She wrote the perfect epitaph for the poet.
He wanted these lines as his epitaph.
Another adventure for which a wry phrase of Tiffany Case might be the epitaph.
蒂芙尼凯斯 (Tiffany Case) 一句挖苦话可能就是另一场冒险铭。
Oh-h-h, tempt not the gods of the desert, Lest you seek a lonely epitaph.
Here, either with a kiss, or, if you're small enough, a trip beneath the epitaph.
At his head it stood, silent, erect, and still—a living grave-stone, with its epitaph in blood.
Hilbert died in 1943. His epitaph was his slogan from 1930. We must know, we will know.
希尔伯特于 1943 年去世,他铭是他 1930 年口号。我们必须知道,我们将会知道。
He was the first to describe the archaeopteryx after its discovery in Bavaria in 1861 and the first to write a formal epitaph for the dodo.
Death by beard A tourism website in Austria tells us that people can visit the epitaph of a man called Hans Staininger.
胡子之死 奥地利一个旅游网站告诉我们,人们可以参观一个叫汉斯·斯坦宁格人铭。
Then, with a sudden dart of irony, he wondered if, when their turn came, the same epitaph would be written over him and Zeena.
然后,带着突然讽刺意味,他想知道,当轮到他们时,是否会在他和 Zeena 上写下同样铭。
" Would you like me to do it now? " asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. " Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph? "
" Here lies the man" — Carnegie once suggested this line for his epitaph — " who knew how to get around him men who were cleverer than himself" .
Carnegie wanted to praise his assistants even on his tombstone. He wrote an epitaph for himself which read: " Here lies one who knew how to get around him men who were cleverer than himself" .
卡耐基甚至想在其冢旁也赞许他人。 他曾为自己铭写下这样话:长眠于此之人,懂得如何与比他更睿智人打交道。