| 划词

Assembly language programming, low level data structures, introduction to operating systems, and compilers.Processor microarchitecture, microprogramming, pipelining.



In Pascal the plethora of declarable data structures induces a specialization within functions that inhibits and penalizes casual cooperation.



Software design is actually a multistep process that focuses on three distinct attributes of the program: data structure, software architecture, and pro-caesural detail.

统的生命周期范例在软件 工程早也应用得广泛的。


Key features include : Recovery from corrupt VTOC or OLT table, Recovery from damaged cylinder group, Recovery from damage caused to data structures by FSCK.

复苏,从腐败vtoc或肝移植表,恢复从损坏的气缸组,恢复从造成损害的数据结构由fsck 。


In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.




Adiemus, adience, adient, adieu, adieux, Adige, adigeite, ADIM, Adina, Ading,


3G, 401(K), a,



A descriptor is a specialized representation for doing useful tasks on images and other data structures.



So the question immediately arises: what kind of data structure should be used for the output?


TED演讲(视频版) 2020年4月合集

In China and Singapore the data structure for doing this is highly centralized.



And between the language models, we exchange suitable data structures not English - Mm-hmm.

在语言模型之间,我们交换合适数据结构,而不是英语 - 嗯嗯。

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But, the struct data structure can be used for building more complicated data structures that avoid these restrictions.

但是,struct 数据结构可用于构建更数据结构,从而避免这些限制。

科技 Crash Course

For data that links arbitrarily, that include things like loops, we can use a graph data structure instead.


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Fortunately, most programming languages come with libraries packed full of ready-made data structures.


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Using this struct, we can create a linked list, which is a flexible data structure that can store many nodes.


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So that's a whirlwind overview of pretty much all of the fundamental data structures used in computer science.


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In this case, let's imagine all the users' data is stored in a data structure called a table labeled " users" .


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These different data structures have properties that are useful for particular computations.


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Now we can create variables that aren't just single numbers, but are compound data structures, able to store several pieces of data at once.



UAP or airborne objects that when encountered cannot be immediately identified, however it is the department's contention that by combining appropriately structured collected data with rigorous scientific analysis.


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Arrays are extremely versatile data structures, used all the time, and so there are many functions that can handle them to do useful things.


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But you could just as easily have trees with three, four or any number of children by modifying the data structure accordingly.


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In our example, nodes can have up to two children, and for that reason, this particular data structure is called a binary tree.


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Over the past few episodes, we've been building up our understanding of computer science fundamentals, such as functions, algorithms and data structures.


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Owing to this flexibility, many more-complex data structures are built on top of linked lists The most famous and universal are queues and stacks.


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An important property of trees – both in real life and in data structures – is that there's a one-way path from roots to leaves.


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There's over 300 million registered domain names, so to make that DNS Lookup a little more manageable, it's not stored as one gigantically long list, but rather in a tree data structure.

