| 划词

Some young children achieve great fluency in their reading.



Though lacking in fluency,he spoke to the point.



He is a writer of fluency and felicity, of graciousness and gentleness.

他是一流畅, 措词得体、雅而且温的作家。


Fluency in spoken English is essential.



"Oh," said Minna, breaking in, lying with sudden unwonted fluency ,"I am a nursegirl."



Topsy had an uncommon verbal memory, and committed with a fluency that greatly encouraged her instructress.




mediosilicic, mediotergite, medio-twist, medipectus, medipot, mediproboscis, mediscalenus, meditate, meditating, meditation, meditative, meditatively, meditator, mediterranean, Mediterranean anemia, Mediterranean fever, Mediterranean flour moth, mediterranean fruit fly, mediterranean sea, medium, medium frequency, medium of exchange, medium size, medium wave, medium-bedded, medium-drying, medium-fit, medium-grinding, medium-hardening, mediumistic, medium-priced, medium-range, medium-range-order, mediums, mediumship, mediumshot, medium-sized, medium-term, mediumwave, medius, medjidite, medlab, medlar, MEDLARS, medley, medleyist, medlin, MEDLINE, Medoc, Medola, Medomin, Medresco, medrogestone, medrol, medron, medroxalol, medroxyprogesterone, medulan, medulla, medulla oblongata, medullae, medullarenis, medullary, medullary ray, medullated, medullation, medullectomy, medullin, medullitis, medullization, medulloblast, medulloblastoma, medullocell, medulloepithelioma, medulloid, Medullosaceae, medullose, medullosis, medullosuprarenoma, medusa, Medusalike, medusan, medusas, Medusetta, Medusettidae, medusocongestin, medusoid, medusoma, medusome, MEE, meed, Meehanite, meek, meeken, Meeker, meekly, meekness, meemies, meerkat, meerschalminite, meerschaum, Meerut, meet, meet up with, meet-homomorphism, meeting, meeting house, meeting of minds, meeting place, meetinghouse, meeting-point, meetings, meetion, meetly, Meeto, MEF, mefeclorazine, mefenorex, mefexamide, mefloquine, mefoxin, MEFR, mefruside, meg, mega, mega-, megabacterium, megabar, megabarye, megabit, megabits, megabladder, megabreccia, megabromite, megabuck, megabusiness, megabyte, megacalorie, megacalycosis, megacalyx, megacanthopore, megacardia, megacaryocyte, megacaryophthisis, megacdrporation, megacecum, megacephalia, megacephalic, megacephalous, megacephaly, Megachile, megachilid, Megachilidae, megachip, Megachiroptera, megachromosome, megacine, megacity, megaclad, megaclast, megaclone, megacoccus, megacolon, megacorporation, megacorpse, megacoulomb, megacryst, megacrystalline, megacurie, megacycle, megacyclothem, megadalton, megadeal, megadeath, megadebt, Megadermatidae, megadolichocolon, megadont, megadontia, megadose, megaduodenum, megadynamics, megadyne, megaelectronvoltcurie, Megaera, megaerg, mega-esophagus, megaevolution, megafarad, megafauna, megaflop, megafog, Megagaea, megagame, megagamete, megagametophyte, megagauss, megagon, megagrained, megahertz, megahit, megajet, megajoule, megakaryoblast, megakaryoblastoma, megakaryocyte, megakaryocytosis, megakaryophthisis, megakecutgal, megakeryoblast, megalakria, megalecithal, megalencephalon, megalgia, megaline, megaliter, megalith, megalithic, megalitre, megalo-, megaloblast, megaloblastic, megaloblastic anemia, megalocardia, megalocephalia, megalocephalic, megalocephalous, megalocephaly, megaloceros, megaloclitoris, megalocystis, megalocyte, megalocytosis, megalodontia, Megalodontoidea, megalo-enteron, megalo-esophagus, megalogastria, megaloglossia, megalograph, megalohepatia, megalomania, megalomaniac, Megalomycteroidei, megalopa, megalopenis, megalophage, megalophobia, megalophthalmia, megalophthalmos, megalophthalmus, megaloplankton, megaloplastocyte, megalopolis, megalops, megalopsia, megalopsy, Megaloptera, megalopteran, Megalopygidae, megalosaur, megalosaurus, megalosphere, megalosphericus, megalosplenia, megalosyndactyly, megalothymus, megaloureter, megalourethra, megamachine, megamega, megamere, megamerger, Megamerinidae, megameter, megametre, megamillionaire, megamitochondria, megamitochondrion, megampere, Megan, Megane, meganephridium, meganewton, meganewton-meter, meganthropus, meganucleus, megaohm, megaparsec, megapascal, Megaperm, megaphanerophyte, Megaphen, megaphenocryst, megaphone, megaphyll, megaphyllous, megaphylly, megaphyric, megapixel, megaplankton, megaplate, megapod, megapode, Megapodiidae, megapoise, megapolis, megaproject, Megapyr, Megara, megarad, megarchidium, megarectosigmoid, megarectum, megarelief, Megarian, Megaric, megaripple, megaroentagen, megaroentgen, megaron, megarrhizin, megarutherford, megasclere, megasclerophyll, megascope, megascopic, megasecond, Megasecopteroidea, megasedimentology, megaseism, megashear, megasigmoid, megasil, megasoma, megasome, Megaspaera, megasporangium, megaspore, megasporocyte, megasporogenesis, megasporophyll, megass, megasse, megastage, megastar, megastore, megastream, megastructure, megasweep, Megatane, megatanker, megatechnics, megatectonics, megathere, megatherium, megatherm, megathermal, megathermaltype, megathermophyte, Megathymiinae, megathyrid, megaton, megatonnage, megatrend, Megatrichophyton, megatron, megaunit, megaureter, megavar, megavarmeter, megavarve, megaverse, megaversity, megavitamin, megavolt, megavoltage, megavolt-ampere, megawatt, megaword, megazoospore, MEG-CFC, MEG-CSF, megeresin, megerg, megestrol, megestrol