| 划词

Their gossips abraded her into restlessness.



The freshly abraded specimen must then be washed in industrial spirit and Analar acetone.




go to the mosque, go to the temple, go to war, go to work, go under, go up, go up sth, go upstairs, go well, go white, go with, go with sb, go with sth, go without, go without saying, go without sth, go wrong, Go!Zilla, go&4&tterda&4&mmerung, goa, Goa powder, goad, goaf, goahead, go-ahead, go-aheadism, goal, goal keeper, goal line, goal post, goal-directed, goalie, goalkeeper, goalmouth, goal-orientation, goal-oriented, goalpost, goals, goal-setting, goaltender, goamiss, Goan, go-and-return, Goanese, goanna, go-around, goashore, go-as-you-please, goat, goat cheese, goat skin, goatbush, goatee, goateed, goatfish, goatgod, goatherd, goatish, goatling, goatmiker, goatmoth, goatpox, goats, Goatsbeard, goatskin, goat's-rue, goatstone, goatsucker, goaty, gob, gobang, Gobat, gobb, gobber, gobbet, gobbing, gobble, gobble up, gobbledegook, gobbledygook, gobblefish, gobbler, gobby, gobe, Gobelin, gobemouche, gobe-mouche, gobetween, go-between, gobi, Gobi Desert, Gobiatheriinae, Gobies, Gobiesociformes, Gobiidae, gobioid, Goble, goblet, goblet cell, gobletcell, goblin, gobline, goblinize, goblinry, goblins, gobo, goboon, gobos, gobsmack, gobsmacked, gob-stopper, gob-struck, goby, go-by, GOC, gocart, go-cart, gock, god, god of war, Godardian, Godavari, god-awful, godchild, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goddamned, goddamnit, Goddard, goddaughter, god-daughter, goddeship, goddess, godet, godetia, go-devil, godfather, God-fearer, god-fearing, godforsaken, Godfrey, godgiven, god-given, godhead, godhood, Godiva, godless, godlet, godlike, godliness, godling, godly, Godman, god-man, godmother, Godolphin, godown, godparent, godroon, gods, godsend, godship, godson, Godspeed, Godthaab, godward, Godwards, Godwin, Godwinian, godwit, Godwottery, Godzilla, goe, goer, goergeyite, Goering, goes, goeschwitzite, goest, goeth, Goethe, Goethean, goethite, goetzenite, gofer, goffer, goffered, goffering, gog and magog, go-gauge, go-get, go-getter, go-getting, goggle, goggle-box, goggled, goggle-eyed, goggles, gogglet, Gogh, goglet, gogo, go-go, Gogol, GOI, Goidel, Goidelic, going, going away, going over, going-over, going-rate, goings and comings, goings on, goings-on, goiter, goiterogenic, goitre, goitrogen, goitrogenic, goitrous, gok, gokaite, gokart, go-kart, gokumite, gola, Golconda, gold, gold brick, Gold Coast, gold digger, gold dust, gold fever, gold foil, gold leaf, gold medal, gold mine, gold miner, gold plate, gold rush, gold standard, goldammer, goldarn, goldarned, goldbeater, goldbeating, Goldberg, goldbonded, goldbrick, gold-brick, gold-bricking, goldbug, goldcrest, gold-digger, gold-doped, golddust, gold-dust, golden, Golden Age, golden boy, golden calf, golden chain, golden eagle, golden fleece, Golden Gate, golden gate bridge, golden handshake, Golden Horde, golden mean, golden oriole, golden parachute, golden retriever, golden rule, golden section, Golden State, golden syrup, golden thread, golden yellow, goldeneye, golden-eyes, golden-mouthed, goldenrain, goldenrod, goldenseal, goldentwig, goldeye, goldfield, gold-filled, goldfinch, goldfish, goldfish bowl, goldfishing, goldfoil, goldie, goldilocks, goldinodex, goldleaf, goldless, Goldlion, Goldman, goldmark, goldmine, goldminer, gold-overlaid, goldplate, gold-plate, goldplated, gold-plating, goldpremium, goldrefining, goldschmidtine, goldschmidtite, goldsmith, goldsmithery, goldsmithing, Goldstar, goldstone, goldtail, gold-trafficker, goldwasser, goldwater, Goldwaterism, goldwork, Goldwynism, goldy, golem, golf, golf ball, golf cart, golf club, golf course, golf links, golfabilia, golfada, golf-course, golfdom, golfer, golfing, golf-links, golfotron, Golgi, Golgi apparatus, Golgi body, Golgi