| 划词

ELCB or GFCI device with trip load of no more than 30 milliamp will be fitted and fully operational.




esophagismus, esophagitis, esophago, esophagocele, esophagoduodenostomy, esophagodynia, esophago-enterostomy, esophagofiberscope, esophagofundostomy, esophagogastrectomy, esophagogastro-anastomosis, esophagogastroplasty, esophagogastroscopy, esophagogastrostomy, esophagojejunogastrostomosis, esophagojejunostomy, esophagolaryngectomy, esophagology, esophagometer, esophagomycosis, esophagopathy, esophagoplasty, esophagoplegia, esophagoplication, esophagopolypus, esophagoptosis, esophagorrhagia, esophagorrhea, esophagosalivary, esophagosalivation, esophagoscope, esophagoscopy, esophagospasm, esophagostenosis, esophagostoma, esophagostomiasis, esophagostomy, esophagotome, esophagotomy, esophagram, esophagus, esophoria, esophoric, esophylaxis, esosphenoiditis, esoteric, esoterica, esotoxin, esotropia, ESP, ESPA, espadrille, espagnolette, espalier, Espana, espanol, espantoon, Espanyol, esparto, ESPEC, especial, especially, esperance, Esperantist, Esperanto, esperanza, esperin, esperon, espews, espial, espichellite, espie&2&gle, espie&2&glerie, espiegle, espiègle, espieglerie, espièglerie, espier, espiguillas, espinal, espino, espinomycin, espionage, esplanade, esplees, ESPN, espnoic, Espoir, esponja, Espoo, espousal, espouse, espressivo, espresso, esprit, esprit de corps, Esprite, esproquin, espundia, espy, Esq., esquamate, esquillectomy, Esquimau, esquinancea, esquire, esquisse, esquisseesquisse, ESR, ESRD, ESR-imaging, ESRO, ESRS, ESRU, ess, ess.sup, ESSA, essay, essayette, essayist, essayistic, essays, esse, Esselte, essemtiality, Essen, essence, essenced, essences, Essene, Essenes, essential, essential amino acid, essential condition, essential hypertension, essential oil, essential tremor, essentiale, essentialism, essentialist, essentiality, essentialize, essentially, essentials, essentialspecies, essentic, Esser, esserbetol, esses, Essevi, ESSEX, essexite, Essie, essing, essive, Esslingen, Esso, essoin, Essolube, essonite, ESSU, EST, est., ESTA, estabilishmentarian, establish, established, established church, establishing, establishment, establishmentarian, establishmentarianism, estafette, Estame, estamenes, estamin, estaminet, estancia, estanciero, Estane, estate, estate agent, estate car, estate tax, estated, estates, estator, estavel, estazolam, ESTC, ESTE, ESTEC, esteem, esteemed, Estella, Estelle, ester, Estera, esterallite, esterapenia, esterase, esterastin, estergum, esterifiable, esterification, esterified, esterify, estero, esterolysis, esters, estersil, Esterweld, esthacyte, esthematology, Esther, esthesia, esthesioblast, esthesiodermia, esthesiodic, esthesiogen, esthesiogenesis, esthesiography, esthesiomene, esthesiometer, esthesiometry, esthesioneuroepithelioma, esthesionosis, esthesiophysiology, esthesis, esthete, esthetic, esthetical, esthetician, estheticism, esthetics, esthiomene, esthiomenous, Esthonia, Esthonian, ESTI, Estiatron, estimable, estimate, estimated, estimated tax, estimatedstatement, estimating, estimation, estimative, estimator, estin, estinyl, estipulate, estivaculum, estival, estivate, estivation, estivin, ESTL, estocada, estolide, eston, Estonia, Estonian, estop, estoppage, estoppel, estovers, Estox, estrade, estradienone, estradiol, estradiolum, estragole, estragon, estraheptaenol, estral, estramustine, estrane, estranediol, estrange, estranged, estrangedness, estrangement, estranol, estrapenia, estratriene, estray, estrazinol, estreat, estrella, estremadura, estrenochrysene, estrenol, estrepe, estrepement, estriasis, estriate, estrich, estrin, estrinase, estriol, estrodur, estrogen, estrogenic, estrogenicity, estrogens, estromania, Estron, estrone, estrophiolate, estrosteron, estrostilben, estrous, estrual, estrum, estrus, estuarial, estuarine, estuarium, estuary, Estynox, estyrene, ESU, esurience, esurient, ESV, ESVAC, et, et al, et alii, et cetera, eta, eta-algorithm, etabetacin, etadie, etaerio, etafedrine, etage, etagere, etailer, e-tailer, E-tailware, etaise, etalate, etale, etalon, Etam, etamine, etamsylate, etamycin, etange, etap, etape, etas, etat, etatism, etatisme, Etazine, ETB, etc, etc., etcaeteras, etcetera, etceteras, etch, etchant, etch-bleach, etched, Etcheminian, etcher, etch-figure, etching, etch-polish, etch-proof, ETCS, ETD, ETE, eteline, etem, etendelle, etendue, Eteocles, eternal, eternal city, eternal life, eternalize, eternally, eternalness, eterne,


3G, 401(K), a,



For context, most Android flagships are somewhere in the 3500 milliamp hour range.



But it's going to be a massive 4100 milliamp hours.


SciSHow 快问快答

And 100 milliamps can stop a heart.

而 100 安可以使心脏停止。


However, one of the only things that's going to slowly let this phone down is the idea that it only has a 3000 milliamp hour battery.


SciSHow 快问快答

The amount of current that’s flowing is measured in amperes, and a current of only 20 milliamps can cause someone to lose control of their diaphragm and stop breathing.

流动的电流量以安培计,仅 20 安的电流就会导致人失去对隔膜的控制并停止呼吸。


Now, with a spec like that, it's not actually going to be that bad, but it is definitely not going to last anywhere near as long as the Nokia 2 with its massive 4000 milliamp hour battery.




eusternum, eusthenia, eustigmin, eustipes, eustomachous, eustratite, eustriate, eustyle, eusynanthropic, eusynchite,


3G, 401(K), a,
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