| 划词

We collected money in behalf of the homeless.



The prisoner described himself as a homeless wanderer.



The urban homeless are often in desperate need of sustenance.



They send relief to those who made homeless by floods.



Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.



Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.

今天, 要讨论无家可归者的问题。


The losers in this society are the old, the sick, the jobless, the homeless and badly housed.



The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.



You can see the haves and the have-nots in this city—the millionaires in their huge houses and the homeless sleeping on the streets.



The 1000 homeless people in London sleeping in night shelters are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many thousands of homeless people in the capital.

在伦敦夜间收容所里过夜的1 000名无家可归者只是冰山的一角,在这个首都还有成千上万名流浪汉。



extrafocal, extrafoliaceous, extragalactic, extragenetic, extragovernmental, extrahazardous, extrahead, extra-heavy, extrahepatic, extraintestinal,


3G, 401(K), a,



The earthquake has left tens of thousands of people homeless.


Life Noggin 科普精选(双语)

In many instances, returning citizens end up homeless.


Vox 观点

Musicians have set up washing stations to protect the homeless.


CNN 听力 2021年8月合集

At that time, it killed 250 people and left thousands homeless.


VOA Special 2022年3月合集

" When people are homeless, they're those homeless folks, " Weitzman said.

" 当人无家可归时,是那些无家可归人" 。

BBC 听力 2014年4月合集

The blaze has killed at least 13 people and left thousands more homeless.



The charity helped the homeless, with $80 million being raised as of last year.



The focus is on whether Phoenix officers use excessive force and abuse the homeless.



" Include the dates you were homeless and where you stayed when you were homeless."


CRI在线 2023年5月合集

The floods have led to at least 14 deaths and left several thousand homeless.


CNN 10 学生英语 2019年4月合集

We have helped 200 unaccompanied homeless youth.



Today we were bringing bras and Maxi pads to this homeless shelter.


VOA Special 2020年10月合集

Some homeless activists worry that the Census Bureau will not count the whole homeless population.



Are you doing this for the homeless?


CNN 精选 2017年10月合集

Thousands of civilians have been left homeless.



The earthquake left millions of people homeless.



The earthquake made thousands of people homeless.


摩登家庭第六季_Modern Family-Season06

What -- what homeless person needs a tie?



You want him to be homeless, too?


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年12月合集

She felt a connection to the homeless community.




