Tom was a lanky boy with long skinny legs.
She was transformed from a lanky adolescent into a willowy young woman.
It means they've got long limbs, lanky.
The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze colored hair.
But like a lanky teenager, she's not totally in control of it all just yet.
Mr. Sherman was a lanky, lean old man, with stooping shoulders, a stringy neck, and blue-tinted glasses.
She looked curiously at this lanky man with his bony stooped shoulders, his pinkish hair and calm unwavering eyes.
Lovat was tall, lanky, outrageously handsome and romantic, with a castle towering above the river at Beauly, near Inverness.
But if he's hairy, he's probably manly. Another expression, " lanky" . " Oh, he's tall and lanky."
但如果他有毛, 那他可能很有男子气概。 另一种表达方式, “瘦长” 。 “哦,他又高又瘦。
That would explain the lanky Negro's dollar.
A lanky Negro came out of a glassed-in office and looked the Chrysler over.
一个瘦长的黑人从玻璃办公室里走出来, 打量着克莱斯勒。
The lanky form was that of Physician Vilbert, who had been called in by Arabella.
As a man of medium height in the West, he keeps a powerful but elegant figure, looking neither lanky nor stout.
A cow oozes black goo instead of milk and a comet delivers a lanky bearded stranger into the care of Nori.
一只奶牛分泌出了黑色的黏液,而非牛奶,彗星将一个瘦长的大胡子陌生人送到了 Nori 的照看下。
The lanky Negro came out of the little office and I gave him my car check.
瘦长的黑人从小办公室出来, 我把我的汽车支票交给了他。
He took one look at me-- lanky, pale, blocking his sun-- and curled his lower lip.
Arthur sat down, and was hurriedly introduced to a lanky youth, who sat on the other side of Margaret.
Somewhere in her subconscious mind she realized that the lanky head waitress had placed some one opposite her at the table.
在她潜意识的某个地方, 她意识到瘦长的女服务员领班在她对面的桌子上放了一个。
" Lanky" is not muscular. It's where the guy is sort of skinny. But he's still very handsome. " He's lanky."
” “瘦长” 不是肌肉。 这是这个家伙有点瘦的地方。 但他仍然很帅。 “他很瘦。 ” 他有点瘦。
Bond felt a lump in his throat when the lanky figure limped off to his car after being warmly embraced by Tiffany Case.
当这个瘦长的身影被蒂芙尼凯斯热情地拥抱后, 一瘸一拐地走上他的车时, 邦德感到喉咙里哽住了。
He was a very tall and lanky man. He was 53 years old. And at first, he just seemed like such an awkward pick for the president.
Because I feel like on an evolution of man chart for a lanky, tall white guys, it's like you're like the modern man and I'm like one right behind you.
我感觉在瘦高白人的人类进化图上 你就是现代人 而我在你之后。