acetate, megger, Meghalaya, Megiddo, megila, megillah, megilp, Megimide, megistotherm, meglumine, meglutol, megnetron, MEGO, MEGOGIGO, megohm, megohmit, megohmite, megohmmeter, megoxcyte, megoxyphil, megranate, megrim, megrims, meguilp, megw, mehanite, Mehetabel, Mehitabel, mehr, MEI, meiadiorite, Meibomian cyst, Meibomianitis, meibomitis, Meich'ung, Meiji, Meijirshin, meikle, meiler, meimechite, Mein Kampf, Meinertellidae, meinie, meiny, meiobar, meiobenthos, meiocyte, meiofauna, meiogyrous, meiomerous, meionite, meions, meiophase, meiophylly, meioses, meiosis, meiosome, meiosporangium, meiospore, meiostemonous, meiostomatous, meiotangium, meiotaxy, meiotherm, meiotic, meioticmitosis, meisen, Meissen, Meistersinger, meitauza, meitnerium, mejatron, MEK, mekapion, MEKC, Mekka, mekmycin, Meknes, mekometer, Mekon, Mekong, Mekong River, mekonine, Mekonium, mekralon, mekydro, mel, Mel Gibson, Mela, MELAB, melacacidin, melaconite, melada, meladiabase, meladinine, meladrazine, melaena, melaeneous, melagabbro, melagra, melainotype, Melaka, melaleuca, melalgia, melam, melamac, melamed, Melamin, melamine, melamine resin, melaminoplast, Melampaidae, Melamphaidae, Melampsoraceae, melampsporin, melampyrite, melan, melan-, melanaemia, melancholia, melancholiac, melancholic, melancholious, melancholy, Melanconiaceae, Melanconiales, Melandryidae, melanedema, melanemesis, melanemia, melanephidrosis, Melanesia, Melanesian, melange, mélange, melangeur, melangolo, melanian, melanic, melanicterus, melanidrosis, Melanie, melaniferous, Melaniidae, melaniline, melanin, melanine, melanism, melanistic, melanite, melanize, melano-, melanoacanthoma, melanoameloblastoma, melanoblast, melanoblastoma, melanoblastosis, melanocarcinoma, melanocerite, Melanochroi, melanocrate, melanocratic, melanocyte, melanocytoma, melanocytosis, melanoderm, melanoderma, melanodermatitis, melanodermia, melano-epithelioma, melanoflocculation, melanogen, melanogenesis, melanoglosia, melanoglossia, melanoid, melanoidin, melanoliberin, melanoma, melanomatosis, melanomyces, melanomycin, melanonychia, melanopathy, melanophage, melanophlogite, melanophore, melanophorin, melanoplakia, melanoprecipitation, melanoprotein, melanoptysis, melanorrhagia, melanosarcoma, melanosarcomatosis, melanoscirrhus, melanoscope, melanose, melanosis, melanosome, melanospermous, melanosporin, melanosporous, melanostatin, melanostibian, melanotekite, melanothallite, melanotic, melanotrichia, melanotroph, melanotropin, melanous, melanovandite, melanterite, melantine, melanunia, melanuria, melaphyre, melarsen, melarsoprol, Melasidae, melasma, melasol, melasome, melassigenic, Melastomatceae, melastome, melatonin, melatope, Melba, melba toast, melbine, melbinum, Melbourne, Melburnian, Melchers, Melchior, Melchizedek, MELCOM, meld, melding, meldometer, mele, Meleager, Meleagrididae, meleagris gallopavo, melee, mêlee, melena, melene, melengestrol, meleril, meletin, melexitose, melezitose, Meliaceae, meliaceous, Meliae, Melian, meliatin, melibiase, melibiose, melic, meligrin, melilite, melilitie, melilitite, Melilla, melilot, melilotin, melilotoside, melinacidin, melinae, Melinda, meline, melinex, melinite, Melinninae, melioidosis, Meliolaceae, Meliolales, meliorable, Melioran, meliorate, melioration, meliorative, meliorism, meliority, melipan, meliphane, meliphanite, melis, melisma, Melissa, melissane, melissate, melissin, melissophobia, melissotherapy, Melit, melitagra, melitemia, melitic, melitine, melitis, Melitopol, melitoptyalism, melitoptyalon, melitose, melitoxin, melitracen, melitriose, Melittangium, melittephile, Melittidae, melittin, melittopalynology, melittophilae, melituria, melixitase, melixitose, melizitase, melizitose, mell, mella, mellaril, mellate, mellein, meller, melliferous, mellifluence, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellilite, mellimide, melline, mellisic, mellisugous, mellita, mellite, mellitoxin, mellitum, mellituria, melliturid, Mellon, mellophone, mellorite, mellotron, mellow, mellower, mellowing, mellowly, mellowness, mellowy, mellozing, melmac, melmak, Melmex, melo, melocol, melodeon, melodia, melodic, melodica, melodics, melodie, melodion, melodious, melodise, melodist, melodize, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatics, melodramatise, melodramatist, melodramatize, melodrame, melody, Melofil, melograph, meloid, Meloidae, Meloidea, meloidogynosis, Melolam, melolonthid, melomane, melomania, melomaniac, melon, melonal, melonbelly, meloncus, melon-cutting, melone, melonemetin, melonenemetin, melongena, melonia, melonidum, meloniform, melonite, melonoplasty, melonry, melons, melontoxin, Melopas, Melophagus, melorheostosis, melos, meloschisis, melphalan, Melpomene, Melprex, Melrose, melt, melt