Fasciolopsis buski, fascioplasty, fasciorrhaphy, fasciotome, fasciotomy, fascis, fascism, Fascismo, fascist, Fascista, Fascisti, fascistic, fascistize, fascitis, fasculation, faserserpentine, fash, fasherati, fashion, fashion designer, fashion model, fashion plate, fashionable, fashionably, fashioned, fashioner, fashioning, fashionist, fashionista, fashionmonger, fasibitikite, fasigyne, fasinite, fassaite, fassula, fast, fast break, fast buck, fast food, fast lane, fast track, fast-acting, fastback, fastball, fast-breaking, fast-cash, fasten, fasten on, fasten to, fastener, fastening, fastenings, faster, fastest, fast-fingered, fastfood, fast-forward, Fasti, fastian, fastidious, fastidiously, fastidiousness, fastidium, fastigatum, fastigiate, fastigium, fasting, fastish, fastland, fastlink, fast-moving, fastnacht, fastness, fastopen, fastrack, fast-response, fastselect, fast-setting, fast-speed, fast-spreading, fast-stepping, fast-talk, fastuous, fastuously, fat, fat chance, fat metabolism, Fata Morgana, fatal, fatal accident, Fatale, fatalism, fatalist, fatalistic, fatality, fatality rate, fatalize, fatally, fatalness, fatback, fatbrained, fat-chewing, fatcity, fate, fated, fateful, fatefully, Fateless, Fates, FATF, fat-faced, fat-free, fat-guts, fathead, fatheaded, fat-headed, father, Father Brown, Father Christmas, Father figure, fatherfucker, fatherhood, father-in-law, fatherland, father-lasher, fatherless, fatherlike, fatherliness, fatherly, fathers, fathership, fathogram, fathom, fathomable, fathomage, fathometer, fathomless, fathoms, fatidic, fatidical, fatigability, fatigable, fatigue, fatigue crack, fatigue fracture, fatigued, fatigueless, fatiguesome, fatigue-testing, Fatima, Fatimid, Fatimite, fatling, fatlute, fatly, fatness, fats, fa-tsai, fatshedera, fatso, fat-solubility, fatsoluble, fat-soluble, fatstock, fatted, fatten, fatten up, fattener, fattening, fatter, fattest, fattiness, fatting, fattish, fattrels, fatty, fatty acid, fatty liver, fatty oil, fatty tissue, fattypuff, fatuity, fatuoid, fatuous, fatwa, fatwitted, fat-witted, fatwood, faubourg, faucal, faucalize, fauces, faucet, faucets, faucial, faucitis, faugh, fauischlamm, faujasite, faulf-free, Faulkner, Faulknerian, faulschlamm, fault, fault finder, fault finding, fault line, fault system, faultage, fault-avoidance, fault-coverage, faulted, faultfinder, fault-finder, faultfinding, fault-finding, fault-folding, fault-free, faultful, faultily, faultiness, faulting, faultless, faultlessly, fault-tolerance, fault-tolerant, faulty, faun, fauna, faunal, faunist, faunistic, faunistics, faunizone, faunology, fauns, faunule, Faunus, Faure, Faurist, fauserite, Faust, Faustian, Faustina, Faustine, faustite, Faustus, fauteuil, fauvism, fauvist, faux, faux pas, fauxbourdon, fava, fava bean, fave, favela, favelado, favelas, faveolate, faveolus, faverolle, faveurs, favi, favic, favid, faviform, favilla, favin, favism, favoid, favoloid, favonian, favor, favorable, favorableness, favorably, favore, favored, favorer, favoring, favoringly, favorite, favorite son, favoritism, favors, favose, Favositidae, Favotrichophyton, favour, favourable, favourably, favoured, favouredtransition, favourer, favourite, favouritism, favous, favrile, favus, fawcettidine, fawcettiine, fawcettine, Fawkes, fawn, fawn-coloured, fawner, fawning, fawningly, fawny, fawshmotron, fax, FAX/MODEM, faxable, faxaphone, faxcasting, faxes, FaxMail, fax-mail, fax-napping, Faxnow, Faxsky, fay, fayalite, Faye, Fayed, fayetta, Fayette, faying, Fayum, fayuzhushou, fazadinium, faze, fazeeq, fazenda, Fazer, fazotron, FB, FB-111, FB2, FBA, FBAS, FBC, fbcun, FBC-value, FBE, FBFM, FBG, FBH, FBI, FBIS, FBL, FBM, FBMS, FBOA, FBP, FBR, FBRAM, FBS, FBT, FC, FCA, FCAW, FCB, FCBS, FCC, FCCV, FCD, FCDR, FCE, FCF, FCFS, FCGA, FCGR, FChFP, FCI, FCIA, FCIC, FCIS, FCL, FCM, FCN, FCO, FCP, FCPA, FCR, FCS, FCST, FCT, FCU, FD, FDA, FDANA, FDAS, FDB, FDC, FDCD, FDD, FDDI, FDDL, FDesktop, FDET, FDF, FDG, FDI, FDIC, FDISK, F-distribution, FDK, FDL, FDM, FDMA, FDP, FDR, FDS, FDTD, FDV, FDW, FDX, FDY, FE, FEA, feal, fealty, feamale, fear, fearful, fearfully, fearfulness, fearless, fearlessly, fearlessness, fearmonger, fearnaught, fearnought, fears, fearsome, feasance, feasibility, feasible, feast, feast