I didn't feel free there, and my old housemates were cramping my style.
I was expecting to find my... housemate.
And figures such as his best friend and housemate Doctor Watson.
His housemate, Lucy the Cat, decided to come play.
Owners can thus know whether a fat cat is pigging out while less aggressive housemates go hungry.
Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.
And when her housemates are in low spirits, she does something to lift their spirits.
If the spirit moves them, her housemates can join in the fun. And they always do!
You might also hear the term " housemate" which is also one word (housemate).
您可能还听到“housemate” 一词,它也是一个词(housemate)。
It's like your very own episode of Big Brother but without the annoying, loud housemates.
这就像您自己的《老大哥》剧集, 但没有烦人、吵闹的友。
And so one of my housemates says, " It's 11 o'clock at night, like, why are you still working? "
我的一个友说,“现在都晚上 11 点了,你怎么还在工作?”
Silly until his housemate, Brian, started actually making and selling his own pants.
From my housemates, who were a gay couple, to my sister and her husband struggling with infertility.
But if even one of your housemates is a student, you could potentially get 25 per cent off your bill.
但如果你的友中有一个是学生,你的账单就有可能获得 25% 的折扣。
And there are so many websites like Craigslist, Gumtree and others where you can find homes with spare rooms and move in with housemates instantly.
还有很多网站,比如说Craigslist, Gumtree 等等,你能在上面找到有空房出租的家庭,然后可以立马搬进去。
We usually talk about roommates and housemates for people who are paying rent, that is, for someone who's paying money to be there.
Our new housemates even gave us a huge business tip — kill the name Kickass Academy; it sounded like a lame martial arts dojo.
我们的新友甚至给了我们一个巨大的商业秘诀——取消 Kickass Academy 这个名字;这听起来像是一个蹩脚的武术道场。
And thereupon their invisible housemate had finally dropped out of their references, which were numerous enough to make them promptly unaware of the loss.
于是们看不见的友终于放弃了们的推荐信, 这些推荐信的数量足以让们很快意识到损失。
I had a housemate who felt like men's pants didn't fit, of all things, which I thought was a silly idea at the time.
It was a lot of work. I spent a lot of time in my room painting, all day, every day. My housemates got slightly worried for me.