| 划词

For a successful class humour is indispensable.

要在课堂上功, 幽默是必可少的。


This is an indispensable part of his creed.



She's become quite indispensable to the company.



He is indispensable to our work, we cannot do it without him.

对于我们的工作来说, 他是可缺少的, 没有他, 我们就做了。


Some indispensable vegetables has been ratably portable and stable in a feeble babble.

有些可 或缺的蔬菜在虚弱的水池非常轻便且稳定。


This is an indispensable book.



Water is indispensable to plants.



Control of the two main plantain diseases, yellow sigatoka (Micosphaerella musicola) and black sigatoka (Micosphaerella fijiensis), is indispensable.



Tea table, resemble an elf same, in the beautification of the bedroom personate is worn indispensable costar part.



Isis is the most significant goddess during the whole ancient Egypt history, and she played the indispensable role in the Heliopolitan Ennead.



Architectural opuscule is an integrant and indispensable part of the landscape.It contains application and appreciation.If used properly, it can have wonderful function.



A beauty, in silence but touch your heart faintly, vogue and elegance between limpidness of glass and brightness of metal, finally become an indispensable part of unvarying beauty.




dennison, dennisonite, Denny, denobilize, denoise, denominal, denominate, denomination, denominational, denominationalism, denominationalize, denominative, denominator, DENON, denormal, denormalization, denotable, denotation, denotative, denotatum, denote, denoter, denouement, denounce, denovo, dens, denscast, dense, densely, Densen, densener, denseness, densification, densifier, densiflorene, densify, densimeter, densimetry, densite, densi-tensimeter, Densithene, densitometer, densitometry, density, DENSO, densofacies, densogram, densograph, densography, densometer, densonucleosis, densospore, densovirus, dent, dentacerores, dentagra, dental, dental amalgam, dental caries, dental floss, dental hygienist, dental plaque, dental plate, dental surgeon, dental technician, dentalation, dentale, dentalgia, dentalium, dentalize, dentalloy, dentaphone, dentarpage, dentary, dentate, dentate nucleus, dentatenucleus, dentation, dentel, dentelated, denter, dentes, dentex, denthion, denti-, dentiaskiascope, denticare, denticle, denticular, denticulate, denticulation, denticule, dentification, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerate, dentigerous, dentil, dentilabial, dentilingual, dentimeter, dentin, dentinal, dentinalgia, dentinasal, dentine, denting, dentinification, dentinoblast, dentinogenesis, dentinoid, dentinoma, dentinosteoid, Dentinum, dentirostral, dentiscalprum, dentist, dentistry, dentists, dentition, dentoalveolitis, dentograph, dentoid, dentolingual, Denton, dentoosteitis, dentophone, dentophonics, dentosurgical, dentrid, dentrite, dentritic, dents, Dentsu, dentulous, denture, denture-blank, denturecast, dentures, denturist, denuclearise, denuclearize, denucleate, denucleated, denucleination, denudate, denudation, denude, denuded, denuder, denumerable, denunciate, denunciation, denunciative, denunciator, denunciatory, denutrition, Denver, Denverite, deny, denying, Denys, Deo gratias, Deo volente, deobligation, deobstruent, deoccupy, deodand, deodar, deodorant, deodorise, deodoriser, deodorization, deodorize, deodorizer, deodorizing, Deogratias, deoil, deoiler, deoiling, de-oiling, deolepsy, deontic, deontology, deoperculate, deoppilant, deorbit, deordination, deordorization, deorientalization, deorsum, deorsumvergence, deoscillator, deossification, Deovolente, deoxidant, deoxidate, deoxidation, deoxidiaer, deoxidization, deoxidize, deoxidizer, deoxy, deoxyaconitine, deoxyadenosine, deoxyandrographolide, deoxycamptothecine, deoxycorticosterone, deoxycytidine, deoxygenate, deoxygenation, deoxygenization, deoxygenize, deoxyglucose, deoxyguanosine, deoxyhemoglobin, deoxynucleoside, deoxynucleotide, deoxyribonuclease, deoxyribonucleic, deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleoprotein, deoxyribonucleoside, deoxyribonucleotide, deoxyribose, deoxysaccharide, deoxyschizandrin, deoxyshikonin, deoxysugar, deoxythymidine, deoxyuridine, Dep, DEPA, depacketize, depaint, depainting, depair, Depal, depalatalization, depalletizer, depancreatize, depanner, depanning, deparaffinage, depart, departed, department, department head, department of agriculture, Department of Biology, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, department of education, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, department of state, Department of the Treasury, department store, departmental, departmentalise, departmentalism, departmentalization, departmentalize, departure, departure gate, departure lounge, departure time, depassivation, depasturage, depasture, depauperate, depauperation, depauperize, depegram, depend, depend on, depend upon, dependability, dependable, dependably, dependance, dependant, dependence, dependence-driven, dependency, dependent, dependent clause, dependent on, dependent