day, feaster, feastful, feasting, feast-or-famine, feat, feather, feather bed, feather boa, feather edge, Featheray, featherback, featherbed, featherbedding, featherbone, featherboning, featherbrain, feather-brain, featherbrained, feathercut, feathered, featheredge, featheredged, feather-edged, featheredging, feather-fleece, feather-footed, featherhead, feather-head, featherheaded, featheriness, feathering, featherless, featherlet, featherlight, featherlike, featherpate, featherpated, feathers, featherstitch, feather-veined, featherway, featherweight, featherwit, featherwitted, featherwood, feathery, featly, feature, feature article, feature film, featured, featurelength, feature-length, featureless, featurely, features, featurette, Featuring Angelita Li, Featuring Fama, Featuring Mohamed Drissi, Featuring Safina, Featuring Sisi, featurish, featurization, featurize, feaze, feazings, Feb, Feb., FEBA, febantel, febarbamate, FEBE, febetron, febri-, febricide, febricity, febricula, febrifacient, febriferous, febrific, febrifugal, febrifuge, febrile, febriphobia, febris, Febrite, February, FEBS, febuprol, FEC, fecal, fecalith, fecaloid, fecaloma, fecaluria, fecama, FECB, feces, FECI, fecit, feck, feckless, feckly, feclemine, FECT, fecula, feculence, feculency, feculent, fecund, fecundate, fecundation, fecundator, fecundity, fed, fed., fedai, fedamazine, fedayee, fedayeen, feddan, fedelini, federacy, federal, federal agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Communications Commission, federal court, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, federal district, federal government, Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Board, Federal Reserve System, Federal Trade Commission, Federales, federalese, federalism, federalist, Federalist Party, federalization, federalize, federally, federate, federation, federationist, federative, federatively, Federico Fellini, FedEx, FEDOM, fedora, fedorovite, fed-upness, Fedwire, fee, fee simple, feeb, Feebie, feeble, feebleminded, feeble-minded, feeblemindedness, feebleness, feeblish, feebly, feed, feed back, feed in, feed on, feed stock, feedback, feed-back, feedback circuit, feedback loop, feedbag, feedboard, feedbox, feed-box, feeder, feeder line, feeder-breaker, feeder-conveyer, feeder-conveyor, feederliner, feedertrough, feedex, feedforward, feedheating, feed-hole, feedhorn, feed-horn, feed-in, feeding, feeding bottle, feeding-bottle, feeding-ground, feedingmachine, feedingstuff, feeding-up, feedleg, feedlot, feedlots, feedmagazine, feedome, feedrate, feed-shoe, feedstock, feedstuff, feed-tank, feed-tape, feed-through, feedtip, feedtrough, feedwater, feedway, feedwell, fee-faw-fum, fee-for-service, feel, feel about, feel envy at, feel for, feel like, feel like a million dollars, feel like doing, feel worried, feeldevice, feeler, feelers, feelie, feeling, feelingful, feelingless, feelinglessly, feelingly, feelings, feelthy, feep, fees, feesimple, fee-splitting, feet, feet first, feetfirst, fee-TV, feeze, FEF, FEFC, fefe, FEFET, feh, feibai, feigh, feign, feigned, feignedly, feijoa, feinstratigraphie, feint, feinting, feirie, feis, feist, feisty, FeixianguanFormation, fel, felafel, felcompus, Feldberg, felder, feldsher, feldspar, feldspathic, feldspathization, feldspathoid, feldspathose, feldspatite, Felibre, Felice, Felicia, felicific, felicitate, felicitation, felicitator, felicitous, felicitously, felicitousness, felicity, felid, Felidae, feline, felinine, felinity, Felipa, Felis, Felix, Felix Klein, Felix Mendelssohn, fell, fella, fellable, fellagha, fellah, fellate, fellatio, felled seam, feller, feller-buncher, feller-delimber-bucker-buncher, feller-delimber-buncher, feller-skidder, fell-field, fellifluous, felling, fellingmachine, fellmonger, fellmongering, fellmongery, fellness, felloe, fello-sulfa, fellow, fellow feeling, fellow