French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
Daguerre:French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
As she took down the daguerreotype, she caught a glimpse of Charles' face.
Weinberg says daguerreotypes have that kind of quality.
This is what you call the daguerreotype, daguerreotype.
He also says that daguerreotypes are " almost three-dimensional."
还说版照相“几乎是三维的” 。
That's Daniel Weinberg. He works at the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. He has studied many daguerreotypes.
那是丹尼尔·温伯格。 在芝加哥的亚伯拉罕林肯书店工作。 过许多版照相术。
Researchers said the X-ray imaging process takes about eight hours on each daguerreotype plate.
人员表示,每版照相版的 X 射线成像过程大约需要八小时。
He also says daguerreotypes were one of a kind, not meant to be reproduced like current photographs.
还说,版照片是独一无二的, 并不意味着像现在的照片那样被复制。
Ed Vicenzi is going to talk about the daguerreotypes and the technology used in producing daguerreotypes.
Ed Vicenzi 将谈论版照相术和用于生产版照相术的技术。
They are using the laboratory's Advanced Photon Source to learn more about the daguerreotype.
Well, daguerreotypes are made up of a bunch of " nanoparticles."
好吧,版照片是由一堆“纳米粒子” 组成的。
America's Smithsonian Institution is now working with the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago to study daguerreotypes.
The other thing that Weinberg says about these daguerreotypes is that " you almost want to step into one."
温伯格对这些版照相术说的另一件事是“你几乎想要踏入其中” 。
Today the topic is preserving and protecting what are called " daguerreotypes" – old photographs.
The oldest kinds of photographs we have are called " daguerreotypes."
我们拥有的最古老的照片类型被称为“daguerreotypes” 。
He talks about daguerreotype " plates" (plates).
These daguerreotype plates are beginning, basically, to fall apart.
He says that the nanoparticles – these very small pieces of matter – are on the surface of the daguerreotype.
With daguerreotypes, people could sit for just a few minutes while their image was captured in what is now known as a photograph.
人们只需坐几分钟, 们的形象就会被捕捉到现在所谓的照片中。
Many of the most important daguerreotypes are now stored at the Smithsonian and in the collections of the United States Library of Congress.
She looked about the pale walls of her sitting-room, seeking counsel of ancestral daguerreotypes and didactic samplers; but they seemed to make utterance more difficult.