有超过 3 亿个注册域名,因此为了使 DNS 查找更易于管,它没有为一个巨大长列表,而是在树状数据结构中。



Africans, Afrika, Afrikaans, Afrikander, Afrikaner, Afrikanerdom, afrit, Afro, Afro-, Afro-American, Afro-Americanism, Afro-Asian, Afro-Asiatic, Afro-Caribbean, Afrocentric, Afro-Cuban, afrodite, afrodyn, Afroed, Afroism, afromosia, afront, afropean, afrormosia, Afro-Saxon, AFS, AFSAB, AFSATCOM, AFSC, AFSCME, AFSWC, aft, AFTA, AFTAC, after, after a fashion, after a time, after a while, after all, after class, after damp, after effect, after hours, after image, after school, afteracceleration, after-action, after-admission, afterall, after-bake, after-baking, afterbeat, afterbirth, afterblow, afterbody, afterbrain, afterbreak, afterburner, afterburning, after-burning, afterburst, aftercare, after-care, aftercarriage, after-cataract, afterchine, afterchlorinate, afterclap, after-combustion, after-condenser, after-contraction, aftercooler, after-cooler, aftercooling, aftercrop, after-crop, after-culture, aftercure, after-cure, aftercurrent, after-current, after-cut, afterdamp, afterdeck, after-depolarization, afterdinner, after-dinner, afterdischarge, after-discharge, afterdrying, afteredge, after-edge, aftereffect, after-etching, after-expansion, afterfeather, after-fermentation, after-filter, after-filtration, after-fixing, afterflaming, afterflow, afterframe, aftergases, afterglow, after-glowtube, aftergrass, aftergrowth, after-hardening, after-hearing, afterheat, afterhold, afterhours, afterhyperpolarization, afterimage, after-impression, afterlife, afterlight, afterload, afterloadingsource, aftermarket, aftermath, aftermentioned, aftermost, aftermovement, after-movement, afternoon, afternoon tea, afternooner, afternoons, afterpains, after-pains, afterpeak, after-perpendicular, afterpiece, after-polarization, after-poppet, afterpotential, afterpower, afterprecipitation, afterproduct, afterpulse, after-purification, afterripening, after-ripening, afters, aftersales, afterschool, aftersensation, after-sensation, after-settler, aftershaft, aftershave, aftershock, after-shock, after-shrinkage, aftersound, after-sound, afterstain, after-stretch, aftertack, after-tack, aftertaste, aftertax, afterteeming, afterthought, aftertime, aftertossing, aftertreatment, after-vision, afterwar, afterward, afterwards, after-washing, afterwit, afterword, afterwork, after-working, afterworld, afteryears, aftfoot, aftline, aftmost, AFTN, Afton, Aftonian, aftonite, aftont, aftosa, AFTRA, AFU, Afugan, afunction, afunctional, AFV, AFWC, afwillite, afzclin, afzelechin, AG, aga, Agache-Willot, agacol, AGACS, agad, Agade, Agadir, again, again and again, against, against all odds, against the clock, against the wind, against time, agal, agalactia, agalactosia, agalactosis, agalasia, agalaxy, agalite, agalloch, agallochum, Agallol, agalma, agalmatolite, agalorrhea, agalwood, agama, agamae, Agamemnon, agameon, agamete, agami, agamic, agamid, agammaglobulinaemia, agammaglobulinemia, agamocytogeny, agamocytogony, agamogenesis, agamogenetic, agamont, agamospecies, agamospermy, agamous, agamy, Agana, aganglionic, Aganippe, agapanthus, agape, agapemone, agar, agar agar, agaragar, agar-agar, Agarbacterium, AGARD, agarfitine, agaric, Agaricaceae, agaricaceous, Agaricales, agaricin, agaricol, agaricology, agarics, agaricus, agarin, agaritine, agaropectin, agarophyte, agarose, agarospirol, Agartala, Agassiz, agate, agateware, Agatha, Agatha Christie, agathin, agatize, Agavaceae, agave, agavose, agaze, agazed, AGB, AGC, AGCA, AGCL, AGCT, Agcy, agcy., AGDS, age, age group, age limit, age of consent, age of reason, age-bracket, aged, age-deposition, age-distribution, agedly, agedness, aged-ram, agee, age-grade, age-group, age-hardening, ageing, ageism, ageless, agelike, agelong, Agenais, agency, agenda, agendas, agendum, Agene, agenesia, agenesis, agenize, Agenois, agent, agent bank, Agent Orange, agent