In general, more intersections equals more dis-coordination which equals more traffic.
In English, you might think of these two parts as dis- and agree.
在英语中,这两部分可以理解为 dis- 和 agree。
For example, if we add dis- to agree, the new word disagree means to " not agree" .
Here the " d" replaces " th" , so you get a lot of dis, dat, dese, and dose.
这里的人用“d”取代了“th”,所以你会听到很多 dis、dat、dese 和 dose。
Jane's mother old enemy.Disorganized forces dis in 2 grating. Fragments of strong entity, broken off.Downgrade this time.
珍的母亲是老冤家。无组织的力量散两股,强大存有的片段,断了。这次降级 了。
Other symptoms included nervousness, headaches and bodily dis-ease which could literally be anything.
I feel like my mom might have met him and was like, " Who dis with the blue eyes? "
Mmm, yeah, but not dis. - It's so good.
- 嗯,是的,但不是dis。 - 它是那么好。
" Dis" (dis) here means " not." So, " disproportionate" means not proportionate.
See dis tread; verra strong, no wa-ash out, no fade.
看到脚踏; 非常强壮,没有褪色,没有褪色。
The second is that people can dis-identify with the advantage group.
" My, a-an't dis nice" ! she exclaimed as she stirred her coffee.
“我的,一个 - 不是很好” ! 她边搅拌咖啡边叫道。
She Can't dis me just COs l'm white. - Please tell me yOu didn't say dis.
说到不合时宜 她不能因为我是白人看轻我。
You've got a dis con here named Neal Sampat.
有个扰乱治安被捕的 叫尼尔·桑帕特。
Make a note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dis...
Another question. Do we have special format the whole the dis apiation looks like?
另一个问题 我们是否有特殊的格式 整个文件看起来是什么样的?
The prefix " dis" is often used like the prefix " un" to mean " not."
前缀“dis” 经常像前缀“un” 一样用来表示“不” 。
So, now, we know, " dis" , " un" , depends on the word you're using.
For example, " dis" means more like be a part of or away from, separate.
例如,“dis”的意思更像是 be a part of or away from, separate。
We don't say: " unhonest" , we actually use: " dis" in this case.