down, melt water, meltability, meltable, meltage, meltallizing, meltback, meltbility, meltcasted, meltdown, melted, melteigite, melter, melting, melting point, melting pot, melting-pot, melton, melt-out, meltshop, melt-stoichiometry, meltwater, melubrin, melungeon, Melurac, Melusinidae, Melva, Melville, Melwhite, Melyridae, Melyridoe, mem, mem., MEMA, member, member bank, Member of Parliament, memberless, members, membership, membership fee, membra, Membracidae, membrana tectoria, membranaceous, membranate, membrane, membranectomy, membranella, membranelle, membraneous, membraniform, membranin, Membranipora, Membraniporidae, membranization, membranocartilaginous, membranocranium, membranogen, membranometer, membranophone, Membranoptera, membranous, membron, membrum, memcon, meme, memento, memento mori, mementomori, memery, memex, memister, memistor, memmaker, memnescope, Memnon, memnonious, memo, memoir, memoire, memoirist, memoirs, memometer, memomotion, memomycin, memonic, memorabilia, memorability, memorable, memorables, memorably, memorandam, memorandum, memorial, Memorial Day, memorial park, memorial tablet, memorialin, memorialise, memorialist, memorialize, memorian, memoried, memories, memorious, memorise, memorization, memorize, memorizer, memory, memory access, memory cache, memory chip, memory device, memory trace, memoryless, memory-mapped, memorytron, memos, memoscope, memotron, Memphian, Memphis, Memphite, MEMS, memsahib, memvar, men, menaccanite, menace, menacer, menachanite, menacing, menacingly, menacme, Menad, menadione, Menado, menage, ménage, menagerie, Menai Strait, menakanite, menalgia, Menam, Menander, menaphthone, menaphthyl, menaquinone, menarche, menat, menazon, menbutone, Mencius, mend, mendable, mendacious, mendacity, mende, Mendel, Mendeleev, mendelevium, mendeleyevite, Mendelian, Mendelism, mendelizing, Mendelssohn, mendelyeevite, mender, mendery, Mendes, mendicancy, mendicant, mendicity, mending, mendip, mendipite, mendosicutes, Mendoza, mendozite, meneghinite, Menelaus, Menes, menfolk, menfolks, mengingitides, mengite, menglytate, mengovirus, mengwack, menhaden, menhir, menial, menially, menilite, meningeal, meningeoma, meningeorrhaphy, meninges, meninginitis, meningioma, meningism, meningismus, meningitic, meningitis, meningitophobia, meningoarteritis, meningocele, meningocephalitis, meningocerebirtis, meningococcaemia, meningococcemia, meningococcin, meningococcosis, meningococcus, meningocortical, meningocyte, meningoencepalitis, meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalocele, meningoencephalomyelitis, meningoencephalopathy, meningoexothelioma, meningofibroblastoma, meningohydroencephalocele, meningomalacia, meningomyelitis, meningomyelocele, meningomyelopathy, meningomyocele, meningopathy, meningopneumonitis, meningoradiculitis, meningorecurrence, meningorrhagia, meningorrhea, meningosarcoma, meningosis, meningothelioma, meningothelium, meningotyphoid, meningovascular, meninguria, meninx, meniscectomy, menischesis, menisci, meniscitis, Meniscium, meniscocyte, meniscocytosis, meniscoid, Meniscotheriidae, meniscotomy, meniscus, meniscuslens, menisine, Menispermaceae, menispermaceous, menispermine, menkind, Mennonist, Mennonite, meno, meno-, menoctone, Menodus, menoform, Menoidium, menology, menometrorrhagia, Menomini, menopad, menopathy, menopausal, menopause, menopausic, menophania, menoplania, Menoponidae, menorah, Menorca, menorrhagia, menorrhalgia, menorrheal, menoschesis, menosepsis, menostasia, menostasis, menostaxis, menotaxis, menotropins, menoxenia, mens, Mensa, mensae, mensal, mensarine, mensch, Menschen, menservants, menses, Menshevik, Menshevism, Menshevist, mensis, menstrua, menstrual, menstrual cycle, menstrual flow, menstruant, menstruate, menstruation, menstruous, menstruum, mensual, mensurability, mensurable, mensural, mensurate, mensuration, menswear, menta, mentagra, mental, mental age, mental capacity, mental deficiency, mental disease, mental disorder, mental health, mental hospital, mental hygiene, mental illness, mental image, mental imagery, mental process, mental representation, mental reservation, mental retardation, mental state, mental test, mentalcase, mentaldisorder, mentalics, mentalism, mentalist, mentalistic, mentality, mentally, mentally ill, mentally retarded, mentation, Mentawai, mentee, mentel, menthacamphor, menthaceous, menthandiol, menthane, menthe, menthene, menthocamphorate, menthofuran, menthol, mentholated,