variable, dependents, depending, depentanize, depentanizer, depeople, depepsinized, depeq, depergelation, deperm, depersonalise, depersonalization, depersonalize, deperulate, deperulation, depeter, Depew, dephased, dephasing, dephenolize, dephenzoat, dephlegmate, dephlegmation, dephlegmator, dephlogisticate, dephlogisticated, dephlogistication, dephnin, dephonemicization, dephophorization, dephosphorization, dephosphorize, dephosphorizing, dephosphorylate, dephosphorylation, DEPI, depickle, depict, depiction, depictive, depicture, Depidodendrales, depigment, depigmentation, depigmentize, depilate, depilation, depilator, depilatory, depiler, depilitant, depinker, deplanate, deplanation, deplane, deplano, deplasmolysis, deplate, deplating, deplenish, deplete, depleted, deplethoric, depletion, depletive, depletory, deplistor, deploid, deploitation, deplorable, deplorably, deplore, deploy, deployed, deployer, deployment, deplumate, deplumation, deplume, depocenter, depocid, depo-heparin, depolarise, depolariser, depolarization, depolarize, depolarizer, depoling, depoliticize, depollute, depollution, depolyalkylation, depolymerase, depolymerization, depolymerize, depone, deponent, depontination, depopularize, depopulate, depopulation, deport, deportable, deportation, deportee, Deportivo Coruna, deportment, deposable, deposal, depose, deposit, deposit account, depositary, deposit-free, depositing, deposition, depositional, depositionalcycle, depositor, depository, deposit-slip, deposulf, deposulfal, depot, depotassication, depots, DEPP, depravation, deprave, depraved, depravity, deprecate, deprecatingly, deprecation, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciable, depreciate, depreciatingly, depreciation, depreciation allowance, depreciation charge, depreciation rate, depreciative, depreciatory, depredate, depredation, depredatory, depress, depressant, depressed, depressibility, depressible, depressimeter, depressing, depressingly, depression, depressive, depressive disorder, depressomotor, depressor, depressurise, depressurization, depressurize, depreter, deprivable, deprival, deprivation, deprive, deprived, deprocedured-to-FORM, deproceduring, deprofessionalization, deprofessionalize, deprogram, deproletarianize, deproletarize, depropagation, depropanization, depropanizator, depropanize, depropanizer, depropenizer, deproteinate, deproteinization, deproteinize, depsid, depside, depsidone, dept, dept., depth, depth charge, depth finder, depth gauge, depth-first, depthie, depthkeeping, depthometer, depthon, deptropine, depula, depulization, depulping, depupinization, depurant, depurate, depurated, depuration, depurative, depurator, depurge, depurination, deputation, depute, deputise, deputize, deputy, deputy sheriff, depyrogenation, deque, dequeuc, dequeue, dequeued, deracialize, deracinate, deracine, deradelphus, deradenitis, deradenoncus, deradicalize, deragger, deraign, deraignment, derail, derailed, derailer, derailing, derailleur, derailment, deranencephalia, derange, deranged, derangement, derased, derate, derated, derating, deration, deratization, deratize, deratting, deray, Derby, derby hat, derbylite, Derbyshire, dere, derealization, derealize, derecognize, DERED, dereeler, dereference, dereferenced-to-FORM, dereferencing, dereflection, deregister, deregulate, deregulation, dereism, Derek, derelict, dereliction, derencephalocele, derencephalus, derepress, derepression, derepressor, derequisition, de-requisitioning, dereserve, deresinate, derestrict, dereverberation, derganil, deriberite, deric, derichment, deride, derider, deridingly, derigueur, derind, derinder, deringer, derious, derisible, derision, derisive, derisively, derisory, derivability, derivable, derivant, derivate, derivation, derivational, derivational morphology, derivative, derivative instrument, derivatively, derivativeness, derivatograph, derivator, derive, derive from, derived, derived from, derived function, derivet, derivometer, derlin, derm, derm-, derma, dermabrasion, dermabrassion, Dermacentor, dermacentor variabilis, dermadine, dermadrome, dermagraphism, dermahemia, dermal, dermalaxia, dermalgia, dermalia, dermamyiasis, Dermanyssidae, Dermanyssina, Dermanyssus, dermapostasis, Dermaptera, dermapteran, dermaskeleton, dermasurgery, dermatalgia, dermatape, dermatate, dermatatrophia, dermatauxe, dermateen, Dermatemydidae, dermatergosis, dermathemia, dermatherm, dermatic, dermaticulare, dermatine, dermatitant, dermatitis, dermatoarthritis, dermato-autoplasty, dermatobasidium, Dermatobia, dermatobiasis, dermatoblast, dermatoblastomycosis, dermatocalyptrogen, dermatocandidiasis, dermatocelidosis, dermatocellulitis, Dermatocentor, dermatococcus, dermatoconiosis, dermatoconjunctivitis, dermatocranium, dermatocyst, dermatodynia, dermatodyschroia, dermatodysplasia, dermatofibroma, dermatofibrosarcoma, dermatofibrosis, dermatogen, dermatoglyph, dermatoglyphics, dermatograph, dermatographia, dermatographism, dermatography, dermatohypertrophia, dermatoid, dermatokoniosis, dermatol, dermatologic, dermatological, dermatologist, dermatology, dermatolysis, dermatomal, dermatome, dermatomere, dermatometry, dermatomic, dermatomucosomyositis, dermatomyces, dermatomycin, dermatomycosis, dermatomyiasis, dermatomyoma, dermatomyositis, dermatonecrotic, dermatonecrotoxin, dermatoneuritis, dermatoneurology, dermatoneurosis, dermatonosology, dermato-ophthalmitis, dermatopathology, dermatopathophobia, dermatopathy, Dermatophagoides, Dermatophilaceae, dermatophiliasis, Dermatophilus, dermatophobe, dermatophobia, dermatophylaxis, dermatophyte, dermatophytid, dermatophytosis, dermatoplasm, dermatoplastic, dermatoplasty, dermatopolyneuritis, dermatopsy, dermatorrhagia, dermatorrhea, dermatorrhexis, dermatoscope, dermatoscopy, dermatosiophobe, dermatosiophobia, dermatosis, dermatosome, dermatospasm, dermatostomatitis, dermatosyphilis, dermatotherapy, dermatothlasia, dermatotome, dermatotomy, dermatotropic, dermatoxerasia, dermatoxicology, dermatozoiasis, dermatozoon, dermatozoonosis, dermatrophia, dermatropic, dermenchysis, dermepenthesis, dermerethistica, dermestid, dermiatrics, dermic, dermics, dermiformer, dermis, dermitis, Dermitron, dermo-, dermoactinomycosis, dermoanergy, dermoblast, dermocalyptrogen, dermoccipital, Dermochelidae, dermochrome, dermocyma, dermocymus, dermoglyphics, dermograph, dermographia, dermographism, dermohemia, dermohygrometer, dermoid, dermoid cyst, dermoidal, dermoidectomy, dermojet, dermolabial, dermolipectomy, dermolipoma, dermology, dermolysin, dermometer, dermometry, dermomycosis, dermomyositis, dermomytome, dermonecrotic, dermoneurosis, dermonosology, dermopapillary, dermopathic, dermopathy, dermophlebitis, dermophylaxis, dermophyte, dermophytosis, dermoplasty, Dermoptera, dermopteran, dermoreaction, dermorphin, dermorrhagia, dermoskeleton, dermostenosis, dermostosis, dermosynovitis, dermosyphilopathy, dermotactile, dermotherapy, dermothermometer, dermotomy, dermotoxin, dermotropic, dermovaccine, dermovascular, dermovirus, dern, Derna, derned, dernier, derocker, Derodontidae, derogate, derogation, derogative, derogatorily, derogatory, deromanticize, deroncus, deroofing, Derosal, derosination, derotation, derrick, derricking, derricks, derrid, derride, derriengue, derriere, derringdo, derring-do, derringer, derris, derry, dertrotheca, dertrum, derumpent, derust, deruster, derusting, derustit, Deruta, derv, dervillite, dervish, Derwent, Derxia, DES, Des Moines, desaccharify, desacetylcolchicine, desacralize, desactivation, desaeration, desaglybuzole, desalinate, desalination, desalinator, desalinization, desalinize, desalivate, desalivation, desalt, desalted, desalter, desaltification, desalting, desamidase, desamidizate, desaminase, desaminases, desample, desampling, desanctify, desander, desanding, desaspidin, desaspidine, desaturate, desaturation, desaturator, desaxe, desaxis, descale, descaler, descaling, descant, Descartes, descemetitis, descemetocele, descend, descendable, descendance, descendant, descended, descendent, descender, descendible, descendiblity, descending, descending aorta, descending colon, descension, descensional, descensive, descensus, descent, descents, deschool, deschooler, deschooling, descinolone, desciscent, desclerotization, descloizite, descrambler, descrambling, descresept, describable, describal, describe, described as, describer, describing, descried, descrier, description, descriptive, descriptive geometry, descriptive grammar, Descriptive Linguistics, descriptive statistics, descriptively, descriptor, descry, descum, desealant, deseam, deseamer, deseaming, deseasonalization, deseasonalize, deseasonalizing, desecrate, desecrater, desecration, deseeder, desegregate, desegregation, deselect, deselenization, desensibilization, desensitise, desensitivity, desensitization, desensitize, desensitizer, desequestrate, Deseret, deserialize, deserializer, desernil, deserpentinization, deserpidine, desert, desert boot, desert landscape, desert rose, desert soil, deserta, deserted, deserter, deserticolous, desertification, desertion, desertization, Desertliving Cistanche, deserts, desertscape, deserve, deserved, deservedly, deserving, desetting, desex, desexegration, desexualization, desexualize, desferrioxamine, desflurane, desglucocheirotoxin, deshabille, desheathing, deshielding, deshydremia, desi, desiccant, desiccate, desiccated, desiccation, desiccative, desiccator, desicchlora, Desicorn, desiderata, desiderate, desiderative, desideratum, desight, design, design criteria, designability, designable, designata, designate, designated, designated driver, designated hitter, designation, designator, designatum, designed, designedly, designee, designer, designer drug, designer-in-charge, designing, designlist, designment, designograph, desilication, desilicification, desiliconisation, desiliconization, desiliconize, desilker, desilt, desilter, desilting, desilver, desilverization, desinence, desingnation, desintegrate, desintegration, desintegrator, desintering, desipience, desipient, desipramine, desirability, desirable, desirably, desire, desired, Desiree, desires, desirous, desist, desistance, desivac, desizability, desize, desizer, desizing, desk, desk