Peck looked alarmed. " My lord, the bowmen could ..."
" 大人,城上的十手… … " 小派警告。
Nothing but the cloud of arrows flying so thick as to dazzle mine eyes, and to hide the bowmen who shoot them.
" I need to have a word with those new bowmen Ser Desmond is training. I'll visit him later" .
似乎一天天虚弱下" 戴斯蒙正在训练新募的箭手,我得讲两句。晚些时候再看他。"
Good bowmen as they were, few could stand the test. Little John and Will Scarlett shot wide of the mark.
" No" ! The word burst from Jon's lips before the bowmen could loose. He took two quick steps forward. " We yield" !
" 不!" 琼恩抢在开打前逼自己开口,并急促地趋前两步。" 我们投降!"
The character Houyi is derived from the archer god Yi, the two characters are both extremely skilled bowmen and both shut out nine Suns over the earth.
The two characters are both extremely skilled bowmen, and both shot out 9 suns over the earth, though Yi’s story is more like a creation myth.
这两个角色都是技艺高超的箭手,都射出了地球上空的 9 个太阳, 尽管易的故事更像是一个创世神话。