He had the temerity to ask for higher wages after only a day’s work.
Your uncle asked after you.
'What about Miss Oliver? ' I asked after a moment.
" You asked after them in villages and holdfasts" .
" 你过村子和庄园里的人。"
" You want a double? " he asked, after a bit.
" He was asking after a woman, " said Cat. " Tansy" .
" 在呼唤一个女人," 凯特说," 一个叫艾菊的女人。"
You can ask her out for a drink after work.
'How do you feel now, Linton? 'she asked after a while.
" I will ask after her. What is this woman to you" ?
" 我会照料她,她是您什么人?"
" Does my lord wish to answer" ? the maester asked, after a long silence.
" 大人要回复吗?" 长久的沉默之后,学士。
" Can you do me a favor? " I asked after a second of hesitation.
" She's her brother's heir, is she not? " he asked, after a brief silence.
Some people asked me after, are they really true? So yes, they are absolutely true.
后来有人我是真的吗? 没错,是千真万确的。
He says his house is under surveillance, and secret police have been asking after his wife.
Yeah, you know, I was asking myself after Tuesday, are they ever going to take me seriously again?
" Eh, Hump? How's it strike you" ? he asked, after the due pause which words and setting demanded.
" 喂,骆驼? 感受如何?" 按吟咏和背景的要求停顿了一下,道。
I have thought a good deal about what you said the other day, when I asked after the Princess.
That's the big question many here in China are asking, after the latest news out of the White House.
That's what many people are asking after the well-hyped May Camelopardalids meteor outburst turned out to be a dud.
So it was called the hand of God because after the game, Diego was asked, did you handball it?
You know I'm really asking myself after working together for the past 37 years what change can they bring.
The son asked one question after the other, but Berl's answer was always the same: They had everything.