clerk, deskbound, deskew, deskfast, de-skilling, deskman, deskmate, desktop, desktop computer, desktop publishing, desktops, DeskWin, deskwork, deslag, deslagging, deslanoside, deslime, deslimer, desliming, desludge, desma, desmacyte, desmalgia, desman, Desmanthos, desmectasia, desmectasis, desmergate, desmethylfarreol, desmethylicariin, desmethylnobiletin, desmetryn, desmid, Desmidiaceae, desmidian, Desmids, desmin, desmine, desmitis, desmochore, desmocollinite, desmocranium, desmocyte, desmocytoma, desmodium, desmodont, Desmodontidae, desmodontium, Desmodoridea, desmodur, desmodynia, desmoenzyme, desmoenzymes, desmogen, desmognathism, desmography, desmoid, desmolase, desmolipase, desmology, desmolysis, desmon, Desmond, desmone, desmopathy, desmopexia, Desmophyceae, desmoplasia, desmoplastic, desmorrhexis, Desmoscolecida, Desmoscolecidae, Desmoscolecoidea, desmose, desmos-emicollinite, desmosine, desmosis, desmosome, Desmospongia, desmosterol, Desmostylia, Desmostylidae, Desmothoracida, Desmotiontae, desmotomy, desmotrope, desmotropism, desmotroposamtonin, desmotropy, desmotrypsin, desmotubule, desmurgia, desmurgy, Desna, desocodeine, desolate, desolately, desolation, desolvation, desolventize, desolventizer, desomorphine, desorb, desorber, desorption, desosamine, desoxidant, desoxidation, desoxidizer, desoxy, desoxycorticosterone, desoxycortisone, desoxycytidine, desoxydate, desoxydation, desoxyephedrine, desoxyphenobarbital, desoxyribonucleic acid, desoxyribose, despair, despairing, despairingly, despatch, despatcher, despecialize, despecification, desperado, desperate, desperately, desperateness, desperation, despicable, despicably, despicker, despicking, despiker, despiking, despin, despinner, despinning, despiralization, despiritualize, despise, despised, despises, despite, despite the odds, despiteful, despiteous, despiteously, despoil, despoilment, despoliation, despond, despondence, despondency, despondent, despondently, desponding, despondingly, desposition, despot, despotic, despotically, despotism, de-spread, despumate, despumation, despun, desquamate, desquamation, desquamative, Dessau, dessert, dessert plate, dessert spoon, dessert wine, desserts, dessertspoon, dessiatine, dessicant, dessicate, dessin, DEST, destabilise, destabilization, destabilize, destabilizer, destacker, destacking, destage, destain, destainer, de-Stalinization, destannification, destarch, destarched, destaticizer, destaticizing, destatization, destearinate, de-stemmer, desterilization, desterilize, desthiobiotin, desticker, destination, destination-transport-address, destinative, destine, destined, destinker, destiny, destitute, destitution, Destn, destock, destocking, destomycin, destoner, destool, destoolment, destratification, destrengthening, destressing, destrier, destringer, destroy, destroyed, destroyer, destroyer escort, destruct, destructans, destructibility, destructible, destruction, destructional, destructionist, destructive, destructive distillation, destructively, destructivity, destructor, destructuralize, destructure, destruxins, desublimate, desublimation, desubstantiate, desudation, desuete, desuetude, desugar, desugarization, desulfate, desulfation, desulfidation, desulfonate, desulfonation, Desulfovibrio, desulfur, desulfurase, desulfurate, desulfurated, desulfurater, desulfurating, desulfuration, desulfurication, desulfurization, desulfurizationtitration, desulfurize, desulfurizer, desulphurization, desulphurize, desultor, desultorily, desultoriness, desultory, desuperheat, desuperheater, desuperheating, desuperposition, desurface, de-suspend, deswell, desyn, desynapsis, desynchroniser, desynchronization, desynchronize, desynchronizing, desynonymize, DET, DETA, detach, detachability, detachable, detached, detached house, detacher, detaching, detachment, detail, detail file, detailed, detailedly, detailer, detailing, detailloss, details, detain, detained, detainee, detainer, detainment, Detamide, detar, detarnish, detarrer, detassel, detchable, dete, detect, detectability, detectable, detectagraph, detectaphone, detected, detecter, detectible, detecting, detection, detective, detective story, detectivism, detectivity, detector, detectoscope, DETEL, detelectasis, detension, detent, detente, detention, detention camp, detention centre, detention house, deter, deterenol, deterge, detergence, detergency, detergent, detergible, deteriorate, deteriorating, deterioration, deteriorationist, deteriorative, determent, determeter, determinability, determinable, determinacy, determinandum, determinant, determinantal, Determinants and Permanents, determinate, determinately, determination, determinative, determinator, determinatum, determinatus, determine, determined, determinedly, determiner, determining, determinism, determinist, deterministic, deterrable, deterrence, deterrent,