complex, golgiosome, Golgotha, goliard, goliardery, Goliath, Goliaths, golliwog, gollop, golly, gollywog, goloptious, golosh, goloshes, goluptious, GOM, gombeen, gombroon, gome, Gomel, gomenol, gomeral, gomma, gommier, gommures, Gomorrah, gompa, gomphiasis, gomphodont, gompholite, gomphoside, gomphosis, gomuti, gon, gonacratia, gonad, gonadal, gonadectomize, gonadectomy, gonado, gonado-advent, gonadoblastoma, gonadogenesis, gonadoliberin, gonadopathy, gonadopause, gonadorelin, gonadotherapy, gonadotrope, gonadotroph, gonadotrophic, gonadotrophin, gonadotrophins, gonadotropic, gonadotropin, gonadotropinoma, gonadotropism, gonadovenography, gonado-venography, gonads, gonaduct, gonagra, gonalgia, gonane, gonangium, gonangula, gonangulum, gonapophyses, gonapophysis, gonapsides, gonapsis, gonarcus, gonarthritis, gonarthrocace, gonarthromeningitis, gonarthrosis, gonarthrotomy, gonatagra, gonatalgia, gonatocele, Gonatodes, Gond, Gondal, Gondar, Gondi, gondite, gondoina, gondola, gondola car, gondolas, gondole, gondolet, gondoletta, gondolier, gondwana, Gondwanaland, Gondwanian, gone, gonecyst, gonef, goneness, gonepoiesis, goner, Goneril, gonfalon, gonfalonier, gonfanon, gong, Gongorism, gongster, gongylidius, gongylite, gongylodont, gongyloid, gongylonemiasis, gonia, gonial, goniale, goniasmometer, Goniaulax, gonidia, gonidiferous, gonidimium, gonidiogenous, gonidioid, gonidiophore, gonidium, goniff, gonimoblast, gonimolobe, gonioautoecious, goniocheiloschisis, goniocraniometry, goniocyst, goniodysgenesis, goniohemorrhage, goniometer, goniometric, goniometrical, goniometry, goniomicroscope, gonion, goniophotography, goniophotometer, gonioplasty, goniopuncture, gonioradiometer, gonioscope, gonioscopy, goniospore, goniostat, goniosynechia, goniotome, goniotomy, gonitangium, gonite, gonitis, gonium, gonk, gonna, gonobase, gonoblast, gonoblennorrhea, gonobolia, gonocalyx, gonocheme, gonochorism, gonoclavi, gonococcemia, gonococcide, gonococcin, gonococcocide, gonococcus, gonocoel, gonocoxite, gonocrista, gonocristae, gonocyte, gonocytoma, Gonodactylidae, gonodendrum, gonodiospore, gonoduct, gonof, gonogenesis, go-no-go, gonohemia, gonolobus, gonomery, gononephrocoel, gononephrotome, gonopalpon, gonoph, gonophage, gonophore, gonophyll, gonoplac, gonoplasm, gonopod, gonopoda, gonopodium, gonopoiesis, gonopophysis, gonopore, Gonorhynchidae, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, gonosaccus, gonosetae, gonosome, gonosomite, gonosphere, gonospore, gonostome, gonostyle, gonostyli, gonostylus, gonotheca, gonotokont, gonotome, gonotoxemia, gonotoxin, gonotreme, gonotyl, gonozooid, gonsogolite, gonyagra, gonyalgia, Gonyaulax, gonybatia, gonycampsis, gonycoria, gonycrotesis, gonyectyposis, gonyerite, gonyocele, gonyodon, gonyoncus, Gonyostomum, gonys, gonystilol, gonytheca, Gonytrichum, gonytyle, gonzo, goo, goober, good, good afternoon, Good Book, good faith, good for, good for nothing, good for you, good form, good fortune, Good Friday, good humor, good looks, good manners, good morning, good nature, good natured, good night, good old days, good Samaritan, good sense, good time, good turn, good will, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good-fellowship, good-for-nothing, good-hearted, good-humored, good-humoured, goodie, goodies, goodish, goodliness, good-looking, goodly, goodman, good-mannered, good-natured, good-neighbour, good-neighbourhood, goodness, goodnight, goods, good-sized, goods-train, good-tempered, good-till-cancelled, goodwife, goodwill, good-will, Goodwood, goody, Goodyear, goody-goody, gooey, goof, goofball, goofer, go-off, goof-off, goofproof, goofus, goofy, Google, googly, googo, googol, googolplex, goo-goo, gook, gooky, goon, goonda, goondie, goonery, gooney, gooney bird, goongarrite, goonie, goonies, goons, goop, goopher, goopy, gooral, goosander, goose, goose bump, goose egg, goose flesh, goose grass, goose liver, goose neck, goose skin, goose step, gooseberry, goose-club, gooseflesh, goosefoot, goosegirl, goosegog, gooseherd, gooseneck, goosepen, goosery, gooses, goose-step, goosewing, goosewinged, goosey, goosie, goosy, GOOT, GOP, gopak, Gophacide, gopher, Gopher State, Gopher(+), Gopher(+)server, gophering, gophers, Gopherus, gopi, gopura, GOR, gora, goracco, goral, goran, gorblimey, gorceixite, gorcock, gordaite, Gordiacea, Gordian, gordiasis, Gordiidae, Gordioidea, Gordius, Gordon, Gordon Setter, gordonite, gore, gored, gorevan, gorge, gorgeous, gorgeously, gorger, gorgeret, gorgerin, gorget, gorgeyite, Gorgio,


