At 25 he inherited a fortune and become a multimillionaire.
After lunch, Mr. Eastman showed Adamson the chairs he had brought from Japan. They weren't worth more than a few dollars, but George Eastman, now a multimillionaire, was proud of them because he himself had painted them.
午饭之后,伊士曼让亚当森" 检视" 他的手艺。 其实,那些椅子就值几美元,不过在千万富翁伊士曼眼里却身价不菲,因为椅子表面的油漆是他自己亲手修复的,他为此而骄傲、自豪。
What finally drove Anthony post-haste up to Tarrytown was an announcement in several New York papers that Adam Patch, the multimillionaire, the philanthropist, the venerable uplifter, was seriously ill and not expected to recover.
A Russian multimillionaire who is wanted on charges of fraud by the authorities in Moscow has been granted asylum in Britain. Andrei Borodin is accused of carrying out the fraud while he was head of the Bank of Moscow.
名因欺诈罪被莫斯科当局通缉的俄罗斯千万富翁已在英国获得庇护。安德烈·鲍罗丁 (Andrei Borodin) 被指控在担任莫斯科银行行长期间实施欺诈。