traveller, fellowless, fellowlike, fellowman, fellowmen, fellows, fellowship, fellow-travel, fellow-travelling, felly, felo-de-se, felodipine, Feloidea, felon, felonious, felonry, felony, fels, felsenmeer, felsic, felsite, felsitic, felsobanyaite, felsol, felsophaerite, felsophyre, felsophyric, felspar, felspathic, felspathoid, felstone, felsyte, felt, felt-cloth, feltcup, felted, felter, felting, feltingmachine, felt-lined, feltman, Felton, felttissue, feltwork, feltwort, felty, felucca, FeLV, felwort, felypressin, fem, FEMA, female, female-tease, femality, fematopoiesis, femborsekor, feme, femerell, femic, femicide, femina, feminacy, feminal, feminality, femineity, feminie, feminilism, feminine, femininely, femininity, feminise, feminism, feminist, feministic, feminity, feminization, feminize, feminonucleus, femitron, femitrons, femkjeping, femme, femme fatale, femmes, femora, femoral, femoral artery, femoral nerve, femoral vein, femoralis, femorate, femorocele, femoroiliac, femoropopliteal, femorotibial, femorotrochanteric, femto, femto-, femtoampere, femtogram, femtojoule, femtometer, femtosecond, femtovolt, femtowatt, femulen, femur, fen, fenac, fenaclon, fenadiazole, fenagle, fenaksite, fenalamide, fenalcomine, Fen-all, Fenamine, fenaminosulf, fenamisal, fenamole, fenapanil, fenarol, Fenatrol, Fenavar, fenazaflor, fenben, fence, fence line, fence-hanger, fenceless, fencelessness, fence-mending, fence-off, fence-play, fencer, fencerow, fences, fence-sitter, fence-sitting, fence-straddler, fence-straddling, fenchane, fenchanol, fenchanone, fenchene, fenchlorfos, fenchlorphos, fenchocamphorone, fenchol, fenchone, fenchoxime, fenchyl, fenchylchloride, fencible, fencing, fencingterrain, fenclofenac, fend, fend for oneself, fend off, Fendant, fender, fender bender, fenderbar, fenderbeam, fender-beam, fenderboard, fender-guard, fendering, fenderless, fenderpile, fenders, fenderstool, Fendi, fendillate, Fendlera, feneration, fenestella, fenestellid, fenestra, fenestral, fenestrane, fenestrate, fenestrated, fenestration, fenestrel, fenestriform, fenestrule, Fenestrulina, fenethacarb, fenetre, fenetylline, fenfluramine, Fenghua, fenghuanglite, fengshui, Fengtien, fenhe, Fenian, Fenianism, feniculin, fenidim, fenipentol, fenisobromolate, Fenit, fenite, fenitrothion, Fenix, fenizon, fenks, fenland, fenling, fenman, fenmetozole, fenmetramide, fennec, fennel, fennelflower, Fennoscandia, Fennoscandian, fenny, fenobam, fenocinol, fenofibrate, fenolactine, fenolovo, fenophosphon, fenoprofen, fenoprop, fenormone, fenoterol, fenoxypropazine, fenozaflor, fenozolone, fenpentadiol, Fenrir, fense, fenson, fenster, fensulfothion, fent, fentanyl, fenthion, fenthiuron, fentiazon, fentichlor, fentinacetate, fenugrec, fenugreek, fenuram, fenuron, fenuron-TCA, Fenwick, fenxizisu, fenyramidol, feochromin, feod, feodal, feoff, feoffee, feoffer, feoffment, feoffor, feofitin, feosol, FEP, FEPC, feprazone, fer, FERA, feracious, feracity, feraghan, feral, feralization, feran, feranthophyllite, ferbam, ferberite, ferdelance, fer-de-lance, Ferdinand, Ferdinand Magellan, Ferdinanda, Ferdus, fere, Fere phenomenon, feretory, feretrum, ferezol, F-ERG, ferghanite, fergon, Fergus, fergusite, fergusonite, feria, Feriae, ferial, Fericon, ferine, Feringhee, Feringi, feritin, ferity, ferlie, ferly, fermail, Fermanagh, Fermat, fermata, Fermats, ferment, fermentability, fermentable, fermental, fermentation, fermentation alcohol, fermentation-like, fermentationloss, fermentative, fermentemia, fermenter, fermentingdough, fermentive, fermentoid, fermentology, fermentor, fermentum, fermet, fermetability, fermeture, Fermi, fermicidin, fermicutes, fermiere, fermion, Fermiplot, fermitron, fermium, fermorite, fern, Fernanda, fernandinite, Fernando, Fernasan, fernbrake, ferned, fernene, fernery, Fernichrome, fernico, ferning, Fernite, fern-leaf, fernling, ferns, fernwort, ferny, ferocious, ferociously, ferocity, feromolybdenum, feron, ferox, Ferpic, ferractor, ferralarch, ferralia, ferrallitic, ferrallitization, ferralsol, ferramic, Ferrara, Ferrari, ferrate, ferrated, ferratinum, ferratogen, ferrazite, ferredoxin, ferredoxins, ferreed, ferreiro, ferrel, ferreous, Ferrero, ferret, ferret out, ferret-badger, ferrety, ferri, ferri-, ferriage, ferri-albumin, ferri-alluaudite, ferriamphibole, ferrian-cassiterite, ferribacteriaceae, ferribacteriales, Ferribacterium, ferribeidellite, ferric, ferric