Mastering the art of litotes, like any other literary tool, requires practice and discernment.
掌握 litotes 的艺术,就像任何其他文学工具一样,需要实践和洞察力。
In conclusion, litotes is a powerful rhetorical device that can add depth, nuance, and complexity to your writing.
总之,litotes 是一种强大的修辞手,为您的写作增加度、细微差别和复杂性。
He refers to this outrageous proposal as amodestone, a classic example of litotes.
他将这个离谱的提议称为 amodestone,这是 litotes 的经典例子。
In such cases, litotes can be used to soften the impact.
在这种情况下,使用 litotes 来减轻影响。
To Convey Irony: Litotes can be a powerful tool to express irony.
2. 表达讽刺意味:Litotes 是表达讽刺意味的有力工具。
Now, let's delve into how we can use litotes effectively in writing, using examples from classical literature.
现在,让我们通过古典文学中的例子究如何在写作中有效地使用 litotes。
This use of litotes underscores the paradoxical nature of the society Orwell describes.
这种对 litotes 的使用强调了奥威尔所描述的社会的矛盾本质。
As you continue to refine your writing skills, don't hesitate to experiment with litotes and observe its effect on your work.
当您继续提高您的写作技巧时,请毫不犹豫地尝试使用 litotes 并观察它对您工作的影响。
To Imply Humility: Litotes can help a character appear humble by downplaying their achievements or attributes.
4. 暗示谦逊:Litotes 通过淡化人物的成就或属性来帮助人物显得谦逊。
Here, rather than overtly stating that the person is unfriendly or hostile, litotes is used to gently suggest the negativity in a more nuanced way.
在这里,litotes 不是公开说明这个人不友好或有敌意,而是更微妙的方式温和地暗示消极情绪。