I gen up on any developments with my manageress.
The gen etic variation of individuals from the same geographic populations wa s smaller than that of individuals from different geographic populati ons within the same voltinism groups.
Right, but just the last gen.
是 不过是最新一代。
There are already some whispers that Ryzen tech is being implemented in the next gen of consoles.
已经有传言说 Ryzen 科技将在下一代游戏机中实。
The system is engineered with the latest and most powerful 12th gen processor built on the Intel Evo platform.
它采用英特尔 Evo 平台最强大第 12 代处理器。
What? The shrinks cleared Haywire for reentry into gen pop.
什么? 医生说他已经没。
You-You delegated authority over gen pop to me, boss.
I got your paperwork here for your transfer back to gen pop.
这里有 把你转回大牢房文件。
Cons got that rook guard in gen pop.
It comes with being a first gen device and all, growing paints and such.
Well for a first gen device, the Pixel Watches design looks way better.
- 对于第一代设备,Pixel Watches 设计看起来更。
Okay, now we're going back in time to the 1000 XM4s, Sony's older headphones, their last gen model.
,在我们回到 1000 XM4s,索尼旧耳机,他们最后一代型号。
As a matter of fact, what Intel is doing right now with their 11 gen processor is just awesome.
事实上,英特尔在用他们第 11 代处理器所做事情真是太棒。
So you know once the economy comes back, just a little bit cities are going to be very attractive to gen zers.
I think, as a member of gen Z, they feel like this is a really important issue, that it has far-reaching consequences.
作为 Z 世代一员,他们觉得这是一个非常重要,而且将会产生深远影响。
I'll give you that the Pixel Watch is a solid first gen device and most of its issues are fixable.
我会告诉你,Pixel Watch 是一款可靠第一代设备,它大部分都是可以解决。
Brad, if you think I can pull some strings to keep you out of gen pop, I can't do that.
布拉德,如果你认为我能 让你不用回大牢房,我办不到。
The slow zero point four air yards per completion the lowest number tracked by next gen stats in over a year.
Maybe it's gen Z's paralyzing fear of conflict to the point of replacing periods with commas and ellipses, to avoid sounding too passive-aggressive.
也许是Z世代对冲突麻痹恐惧, 以至于用逗号和省略号代替句点,以避免听起来过于被动攻击。
It started on Sunday night with the Bethesda conference where they showed off not only one but two brand new IPs that are meant for next gen.
在周日晚上 Bethesda 会议上,他们不仅展示一个,而且还展示两个全新 IP,它们是为新一代设计。
Dude.We haven't hit legendary yet." We're only at the " le." We still got the " gen, " the " da, " the " ry.
要! Yes! 伙计我们还没看到神奇事, 我们才看到“神”, 还有“奇”呢。
He's a clever workman, an' taught thee thy trade, remember, an's niver gen me a blow nor so much as an ill word—no, not even in 's drink.