provocateur, agentia, agential, agentive, agentry, agents, age-old, ageostrophic, ageotropism, AGEP, ager, agerasia, ageratochromene, ageratum, Agere, age-table, ageusia, ageustia, Agfa, Agfacolour, agger, Aggeus, aggie, aggiornamento, agglomerant, agglomerate, agglomerates, agglomeratic, agglomerating, agglomeration, agglomerative, agglomerator, agglutinability, agglutinable, agglutinant, agglutinate, agglutinating, agglutination, agglutinative, agglutinator, agglutinin, agglutinogen, agglutinogenic, agglutinoid, agglutinophore, agglutinoscope, agglutinoscopy, agglutogen, agglutogenia, agglutometer, aggradation, aggradational, aggrade, aggrandise, aggrandize, aggrandizement, aggravate, aggravated assault, aggravating, aggravation, aggregat, aggregate, aggregately, aggregation, aggregative, aggregator, aggregometer, aggress, aggressin, aggressinogen, aggressins, aggression, aggressive, aggressively, aggressiveness, aggressivity, aggressor, aggrieve, aggrieved, aggro, agha, Aghan, aghast, AGI, Agil, agilawood, agile, agilely, Agilent, Agilest, AgileTP, agility, Agilon, agin, Agincourt, aging, aginner, aginomoto, agio, agiotage, agipanthus, agism, agist, agita, agitaion, agitate, agitated, agitatedly, agitating, agitation, agitational, agitative, agitato, agitator, agitator-conveyor, agitprop, agium, Agkistrodon, AGL, Aglaia, aglare, Aglaspida, aglaucopsia, AGLC, agleam, aglet, agley, aglimmer, aglint, aglisten, aglitter, agloat, Aglossa, aglossal, aglossia, aglow, AGLS, AGLT, aglucon, aglucone, aglumat, aglycon, aglycone, aglypha, aglyphous, AGM, AGMA, agmatin, agmatine, agmatite, agmatite-gnesis, agmina, agminate, AGMS, AGN, agnail, agname, agnate, Agnatha, agnathan, agnathia, agnathocephalia, agnathous, agnathus, agnathy, agnatic, agnation, agnea, Agnean, Agnes, agnesite, Agnew, Agni, agnoea, agnolotti, agnomen, Agnon, agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, agnostid, Agnostida, agnus dei, ago, agog, agogics, agogo, agoing, agomphosis, agon, agonadism, agonal, agone, agones, agonia, agoniadin, agonic, agonic line, agonidae, agonise, agonising, agonisingly, agonism, agonist, agonistic, agonistics, agonists, agonize, agonized, agonizing, agonizingly, agonoze, agony, agony aunt, agony column, agora, agorae, agoraphobe, agoraphobia, agoraphobic, agorot, agouti, agouty, AGP, agpui, AGR, Agra, agrad, agrafe, agraffe, Agram, agrammatism, agranulemia, agranulocyte, agranulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, agrapha, agraphia, agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianize, agravic, agravitropism, agravity, agree, agree about, agree on, agree with, agreeable, agreeableness, agreeably, agreed, agreed upon, agreeing, agreement, agress, agressire, agrestal, agrestial, agrestic, agretope, agria, agribaron, agribusiness, agricere, agrichemical, Agricola, agricolite, agricopter, agricultural, agriculturalist, agriculture, agriculturist, Agrigento, agrimonine, agrimonol, agrimonolide, agrimony, agrimophol, agrimotor, agrin, agriology, agriothymia, agriplast, agripower, Agrippa, Agrippina, Agritol, agritourism, agrium, agrius, agro, agro-, agroatomizer, agrobacteriocin, Agrobacterium, agrobacterium tumefaciens, agrobiocoenosis, agrobiologist, agrobiology, agrobiomechanics, agrobotany, Agroboy, agrobusiness, agrochemical, agrochemistry, agrocin, agroclavine, agroclimate, agroclimatography, agroclimatology, agroecological, agroecology, agroecosystem, agro-ecosystems, agroecotype, agroforester, agroforestry, agrogeography, agrogeology, agrogorod, agrohydrology, agroindustrial, agroindustry, agrologic, agrologist, agrology, agromania, agromelioration, agrometeorological, agrometeorology, agromicrobiology, agromicroclimate, agronome, agronomic, agronomics, agronomist, agronomy, agropedology, agrophile, agrophilous, agrosol, agrosprayer, agrosterol, agrostography, agrostologist, agrostology, agrotechnical, agrotechnician, agrotechny, agrotis, agrotopoclimatology, agrotourism, agrotype, aground, Agrox, agrypnia, agrypnocoma, agrypnotic, agrypocoma, AGS, AGU, aguacate, Aguadilla, aguamiel, aguardiente, aguaria, aguariums, Aguascalientes, ague, ague-cake, agued, agueweed, agueweld, aguilarite, Aguinaldo, aguish, Agulhas, agush, agustite, aguti, agyria, agysical, ah, aha, Ahab, Ahaggar, ahargana, AHAs, Ahasuerus, Ahaus, AHC, ahchoo, AHCI, AHD, ahead, ahead