3G, 401(K), a,



If you need conversational fluency, notetaking skills will not meet your needs.


剑桥雅思听试题 8

What took you there? Was it to gain more fluency in Spanish?



We see a reduction in ability to abstract and verbal fluency.



Build your thinking fluency slowly, right?



This would help to increase her fluency and coherence mark.



In part one, Amva displays band 9 level fluency and coherence.

在第一部分,Amva 表现出 9 分水平的流畅性和连贯性。


And along the way, level up your own fluency, pronunciation, and confidence.



There are teachers on YouTube who'll tell you, yep, improve your fluency.


生活大爆炸 第2季

What? Again, urban slang. In which, I believe I'm gaining remarkable fluency.



Now, speaking is essential to improve your fluency, communication, and flow, and of course confidence.



You can't develop your speaking skills or improve your fluency without taking this step.



After part two, the examiner concludes that Arya's fluency is a band 9.

在第二部分之后,主考官得出结论,Arya 的流利程度是 9 分。


Her fluency and coherence are very good.



But I think definitely her fluency is great.



Bill struggles on the verbal fluency.



You might be thinking that fluency is speaking fast.



B) Placing sufficient emphasis upon both fluency and comprehension.

B) 充分重视流利性和理解性。


The way I see it, fluency has three pillars.



And your goal insofar as achieving fluencies is concerned.



It just came out in a flow automatically and that again shows the fluency and the grammatical range.




merino, merino sheep, merinthophobia, merinyl, Merioneth, meriphyll, merisis, merislon, merism, merismatic,


3G, 401(K), a,
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