3G, 401(K), a,



Unsanforized jeans were thrown into industrial washers with pumice stones and tumbled until the denim was sufficiently abraded.



The whole poetic tradition had to be scrubbed and abraded with the wash stones of resistance.



The lower eye would, also, have been liable to be abraded by the sandy bottom.


S1-Ture Detectives

Her knees are abraded, rug burns on her back.

她的膝盖磨破了 背上有毯状烧伤。


The A-bomb hurt nobody over and above the abraded king, causing the abscess.



TMD can also pull larger diameter splices into narrower sections  of the pipe, causing them to rub and abrade.

TMD 还会将较大直径的接头拉入管道的较窄部分,导摩擦和磨损。


Once a bone has been chewed on, trampled, transported, broken apart, abraded and finally buried, fossilization can occur.



Instead of dry-cleaning wool, silk, lined or other delicate clothes, place them in mesh bags to keep them from rubbing against each other and abrading.



The water still moves through it, so it still comes clean, but you don't have the problem of, you know, it abrading, which - or in that case is felting.



But how often do we see along the bases of retreating cliffs rounded boulders, all thickly clothed by marine productions, showing how little they are abraded and how seldom they are rolled about!

但是,我多少次在后退的悬崖底部看到圆形的巨石,上面覆盖着厚厚的海洋产品, 表明磨损得多么少, 也很少滚动!



