He snorted indignantly and walked away.
" I certainly didn't authorize this, Professor! " said Percy, puffing himself up indignantly.
“我肯定没有让他们这么干。教授! ”帕西又自傲起来了,他愤慨地说。
" You only like him because he's handsome, " said Ron scathingly. said Hermione indignantly.
" You know, house-elves get a very raw deal! " said Hermione indignantly.
" Honey or India" ? questioned Melly excitedly, while Scarlett stared almost indignantly.
" 是霍妮还是英迪亚?" 媚兰兴奋地问,而思嘉乎是愤愤地瞪着眼珠子等待说下去。
" Sir, " said Mrs. Meade indignantly. " There are no deserters in the Confederate army" .
" 先生,联盟军里可没有逃兵呀," 德愤愤地插嘴说。
" Hark who's talking, you walked out of Divination, you hate Trelawney! " said Ron indignantly.
She took a step toward me and began to slide her hands indignantly up and down her hips.
" It was base, " he said indignantly, " it was ignoble."
And Dirk actually gave it him, said his wife indignantly.
" He only gave her ten Galleons? " said Harry indignantly.
" It most certainly isn't! " said the pale witch indignantly.
" What've they done to it? " Cedric said indignantly, stopping dead.
" Of course I haven't! " said Harry indignantly.
“Oi! ” said Hagrid indignantly, “Le' go of him! Le' go of Harry! ”
" Oh, why doesn't he keep his mouth shut" ! thought Scarlett indignantly.
" 唔,他干吗闭其他那张嘴呢!" 思嘉生气地想。"
" Yes, we can! " said Mrs Figg indignantly.
'But I wasn't even trying, ' he explained indignantly, 'I wasn't even trying.'
" 可是我连试也没试," 他气愤愤地解释," 我连试也没试啊。"
" We're paying them! " said Fred indignantly.
" What? " I said indignantly. " He's been waiting for me to get fed up? "
" He's going up to the castle with her! " said Hermione indignantly.