Is the graphical representation of information more or less important since the popularisation of the WWW and mobile communications technology?
Welcome back to www. engvid. com.
So, congrats Bobi, that's a WWW to you.
His email address is www dot salamander dot chinaren dot net.
他的电邮地址是www. salamander.
Many of its predictions are available online at www. straitford. com.
For more great articles and interactive content, visit www. ancient. eu.
欲了解更多精彩文章和互动内容,请访问 www. ancient. eu。
You can practice these skills and much more at www. bestmytest. com.
你可以在 练习这一技巧以及其他更多技巧。
A color catalogue of the exhibit can be ordered at www. easternfurniture. com.
您可以 www. easternfurniture. com.预订展会的彩页目录。
Check out the quiz on www. engvid. com.
登录 www. engvid. com,完成小测试。
We have even more content and exercises on our website www. bestmytest. com.
我们的网站 www. bestmytest. com 上有更多内容和练习。
You can see more of our free lessons on our website, www. oxfordonlineenglish. com.
更多免费课程请登陆我们的网站 www. oxfordonlineenglish. com。
You can see more free lessons on our website, www. oxfordonlineenglish. com.
And if you have any questions about this, of course, come to www. engvid. com.
My name is Benjamin and welcome back to www. engvid. com.
我是 Benjamin,欢迎来到。
You can see more of our free lessons on our website: www. oxfordonlineenglish. com.
你可以在我们的网站上看到更多的免费课程:www.oxfordonlineenglish. com。
There's more about this at www. bbclearningenglish. com. Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary.
Brilliant. There's more about this at www. bbclearningenglish. com. Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary.
For more, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, and of course our website www. learningenglish. com!
更多内容请移步脸书、推特、Instagram和YouTube,当然还有我们的网站www.learningenglish. com!
If you want to practice more TOEFL speaking questions, go to our website www. bestmytest. com.
如果你想练习更多托福口语题,请访问我们的网站www.bestmytest. com。
If you want to see more of our free lessons, come to our site: www. oxfordonlineenglish. com.
Be sure to go to our website at www. bestmytest. com to practice more speaking tasks one questions.
请务必访问我们的网站 来练习更多口语测试第一题。