The distinction between pastness or futureness and “the” past or “the” future is graphically illustrated by imagining a movie of, say, the egg being dropped on the floor and breaking.
By representing ideas and their interconnections graphically, mind maps can help illuminate relationships, hierarchies, and structures that might not be immediately apparent in a linear text.
And throughout all of this, Otto Dix produced sketches, hundreds of them, that graphically recorded what these new weapons did to the flesh and the bone of his doomed generation.
A psychological study of fans of death metal suggests that they are not desensitised to violence despite the genre's association with growling, often graphically violent lyrics including depictions of cannibalism.
So there's a method of contact there. So when we show that graphically Here's how we can draw that. Draw a surface, and draw the arrow poiting onto the surface.
Those four years of bitter conflict illustrate, perhaps more graphically than any similar event in history, the power which military operations may exercise in stimulating all the productive forces of a people.