He answered the reporters’ questions flippantly; this cannot be airily explained to your children.
" Okay, then, " I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tense atmosphere.
" How can you treat me so flippantly! " said his mother, turning again to him with a tearful look.
" You mustn't take it so hard, " she said, flippantly.
“你不能太难过了, ” 她轻率地。
" Oh, just a guy I didn't know at college, " Larry answered flippantly.
'I think you're attaching too much importance to a few lettuce leaves, ' she said flippantly.
“我觉得你太看重几片莴苣叶了, ” 她轻率地。
In a letter, the Dutch ambassador, who had adopted the D'Anthes, flippantly undermined Pushkin's marital life.
He spoke almost flippantly and when she glanced at him she was surprised to see in his eyes a gleam of mockery.
话几乎是轻率的, 当她瞥了一眼时, 她惊讶地从的眼中看到了一丝嘲弄。
He said to himself flippantly, as he went down to the salon, " I must tell that woman that I am in love with her" .
去沙龙时,轻率地自言自语地:“我必须告诉那个女我爱上了她” 。
Therefore, it is not strange that she shrank from hearing it flippantly discussed and marriage treated as a bargain to be haggled over, with little thought of its high duties, great responsibilities, and tender joys.