of, ahead of schedule, ahead of the game, ahead of time, aheap, ahedonia, ahem, ahemeral, aheneus, ahermatype, ahermatypic, AHF, AHG, AHH, AHI, ahimsa, ahistoric, ahistorical, Ahithophel, Ahitophal, AHL, ahlfeldite, ahm, AHMA, Ahmadabad, AHME, ahold, Ahom, A-horizon, ahorse, ahoy, AHP, AHQ, Ahrens'prism, Ahriman, AHS, AHSP, AHU, ahuehuete, ahull, ahum, ahungered, Ahura Mazda, Ahvaz, AHVC, Ahvenanmaa, AHW, AHWA, Ahwaz, ahygroscopin, ahylysantinfarctase, ahyperlipemia, ahyperlipoidemia, ahypnia, AI, AIA, AIAA, AIAC, AIAG, AIAS, AIB, aiblins, AIC, Aicamin, AICBM, AICC, AICD, AICE, Aicent, AIChE, Aichi, aichmophobia, AicoSMS, AICPA, AICS, aid, aid station, Aida, aidance, aidant, aide, aided, aidedecamp, aide-de-camp, aide-memoire, aider, aid-hearing, aiding, aidman, AIDS, aidyrlite, AIEE, AIEEE, AIF, AIFS, AIFV, AIG, aiglet, aigret, aigrette, AIGS, aiguille, aiguillette, AIH, AIHA, AIHC, AIIE, Aiken, aikido, aikinite, AikuanianStage, ail, AILA, ailanthus, AILAS, AILE, Aileen, aileron, ailerons, Ailey, ailing, ailment, ailments, AILS, Ailsa, ailsyte, ailurophile, ailurophilia, ailurophobe, ailurophobia, Ailuropoda, Ailuropodidae, aim, aim at, aim to, aimafibrite, AIMD, AIME, Aimee, aimer, aimic, aiming, aimless, aimlessly, AIMME, AIMMPE, AIMR, AIMS, Ain, ain’t, ainalite, ainhum, ainigmatite, Aino, ain't, Aintab, Aintree, Ainu, aioli, aiophyllous, AIP, AIPE, AIPS, Aiptek, air, air alert, air attack, air bladder, air borne, air brake, air brush, air bubble, air castle, air cleaner, air compressor, air conditioner, air conditioning, air cooled, Air Corps, air cover, air current, air cushion, air defense, air dried, air embolism, air filter, air force, air force academy, air freight, air hammer, air intake, air jacket, air jet, air letter, Air Marshal, air mattress, Air Medal, air passage, air plant, air pocket, air pollution, air power, air pressure, air rifle, air service, air shaft, air sickness, air space, air speed, air spring, air station, air stream, air terminal, air tight, air transport, air transportation, air travel, air tube, air-acetylene, air-actuated, air-age, air-atomic, air-atomizing, airator, airbag, air-balance, airbase, airbed, air-bed, airbells, airbladder, air-bladder, air-blaster, airblasting, air-blasting, air-bleed, air-blower, air-blowing, AIRBM, airboat, airbond, airborne, airbound, airbrake, air-braking, airbrasive, air-break, airbreaking, air-breather, air-breathing, airbrick, air-bridge, airbronchogram, air-bronchography, airbrush, airburst, airbus, aircall, aircell, airchamber, air-chamber, air-choke, aircondenser, air-condenser, aircondition, air-condition, airconditioned, air-conditioned, air-conditioner, airconditioning, air-conditioning, air-cone, aircool, air-cool, air-cooled, air-cooler, air-cooling, aircraft, aircraft carrier, aircraft engine, aircraftdynamics, aircraftman, aircraftsman, aircrew, aircrewman, aircrush, air-cure, aircushion, air-damping, airdash, airdate, airdefence, airdent, air-depot, airdivision, airdox, airdraulics, airdreadnought, airdrill, air-dring, air-driven, airdrome, airdrop, air-drop, air-dry, airduct, air-duct, Aire, airedale, airedale terrier, air-entrainer, air-entrapping, airer, Aires, air-express, airfare, airfast, air-felting, air-ferry, airfield, airfight, airflow, airfoil, airfone, airforce, airframe, airframedynamics, airfreight, airfreighter, airfurnace, airgap, air-gap, airglow, airgraph, airgun, airhardening, airhead, airheater, airhole, airhood, airhop, airhostess, airhouse, airily, air-in, airiness, airing, airing