Fluorine is an important trace bio-essential element.Its deficiency or excess related to geological setting can cause organism distortion or supersession abnormality.
The external inspirator is available to drive the resonator to produce traveling wave.Under resonant frequency the distortion of resonator reached a peak.
This perturbation of the electronic structure has been known as "pressure-tuning", which can reveal the piezochromism and changes in electronic spectra due to structural distortions.
X-ray images were formed and shown in colors or in 3 dimensions, and have no distortion at low magnification.Hidden zonate phenomena of a picrite were found.
An analog artifact where vertical edges in the picture display a spreading to the left or right. Typically caused by midfrequency distortions in an analog system.
The blind equalization algorithm is “equanimous” and the characteristic of convergence is not influenced by distortion of channel, it is fit for equalizing deep attenuation channel.
The contact between welding plate and fixture is treated as constraint in the finite element model of dynamic welding angular distortion simulation for overlayer in CO2 gas arc welding.
As a result,it would carse more serious noiSe and distortion,In order to improve the re-ception quality,we are asked to make better design of a carrier for its noise ratio and CTB target.