Gottwaldov, gotup, got-up, gotzenite, gouache, Gouda, goudron, goudronator, gouge, gougebit, gouge-nippers, gouger, gougerotin, gouges, Gough, gouging, goulard, goulash, Gould, goumier, goundou, goup, goura, gourami, gourbi, gourd, gourde, gourdful, gourds, gourdshaped, goureux, gourmand, gourmandise, gourmandism, gourmet, gout, goutin, goutiness, goutwater, goutweed, gouty, gouy, gov, gov., go-valve, govern, governable, governance, governess, governessy, governing, governing board, governing body, governing class, government, government accounting office, government agency, government bond, government intervention, government man, government office, government security, governmental, governmentalism, governmentalize, governmentese, governments, governor, governor general, governorate, governorship, govt., gow, gowan, Gower, gowk, gown, gowning, gownsman, gowster, gox, goy, Goya, Goyaesque, goyazite, goyim, goyisch, goyische, goyish, goyol, goz, gozes, Gozitan, gozzan, gozzetto, gozzo, GP, GPA, GPAC, G-parity, GPAS, GPass, gpbs, gpc, gpd, GPDC, gpf, GPG, GPH, GPI, GPIB, GPIO, gpl, gpm, GPO, GPOS, GPP, GPPS, GPR, G-protein, GPRS, GPS, GPSP, GPSS, GPSU, GPT, GPU, GPUs, GPV, GR, GRA, Graaf, Graafian, Graafian follicle, grab, grab at, grab sample, grab-all, grabber, grabbing, grabble, grabby, grab-dredge, graben, grabhook, grabs, grabshot, grace, grace cup, Grace Kelly, grace note, graceful, gracefully, graceless, Graces, Gracia, gracias, Gracie, Gracilariidae, gracile, gracilicutes, gracilis, gracility, gracioso, gracious, graciously, grackle, grad, gradability, gradable, Gradall, gradate, gradatim, gradation, gradational, grade, grade crossing, grade school, grade separation, gradeability, gradebuilder, graded, graded-index, gradeline, gradely, grademark, grader, grades, grade-separation, grade-stake, gradfly, Gradgrind, gradient, gradient-board, gradienter, gradin, gradine, grading, gradiograph, gradiomanometer, gradiometer, gradiometry, gradometer, grads, gradual, gradualism, gradualist, gradually, gradualness, graduand, graduate, graduate school, graduate student, graduated, graduated cylinder, graduation, graduator, gradus, Graeae, Graecism, Graeco-, Graf, Graface, graff, graffiti, graffitist, graffito, Grafil, grafing, Grafotox, graft, graftabl, graftage, grafted, grafter, grafting, Grafton, graftonite, graft-rejection, Grag, Gragon, graham, Graham cracker, Grahamella, grahamellosis, grahamflour, grahamism, grahamite, grail, grain, grain alcohol, grain sorghum, Grainal, grain-brush, graincar, graine, grained, grainer, grainfield, graininess, graining, grain-o-vator, grains, grainsick, grainstone, grain-tight, grainvore, grainy, graip, graisse, grait, graith, Grakill, graks, Grallatores, grallatorial, gralloch, gram, gram atom, Gram method, gram molecule, gram negative, Gram positive, Gram stain, grama, gramadan, gramagrass, gramamphophilic, gramamycin, gramarie, gramary, gramarye, gramashes, gram-atom, gram-centimeter, gramdan, gramenite, gram-equivalent, gramercy, Gramevin, gramicidin, graminaceous, gramine, Gramineae, gramineal, gramineous, graminicole, graminicolous, graminifoline, graminin, graminivorous, graminoid, graminomycin, grammage, grammalog, grammalogue, grammar, grammar school, grammarian, gram-mass, grammatical, grammatical gender, grammatical meaning, grammaticality, grammaticalization, grammaticalize, grammaticaster, grammaticize, Grammaticus, grammatist, grammatite, grammatology, gramme, gramme-ion, gramme-molecule, grammer, grammeter, grammite, grammol, gram-molecular, grammy, Grammys, gram-negative, gramnicole, gramophile, gramophone, gramophone record, Gramoxone, gramp, Grampian, gram-positive, gramps, grampus, gram-rad, gram-roentgen, GRAMS, gram-second, Gram-variable, GRAN, grana, Granada, granadero, granadilla, Granados, granary, granatal, granatane, granatanine, granataninol, granatenine, granaticin, granatin, granatohedron, granatoline, granatonine, granatum, granatylamine, grand, grand-, Grand