3G, 401(K), a,



Air and water are indispensable to life.



Yet the sword was their one, indispensable weapon against the Horcruxes.



Gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living.



Milk tea and curd are indispensable for people living on the grassland.



Your support has been indispensable to the success of the students who graduate today.



Interpreters have become indispensable figures at most Paris soup kitchens.


,大臣(Yes, Minister)第三季

Well, it's depriving the disadvantaged of indispensable services!



It's vital to our sales or indispensable for ourselves.



Nouns and verbs are the two indispensable parts of writing.



Satellites are indispensable for studying the weather and the climate.



Very early in the relationship, Wallis became indispensable to his household.



I've just had a fruitful chat with people who love this show. The fan site's indispensable for gossip.



So what that means is vital and indispensable means very important.



But Ford also believed that leisure time was indispensable to capitalism.



It's the one indispensable supporter — something you can't do without.


家园 原声版

And so, gradually, the soils that are indispensable to life are formed.



Evidences are indispensable when you want to convince the judge of your innocence.



And as more people around the world adopt these instruments, they are becoming indispensable.



For companies, we can say that advertisement is vital to or indispensable for their sales.



The pandemic may have caused managers to realise who is indispensable and who isn't.




deutenteron, deuteragonist, deuteranomal, deuteranomalia, deuteranomalopia, deuteranomalous, deuteranomaly, deuteranope, deuteranopia, deuteranopic,


3G, 401(K), a,
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