The antibiotics susceptibi1ity test revealed that methicillin-resislant Staphylococcus aureus was multiresistant and only susceptible to vancotmycin, rifampin and fusidin.
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the research and development of systematic antifungal drugs such as imidazole,triazole,allylamine,antibiotic etc.and the marketing trend.
Broad spectrum antibiotics. Effective in gram positive and gram negitive bacteria. Mainly used in the infections such sa pyocyanic, staphylococcic and colibcillus.
New-model antibiotic, medicine for healing high blood pressure and inflammation can be prepared from m-fluorotoluene, it is also an important intermediate for punchy soporific.
With the increasing of drug resistance bacteria,antibiotics have not achieved ideal therapeutic efficacy,phagotherapy is attracting more attention from people as a new therapeutic method.
Mycotic keratltis is a chronic infective keratomycosis with high blindness rates. it spread fast with the wide uses of the broad-spectrum antibiotics and cortical steroids.
Yiwei Fungin is a sort of antibiotic of anti-parasite, which prevent any sort of health-affecting and production performance from the parasite inside and outside by using low dosage.