She gave us a lurid description of the birth.
The papers gave the lurid details of the murder.
A rescue mission was launched amid lurid stories of armed hijackers, alleged boardings, ransom notes and claims that the Russian mafia were forcing the crew to smuggle drugs or guns.
The walls were all covered with large, lurid pink flowers.
But, in fact, the lurid color is the life itself.
Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations, was waving for silence.
A lurid scandal involving a 17-year-old model rumbled on for years but resulted in no further convictions.
These stare us wildly in the face, like lurid meteor lights, as we travel the page of history.
Martha drew a lurid picture of the pitfalls.
By then he knew it was a lurid murder.
There was a lurid darkness which displayed and yet distorted the objects that surrounded them.
有一种骇人听闻的黑暗, 显示但扭曲了他们周围的物体。
Loud and lurid, this artistic trend was defined by its use of imagery lifted from mass-produced consumer goods and popular culture.
Soon lurid lights began to penetrate the vertical gallery which widened as we went up.
很快,刺眼的灯光开始穿透垂直的画廊, 随着我们的上升, 垂直的画廊变得越来越宽。
Ten minutes later, Alex finds him in the clubhouse by a gigantic vase of lurid fuschia flowers.
The prosecution laid out in lurid detail how R Kelly ran a criminal enterprise that had recruited children and women for sex.
The trailer for the film showed expectant audiences A new and exciting Holmes for the very first time in rich, lurid Technicolor.
This was saying much, for the November of 1860 at Quincy stood apart from other memories as lurid beyond description.
这说了很多,因为 1860 年 11 月在昆西发生的事情与其他记忆不同,可怕得无法形容。
He must have painted a lurid picture of cold nights spent without sleep and days spent gathering mistletoe at dizzy heights.
他一定画了一幅骇人听闻的图画, 描绘了在寒冷的夜晚不眠不休, 以及在令人头晕目眩的高处采集槲寄生的日子。
She turned round, and a cry broke from her lips, for the shadows there were lurid with a deep red glow.
When he drew nearer he perceived it to be a spring van, ordinary in shape, but singular in colour, this being a lurid red.
" Your Honor, this is Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen whose lurid affairs destroyed two of Rome's finest generals and brought the end of the Republic."
If this is a slice of life, it's a very lurid slice, and it actually looks a lot like a sad version of bourgeois melodrama.
如果说这是生活的一部分 那它真的是非常可怕的一部分 其实这部剧看起来很像一部悲伤版的资产阶级音乐剧。
" Yea, woman, thou sayest truly! " cried old Roger Chillingworth, letting the lurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes.
“是啊,女人,你说的是真的! ”老罗杰·齐灵渥斯叫道, 让他心中可怕的火焰在她眼前熊熊燃烧。