Life history traits of mictic females in two strains of Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera).
Understanding how brain size, behavioral flexibility and life history traits interact can help researchers predict how species will respond to a rapidly urbanizing planet, where survival can mean taking it to the extremes.
了解大脑大小、行为灵活性和生活史特征如何相互作用可以帮助研究人员预测物种将如何应对快速城市化的星球, 在这个星球上生存可能意味着走向极端。
I have seen grown men glow incandescent with rage over this metaphorical millisecond in life's history, the British paleontologist Richard Fortey has written with regard to a long-running twentieth-century dispute over where the boundary lies between the Cambrian and Ordovician.