cupboard, air-inlet-grille, air-jack, air-kiss, air-lance, airland, air-launch, airless, airletter, airlift, airlight, airlike, airline, airliner, airlines, airload, airlock, air-locked, airlog, air-logged, airmail, air-mail, airman, airmanship, airmark, airmarker, airmattress, airmechanics, air-melted, airmeter, air-minded, airmobile, airometer, air-operated, air-out, airpark, airphoto, airpillow, airpilot, airplane, airplane-altimeter, airplay, airplot, air-pocket, airport, airport terminal, airports, airpost, airpower, air-powered, airproof, airpump, air-raid, airregister, air-resistance, AIRS, airscape, airscoop, airscrew, air-sea, air-seasoned, air-seasoning, airsecond, airset, airshaft, airshed, airship, airshipper, airsick, airsickness, airside, airslake, air-slaked, airslide, airslusher, airsoft, airspace, airspeed, airspeedometer, air-spray, air-spraying, airstairs, airstart, airstop, air-stove, airstream, airstrike, airstrip, airsurge, airt, air-taxi, airtel, air-terminal, airtight, air-tight, airtightness, air-tightness, airtime, air-to-air, air-to-ground, air-to-surface, air-to-underwater, airtow, airtrain, airtruck, air-tube, airvent, airveyor, airview, airvoid, airward, airwash, airwave, airwaves, airway, airways, air-wise, airwoman, airworthiness, airworthy, airy, airy-fairy, AIS, Aisa, AISC, AISE, Aisha, Aishah, AISI, Aisino, aisle, aisled, aisles, aisle-sitter, Aisling, Aisne, AISO, AISS, AIST, ait, AITA, aitch, aitchbone, Aiter, aitiogenic, aitiogenous, aitionastic, Aitken, Aiuchi Rina, AIWA, AIWM, AIX, Aix-en-Provence, Aix-la-Chapelle, AJA, Ajaccio, ajacine, ajaconine, Ajanta, ajar, Ajaria, AJAX, AJC, ajiva, ajmalicine, ajmaline, Ajman, Ajmer, Ajodhya, ajog, ajuga, ajugalactone, ajugasterone, ajut, ajutage, AK, AK-47, aka, Akademi, akaganeite, akala, Akamai, akamathesia, akamathesis, Akan, Akans, akaryocyte, akaryomastigont, akaryote, Akasha, Akashi, akatama, akathisia, akatoreite, akazgine, Akazukin Chacha, Akbar, akbarum, AKC, akebi, akebia stem, akebiaquinata, akebigenin, akebine, akeboside, akee, akela, akene, akenobeite, akerite, akermanite, AKG, AKH, Akhenaton, Akhisar, Akhmatova, AKI, Akihito, Akil, akimbo, akimycin, akin, akinesia, akinesis, akinetatrophy, akinete, akinetic, aking, Akira, Akira Kurosawa, Akita, akitamycin, Akkad, Akkadian, Akko, Akkra, aklomide, akmite, aknephascopia, akoasm, Akola, Akon, akontite, akontobolocyst, Akos, akoulalion, AKP, AKR, akrate, akrit, akrochordite, akromikrie, Akron, Aksa, Aksum, Aktau, aktograph, Aktyubinsk, Akulon, akund, Akureyri, akvabit, Akvaflex, akvavit, Akyab, AL, ala, Ala., Alabama, Alabaman, Alabamian, alabamine, alabandite, alabaster, alabastrine, alabastron, alabastrum, alacarte, alachlor, alack, alackaday, alacrimia, alacritous, alacrity, alactasia, alactostasis, Aladdin, alader, alae, alafosfalin, Alagia, Alagoas, Alai, AlAin, alaking, alalauwa, alalia, alalite, alalonga, alamalt, Alamanni, alambique, alameda, Alamein, alamethicin, Alamine, alamo, alamode, Alamogordo, Alamos, alamosite, Alan, alanap, alanate, Aland Islands, alang-alang, Alani, Alania, alanine, Alanis, Alanna, alanosin, alantin, alantol, alantolactone, alanyl, alanylglycine, alanyl-glycine, alanysis, alap, alar, alaraliae, alare, alaria, Alaric, alarima, alaris, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm system, alarmable, alarmed, alarmedly, alarming, alarmism, alarmist, alarm-word, alarum, alary, alas, Alas., Alaska, Alaska cod, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska Range, alaskaite, Alaskan, Alaskan king crab, Alaskan Malamute, alaskite, Alastair, Alastor, Alastra, alastrim, alatae, alatamine, alatate, Ala-Tau, alate, alated, Alathon, alatomy, alatus, Alaudidae, alaum, alaumstem, alautun, Alava, alavertex, Alawite, Alay, Alayne, alazimuth, alazopeptin, alb, alba, Albacete, albacore, albafite, Albaloy, albamycin, albamyricetin, Alban, albane, Albania, Albanian, albanite, Albano, Albany, albarello, albargin, albarium, albarrello, albaspidin, albata, albatross, albedo, albedograph, albedometer, albedowave, Albee, albefaction, albeit, albendazole, Albene, Alberich, albernus, Albers, Albert, Albert