Canal, grand canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon State, grand duchy, grand duke, grand jury, grand larceny, grand mal, grand master, Grand National, grand opera, grand piano, grand prix, Grand Rapids, Grand River, grand slam, Grand Teton, Grand Teton National Park, grand total, grand tour, grandad, grandaddy, Grandagon, grandam, grandaunt, grandbaby, grandchild, grandchildren, granddad, grand-dad, granddaddy, granddam, granddaughter, grandducal, grande, grandee, Grandemone, grandeur, grandfather, grandfather clause, grandfather clock, grandfatherly, grandidentatus, grandidierite, grandifoliate, grandiloquence, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, Grandisonian, grandite, grandlure, grandly, grandma, grandmama, grandmamma, grandmaster, grandmother, grandmotherly, grandnephew, grandness, grandniece, grandomania, grandpa, grandpapa, grandparent, grandparents, grand-scale, grandsire, grandson, grandstand, grandstander, grandtotal, granduncle, granegillin, granellae, granellarium, grange, granger, grangerise, grangerism, grangerize, grangesite, Granicus, granide, graniferous, graniferus, graniform, graniphyric, granita, granite, Granite State, granite-greisen, granitelle, granite-porphyry, granites, graniteware, granite-wash, granitic, granitification, granitiform, granitite, granitization, granitoid, granitotrachytic, granivore, granivorous, granjeno, grannexe, grannie, granny, Granny Smith, granny-dumping, grano, granoblastic, granodiorite, granodising, granodolerite, granodraw, granogabbro, granola, granolite, granolith, granolithic, granopatic, granophyer, granophyre, granophyric, granoplasm, granose, granosealing, grant, grant in aid, Granta, grant-aided, granted, grantee, granter, Granth, Grantham, Grantiidae, grant-in-aid, grantman, grantmanship, grantor, grantor trust, grantors, grants, grantsman, grantsmanship, granula, granular, granular-crystalline, granularity, granulate, granulated, granulated sugar, granulating, granulation, granulation tissue, granulationn, granulator, granule, granules, granulesten, granuliferous, granuliform, granulin, granulite, granulitic, granulitization, granulo-adipose, granuloblast, granuloblastosis, granulocorpuscle, granulocrine, granulocyte, granulocytemia, granulocytopenia, granulocytopoiesis, granulocytosis, granulofatty, granuloma, granuloma inguinale, granulomatosis, granulomatous, granulomere, granulometer, granulometric, granulometry, granulopenia, granulopexy, granulophthisis, granulophyre, granuloplastic, granulopoiesis, Granuloreticulosia, granulosa, granulosarcoid, granulose, granulosis, granulosity, granulotherapy, granulous, granum, granumthylakoid, grape, grape juice, grape sugar, grape vine, grape-brandy, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, grapelet, grapery, grapes, grapeshot, grapestone, grapevine, grapey, graph, graph paper, graphalloy, graphanesthesia, graphechon, graphecon, graphematic, grapheme, graphemic, graphemics, grapher, graphic, graphic symbol, graphicacy, graphical, graphical user interface, graphically, graphicate, graphic-recording, graphics, Graphidaceae, graphidox, graphing, graphiohexaster, graphique, graphite, graphited, graphite-gneiss, graphite-pipe, graphite-schist, graphitic steel, graphitiferous, graphitization, graphitize, graphitizer, graphitizing, graphitoid, graphitoidal, graphiure, graphoid, graphold, grapholite, grapholith, graphologist, graphology, graphomania, graphomaniac, graphometer, graphometry, graphomotor, Graphon, graphonomy, graphopathology, graphophone, graphorrhea, graphoscope, graphospasm, graphotest, graphotherapy, graphotype, graphotyper, graphy, grapnel, grappa, grapple, grappler, grappling, grappling-iron, Grapsidae, graptolite, Graptolithina, Graptoloidea, graptoloids, Graptozoa, grapy, GRAS, graser, grasex, Grasmere, grasp, graspable, grasper, grasping, grass, grass plains, grass roots, grass skirt, grass snake, grass