oxide, ferric-cement, ferrichrome, ferrichromspinel, ferrichrysin, ferricopiapite, ferricrete, ferricrust, ferricyanate, ferricyanic, ferricyanide, ferricyanogen, ferricytochrome, ferridextran, ferridravite, ferrielectric, ferrielectrics, ferrierite, ferriferous, ferri-fluoride, ferri-gehlenite, ferriheme, ferrihemoglobin, ferrihydrite, ferriin, ferrikatophorite, ferrikerolite, ferrikinetics, ferrimag, ferrimagnet, ferrimagnetic, ferrimagnetics, ferrimagnetism, ferrimanganese, ferrimanganic, ferrimetry, ferrimolybdite, ferrimontmorillonite, ferrimuscovite, ferrimycin, ferrin, ferrinatrite, ferrinol, ferriparaluminite, ferriphengite, ferriphlogopite, ferriporphyrin, ferripotassium, ferriprotoporphyrin, ferripyrin, ferris wheel, ferri-sericite, ferrisicklerite, ferri-sicklerite, ferrisodium, ferristor, ferrisulphas, ferrite, ferrites, ferriteyellow, ferrithioformin, ferrithorite, ferritic, ferritic-pearlitic, ferritin, ferritisey, ferritiszation, ferritization, ferritize, ferritizer, ferritizing, ferrito-martensite, ferritremolite, ferritungstite, ferro, ferro-, ferroactinolite, ferroakermanite, ferro-albumino-tartrate, ferroalloy, ferroally, ferroalumen, ferroaluminium, ferro-aluminium, ferroamphibole, ferroanthophylite, ferroantigorite, ferroaugite, ferrobacillus, ferrobilin, ferroboral, ferroboron, ferrobrucite, ferrocal, ferrocalcite, ferrocarbo, ferrocarbontitanium, ferrocarpholite, ferrocart, ferrocement, ferro-cement, ferrocene, ferrocenyltriphenylsilane, ferrocerium, ferrochelatase, ferrochrome, ferrochromium, ferrochrysotile, ferrocobalt, ferrocobaltite, ferrocoke, ferrocolumbite, ferrocolumbium, ferro-compound, ferroconcrete, ferrocrete, ferrocyanic acid, ferrocyanide, ferrocyanogen, ferrocytochrome, ferrod, ferrodextran, ferrodextranum, ferrodolomite, ferrodynamometer, ferroedenite, ferroelastic, ferroelasticity, ferroelastics, ferroelectric, ferroelectricity, ferro-electricity, ferroelectrics, ferroelectronic, ferroenamel, ferroferric, ferroferricyanide, ferroferrite, ferrofining, ferrofluid, ferro-friedelite, ferrogabbro, ferrogarnet, ferrogehlenite, ferroglass, ferroglaucophane, ferrograph, ferro-graph, ferrography, ferro-graphy, ferrogum, ferrohastingsite, ferroheme, ferrohemoglobin, ferrohexahydrite, ferrohumite, ferrohydrite, ferro-hydrodynamics, ferrohypersthene, ferroic, ferroin, ferrojacobsite, ferro-johannsenite, ferrokinetics, ferrol, ferrolite, ferrolites, ferro-lizardite, Ferrolum, ferrolysis, ferromagnesian, ferromagnesium, ferromagnet, ferromagnetic, ferromagnetics, ferromagnetictransition, ferromagnetism, ferro-magnetism, ferromagneto-elastic, ferromagnetography, ferromagnon, ferromanganese, ferro-manganese-silicon, ferromanganic, ferromanganin, ferromanganous, ferrometer, ferrometry, ferromolybdenum, ferro-molybdenum, ferromycin, ferron, ferronemalite, ferronickel, ferroniobium, ferrooxidant, ferropargasite, ferro-pennantite, ferropericlase, ferropexy, ferrophosphor, ferrophosphorous, ferrophosphorus, ferro-phosphorus, ferro-phytin, ferropicotite, ferroplex, ferropotassium, ferroprobe, ferroprotein, ferroprotoporphrin, ferroprotoporphyrin, ferroprussiate, ferropseudobrookite, Ferropyr, ferroresonance, ferro-resonance, ferroschallerite, ferroselenium, ferro-selenium, ferrosifumaras, Ferrosil, ferrosilicate, ferro-silicate, ferrosilicium, ferro-silicium, ferro-silico-manganese, ferrosilicon, ferro-silicon-aluminium, ferro-silicon-nickel, ferro-silicon-titanium, ferro-silico-titanium, ferrosilite, ferrospinel, ferro-spinel, ferrostan, ferrosteel, ferrostilpnomelane, ferrotantalum, ferrotellurite, ferrotephroite, ferrotherapy, ferrothorite, ferrotitanium, ferrotremolite, ferrotron, ferrotungsten, ferro-tungsten, ferrotype, ferrouranium, ferro-uranium, ferrous, ferrousalloy, ferrovanadium, ferroverdin, ferrowollastonite, ferrox, ferroxcube, ferroxdure, ferroxplana, ferrozincite, ferrozirconium, ferrozoid, ferruccite, ferrugineous, ferruginescent, ferrugineus, ferruginol, ferruginosity, ferruginous, ferrule, ferrules, ferrum, ferrumiron, ferry, ferry boat, ferryboat, ferrycraft, ferryhouse, ferrying, ferryman, fersmanite, fersmite, Ferticon, fertigation, fertile, Fertile Crescent, fertileness, fertilisable, fertilisation, fertilise, fertiliser, fertility, fertility drug, fertility rate, fertility-rate,


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