Einstein, Alberta, Alberti, Albertine, albertite, Alberto, albertol, Alberts, albertype, albescent, albespine, albi, Albian, albicans, albiduria, albidus, albifaction, Albigenses, Albigensian, Albigensianism, albimycin, Albin, Albina, albinal, albine, albiness, albinic, albinism, albino, albinoism, albinotic, albinuria, Albinus, Albion, Albionian, albit, albite, albitite, albitization, albitolite, albitophyre, albizzia, albizziine, ALBM, albocarbon, albocinereous, albocycline, albofungin, Alboin, alboleersin, albolene, Albolineum, albolite, albomaculatus, albomycetin, albomycin, albondur, albonoursin, albopannin, albor, alboranite, Alborg, Albrac, Albright, albronze, Albucasis, albucid, albue, albuginea, albugineous, albugo, albukalin, album, albumate, albumen, albumenize, albumin, albuminaemia, albuminate, albuminates, albuminaturia, albuminiferous, albuminimeter, albuminimetry, albuminize, albuminofibrin, albuminogen, albuminogenous, albuminoid, albuminolysin, albuminolysis, albuminometry, albuminone, albuminoptysis, albuminoscope, albuminose, albuminosis, albuminous, albumins, albuminuretic, albuminuria, albumone, albumosaemia, albumoscope, albumose, albumosease, albumosuria, albumotope, albums, Albuna, Albuquerque, alburnous, alburnum, albus, albutannin, albuterol, albutoin, albylcellulose, ALC, ALCA, Alcaeus, alcahest, Alcaic, alcaide, alcalde, alcali, Alcaligenes, alcaliotropism, alcamines, Alcamo, Alcan, alcanna, alcapton, alcaptonuria, alcarsin, Alcatel, alcatras, Alcatraz, alcatron, alcayde, alcazar, ALCC, Alcedinidae, alcelaphine, Alcestis, alchemic, alchemical, alchemically, alchemist, alchemistic, alchemistical, alchemistically, alchemize, alchemy, alcheringa, alchlor, Alchrome, Alchrotal, ALCI, Alcibiades, Alcidae, alcides, alcidine, Alcinous, Alciopidae, alclad, alclofenac, alclometasone, ALCM, Alcmaeon, Alcmene, ALCO, Alcoa, alcogas, alcogel, alcohol, alcohol abuse, alcohol group, alcoholaemia, alcoholase, alcoholate, alcoholature, alcoholemia, alcohol-free, alcoholic, alcoholic beverage, alcoholicity, Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholimeter, alcoholimetry, alcoholism, alcoholist, alcoholization, alcoholize, alcoholmetry, alcoholomania, alcoholometer, alcoholometry, alcoholophilia, alcoholotherapy, alcohols, alcohol-solresin, alcoholuria, alcoholysis, ALCOM, Alcomax, alcomeal, alcometer, alcopop, Alcor, Alcoran, alcoranist, alcosol, alcotate, alcotex, Alcott, alcove, alcoxide, alcoxides, Alcres, Alcress, Alcuin, alcula, Alcumite, Alcunic, alcyl, Alcyonacea, Alcyonaria, alcyonarian, Alcyone, alcyonne, ALD, Alda, aldactone, Aldal, aldalcoketose, aldamine, Aldan, aldanite, aldarsone, aldary, aldasorber, aldazine, Aldebaran, Aldecor, aldehydase, aldehyde, aldehyde alcohol, aldehyde group, aldehyde-ester, aldehydene, aldehydrol, Alden, alder, alderfly, alderman, aldermanic, aldermanry, aldermanship, Aldermaston, aldermen, Alderney, Aldershot, alderwoman, aldgamycin E, aldicarb, aldimine, aldimines, aldin, Aldine, Aldington, Aldip, Aldis, alditol, Aldm., Aldo, aldocellulose, aldocorticosteronism, aldoform, aldofuranoside, aldoheptose, aldohexose, aldoketenes, aldoketomutase, aldol, aldolactol, aldolase, aldolize, aldomet, aldoniolactone, aldopentose, aldophosphamide, aldorfit, aldose, aldoses, aldoside, aldosterone, aldosterones, aldosteronism, aldosteronogenesis, aldosteronoma, aldosteronopenia, aldosteronuria, aldotetrose, aldotriose, Aldous, aldoxime, aldoximes, ALDP, Aldray, Aldrex, Aldrey, Aldrich, Aldridge, Aldriehine, aldrin, Aldrosol, Aldur, aldural, Aldurbra, Aldurol, ale, aleak, aleatoric, aleatorism, aleatory, alec, alecithal, alecithic, aleck, aleconner, alecost, Alecto, Alectoromorphae, alee, alegar, Alegria,


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