tree, grass widow, grass widower, grass-blade, grass-bleached, grassbox, Grasse, grasseater, grassed, grasserie, grasseriomycin, grasses, grassfinch, grasshook, grasshopper, grass-hopper, grassiness, grassing, grassland, grassless, Grassmannian, grassplot, grassquit, grass-remover, grassroots, grass-roots, grass-sickness, Grasstex, grasswork, grassy, grat, grate, gratebar, grated, grated cheese, gratee, grateful, gratefully, grater, Gratian, graticle, graticulate, graticulation, graticule, gratification, gratify, gratifying, gratin, gratinee, grating, gratingly, gratings, gratiogenin, Gratiola, gratioligenin, gratiolin, gratis, gratitude, gratonite, grattage, gratte-ciel, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, graunch, graunchy, graupel, Graustark, grauwacke, grav, gravamen, grave, graveclothes, gravedigger, gravel, gravel pit, gravel-blind, gravelly, gravelmine, gravelrash, gravelstone, gravel-voiced, gravelwalk, gravely, graven, graven image, graveness, Gravenhurst, Gravenstein, graver, graverobber, graves, Gravesian, graveside, gravestone, Gravette, Gravettian, graveward, graveyard, graveyard shift, gravicembalo, gravics, gravid, gravida, gravidarum, gravidic, gravidin, gravidism, graviditas, gravidity, gravidocardiac, gravific, Gravigrada, gravigrade, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetric analysis, gravimetrical, gravimetroscope, gravimetry, graving, graving dock, gravipause, graviperception, graviphoton, graviplanation, gravirecepter, gravireceptor, Gravisat, graviscalar, gravisphere, gravistatic, gravitacheometer, gravitas, gravitate, gravitating, gravitation, gravitational, gravitational constant, gravitational field, gravitational force, gravitational mass, gravitino, gravitometer, graviton, gravitron, gravitropism, gravity, gravity wave, gravity-fed, gravity-feeder, gravity-free, gravitytide, gravlax, gravure, gravy, gravy boat, gravy train, graw, gray, gray market, gray matter, gray whale, grayanotoxin, grayback, graybeard, graybody, graycoat, grayed, grayer, grayest, gray-faced, gray-headed, grayhound, graying, grayish, grayite, graylag, grayling, grayly, graymail, grayness, grayout, graypate, graysby, grayscale, Grayson, graystone, graywacke, graywall, grayware, graywater, Graz, graze, graze on, grazed, grazer, grazes, Grazie, grazier, graziery, grazing, grazing fire, grazing land, grazioso, GRB, GRBM, GRC, grd, GRE, grease, grease gun, grease monkey, greaseball, grease-box, greasebush, greased, greaseless, grease-making, greasenut, greasepaint, greaseproof, grease-proof, greaseproof paper, grease-proofness, greaser, greases, greasewood, greaseworker, greasily, greasiness, greasing, greasingsubstance, greasy, greasy spoon, greasy-box, great, great ape, great attractor, great auk, Great Australian Bight, great barrier reef, Great Bear, Great Britain, great circle, Great Dane, Great Depression, great divide, Great Dividing Range, Great Dog, Great Falls, great fun, great horned owl, great lakes, Great Plains, great power, great pyrenees, great quantities of, Great Rift Valley, Great Salt Lake, Great Schism, Great Seal, Great Slave Lake, Great Smoky Mountains, great toe, Great Wall, Great Wall of China, Great War, Great White Way, great-aunt, greatcoat, greaten, greater, Greater Antilles, Greater London, greater omentum, Greater Sunda Islands, greatest, greatest common divisor, great-grandchild, great-granddaughter, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandparent, great-grandson, great-great-granddaughter, great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother, great-great-grandson, greathearted, great-hearted, greatly, great-nephew, greatness, great-niece, great-power, great-uncle, greave, greaves, grebe, grebo, grecale, Grecian, Grecianize, Grecism, Grecize, Greco, Greco-, Greco-Roman, gredag, Gree, Greece, greed, greedily, greediness, greedoid, greedy, greedy-guts,


3G, 401(K), a,
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