Although Bynum is a Laker, Oden is coming into the league with the Vesuvian hoopla and nonstop palaver that befits a No. 1 draft choice.
As per your suggestion, we're hanging out. Quite frankly, I don't see what all the hoopla's about. Go on, Amy.
根据你的建议我们正在相处 老实说 我都不知道 你有什么好大惊小怪的 继续说 艾米。
Wha - Whoa, hey, I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative...there's gonna be a hoopla?
我可不希望我的生日,造成任何的不愉快… 你们要为我搞动吗?
Why would I all want all of that hoopla?
You know, I don't understand all the hoopla with the U.N. anyway.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is creating quite the hoopla.
I'll be fine as long as I fly under the radar, with no hoopla.
Often it refers to tales of humdrum lives that lack the hoopla of seismic themes, exotic settings, twists and gore.
" Hoopla" (hoopla) means a lot of excitement, a lot of attention, a great deal of activity, many things going on.
“Hoopla” (hoopla) 意味着很多兴奋, 很多关注,很多动,很多事情正在发生。
A fakeloo artist, a hoopla spreader, and a lad who had his card rolled up inside sticks of tea, found on a dead man.
在个死人身上发现个 fakeloo 艺术家、个 hoopla 传播者和个把卡片卷在茶棒里的小伙子。
Mongstad-a billion-dollar development owned jointly by the Norwegian government and three oil companies, Statoil, Shell and Sasol of South Africa-is a rare exception that has actually opened, hence the hoopla.
蒙斯塔出人意料地联合挪威政府和三家石油公司( 挪威国家石油公司、壳牌和南非的萨索尔)开发的价值十亿美元的项目已经正式开工,关于CCS的争论更加激烈。
When someone is celebrating, they may have a party with a lot of hoopla – a lot of things going on, music and dancing, that sort of thing.
当有人在庆祝时,他们可能会举办个欢呼雀跃的派对——很多事情都在发生, 音乐和舞蹈之类的。