, dephased, dephasing, dephenolize, dephenzoat, dephlegmate, dephlegmation, dephlegmator, dephlogisticate, dephlogisticated, dephlogistication, dephnin, dephonemicization, dephophorization, dephosphorization, dephosphorize, dephosphorizing, dephosphorylate, dephosphorylation, DEPI, depickle, depict, depiction, depictive, depicture, Depidodendrales, depigment, depigmentation, depigmentize, depilate, depilation, depilator, depilatory, depiler, depilitant, depinker, deplanate, deplanation, deplane, deplano, deplasmolysis, deplate, deplating, deplenish, deplete, depleted, deplethoric, depletion, depletive, depletory, deplistor, deploid, deploitation, deplorable, deplorably, deplore, deploy, deployed, deployer, deployment, deplumate, deplumation, deplume, depocenter, depocid, depo-heparin, depolarise, depolariser, depolarization, depolarize, depolarizer, depoling, depoliticize, depollute, depollution, depolyalkylation, depolymerase, depolymerization, depolymerize, depone, deponent, depontination, depopularize, depopulate, depopulation, deport, deportable, deportation, deportee, Deportivo Coruna, deportment, deposable, deposal, depose, deposit, deposit account, depositary, deposit-free, depositing, deposition, depositional, depositionalcycle, depositor, depository, deposit-slip, deposulf, deposulfal, depot, depotassication, depots, DEPP, depravation, deprave, depraved, depravity, deprecate, deprecated, deprecatingly, deprecation, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciable, depreciate, depreciatingly, depreciation, depreciation allowance, depreciation charge, depreciation rate, depreciative, depreciatory, depredate, depredation, depredatory, depress, depressant, depressed, depressibility, depressible, depressimeter, depressing, depressingly, depression, depressive, depressive disorder, depressomotor, depressor, depressurise, depressurization, depressurize, depreter, deprivable, deprival, deprivation, deprive, deprived, deprocedured-to-FORM, deproceduring, deprofessionalization, deprofessionalize, deprogram, deproletarianize, deproletarize, depropagation, depropanization, depropanizator, depropanize, depropanizer, depropenizer, deproteinate, deproteinization, deproteinize, depsid, depside, depsidone, dept, dept.,


3G, 401(K), a,



Also known as the alveolar approximant sound that we find in words like red, car, and sorry.

也称为齿槽接近音,我们在 red,car 和 sorry等词中能找到这个音。


Most Americans will make this a Flap T if the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong.



The English alveolar approximant, the Spanish trill, the French uvular fricative?



But when later authors looked at Broom's sketch from 1932 - and the other drawings inspired by that sketch - some of them mistook the ridges for tooth grooves.

但是,当来的作查看布鲁姆 1932 年的草图以及受该草图启发的其他图画时,他们中的一些人将脊线误认为是齿槽



deterrent, detersile, detersive, detest, detestable, detestably, detestation, dethanizer, dethdiet, Dethmor,


3G, 401(K), a,
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