| 划词

The study of this subject is undeservedly neglected today.

现今, 这门学科的研究受到应有的


The great importance of the quality of equipment for navigation should never be neglected.



The artist was embittered by public neglect.



The ferriage of the river is neglected.



No country can afford to neglect education.



He neglected to lock the door yesterday.



For a time he neglected his studies.

有一段时, 他放松了学习。


They neglected to lay a good foundation.



The captain was broken for neglect of duty.



It is wrong to belittle or neglect popularization.



He neglected to write and say “Thank you”.



It won't do to neglect this work.



If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.



The messy garden is in a state of neglect.



Mindful of small matters to the neglect of large ones.



The building is sorely neglected.



The whole place reeked of neglect.



He neglected to follow the instructions.

他疏了, 未遵循指示。


It is a sadly neglected work.



The house wore a neglected look.




lanocide, lanolated, lanolin, lanolin(e), lanoline, lanolinum, lanon, lanonol, lanose, lanosol, lanostadiene, lanostadienol, lanostane, lanostene, lanostenepentol, lanostenol, lanostenone, lanosterine, lanosterol, lanoxin, LANs, lansan, lansdowne, lanseh, lansene, lansfordite, lansign, Lansil, Lansing, lanslide, lansol, lansquenet, Lanstan, lantadene, lantana, lantanine, lantern, lantern pinion, lantern slide, lanternbattery, lanternist, lantern-jawed, lanterns, lanternslide, lanthana, lanthanide, lanthanite, lanthanocerite, lanthanoid, lanthanon, lanthanum, lanthinite, lanthionine, Lanthonotidae, lanthopine, lanthorn, Lantianman, Lantiron, lantol, Lantsang, lanuginose, lanuginosine, lanuginous, lanuginousness, lanugo, lanum, Lanus, Lanusa, Lanwei, lanyard, Lanzhou, lanzones, Lao, laocoon, Laodicea, Laodicean, Laogong, Laoighis, Laomediidae, Laomedon, LAON, Laos, Laotian, Laotians, Lao-tzu, lao-ya-tsao, lap, lap joint, lap(锻), lapachenole, lapachol, lapactic, laparectomy, laparelytrotomy, laparocholecystotomy, laparocolectomy, laparocolostomy, laparocolpohysterotomy, laparocystectomy, laparocystidotomy, laparocystorrhaphy, laparocystotomy, laparoenterostomy, laparoenterotomy, laparogastroscopy, laparogastrostomy, laparogastrotomy, laparohepatotomy, laparohystero-oophorectomy, laparohysteropexy, laparohysterosalpingo-oophorectomy, laparohysterotomy, laparoileotomy, laparokelyphotomy, laparomyomotomy, laparonephrectomy, laparoovariectomy, laparosalpingo-oophorectomy, laparosalpingotomy, laparoscope, laparoscopy, laparosplenectomy, laparostict, laparotomaphilia, laparotome, laparotomize, laparotomy, laparotyphlotomy, laparouterotomy, laparo-uterotomy, laparozoster, lapaxis, LAPB, lap-belt, lapboard, LAPD, lapdog, lapel, lapels, lapful, lapicide, lapidarian, lapidarist, lapidary, lapidate, lapidation, lapides, lapidescent, lapidicolous, lapidification, lapidify, lapidite, lapidolite, lapidose, lapie, lapilli, lapilli-tuff, lapillo, lapillus, lapin, lapina, lapinization, Lapins, lapis, lapis lazuli, Laplace, Laplacian, Lapland, Laplander, laplink, LAPM, lapout, Lapp, lappa, lappaconitine, lapparentite, lapped, lapper, lappet, Lappic, lapping, lapping-in, Lappish, Lapps, LAPRE, lap-rivet, Laprosticti, LAPS, lapsable, lapse, lapsed, lapsible, lapstone, lap-strap, lapsus, lapsuslinguae, Laptev, Laptev Sea, laptop, lap-top, laptop computer, Laputa, Laputan, lapware, lap-welded, lapwing, lapwork, laqueus, LAR, Lara, Laramie, larane, Lararium, larbish, larboard, LARC, larcener, larcenist, larcenous, larceny, larch, larch tree, larchen, larches, larch-tree, larchwood, LARCT, lard, lardacein, lardaceous, lardalite, lard-bucket, larder, larderellite, lard-head, lardine, larding, lardite, Lardizabalaceae, Lardner, lardo, lardon, lardoon, lardstone, lardtype, lardy, lardy-cake, lardy-dardy, Lareactors, Laredo, Lareina, Lares, largactil, largamente, largando, large, large amounts of, large intestine, large order, large scale, large white, large-as-life, large-boned, large-brained, large-bus, large-denomination, large-diameter, large-duty, large-eyed, large-framed, largehanded, large-handed, large-handedness, largehearted, large-hearted, largeish, largely, large-mesh, largeminded, large-minded, largemouth, largemouth bass, largen, largeness, large-print, larger, larger than life, larger-than-life, largescale, large-scale, large-screen, large-signal, large-size, large-sized, largess, largesse, largest, large-tonnage, larghetto, larghettos, largish, largo, largomycin, lariat, laricin, lariciresinol, larid, Laridae, larigot, Larinae, larine, Larinyssus, larithmic, Larix, larixin, larixine, lark, larker, Larkin, larkiness, larkish, larkishly, larkishness, larksome, larkspur, larky, larmatron, larmier, Larmor, larmotron, larmoyant, larn, Larnaca, larnax, larnite, larocaine, larrigan, larrikin, larrikinism, larrup, larruping, larry, larrying, Lars, larsenite, larum, Larus, larva, Larvacea, larvacide, larvae, Larvaevoridae, larval, larvarium, larvascope, larvate, larvicide, larviform, larvikite, larviparous, larviphagic, larviporous, larvipositor, larvivorous, larvoscopy, laryng-, laryngal, laryngalgia, laryngeal, laryngealization, laryngect, laryngectomee, laryngectomize, laryngectomy, laryngemphraxis, laryngem-phraxis, laryngendoscope, larynges, laryngic, laryngis, laryngismus, laryngitic, laryngitis, laryngitist, laryngo-, laryngocamera, laryngocarcinoma, laryngocele, laryngocrisis, laryngoesophagopharyngectomy, laryngofaradization, laryngofiberoscope, laryngofission, laryngofissure, laryngograph, laryngography, laryngohypopharynx, laryngologist, laryngology, laryngomalacia, laryngometry, laryngomicrosurgery, laryngoparalysis, laryngopathy, laryngophantom, laryngopharyngeal, laryngopharyngectomy, laryngopharynx, laryngophone, laryngophony, laryngophthisis, laryngoplasty, laryngoplegia, laryngoptosis, laryngopyocele, laryngorrhagia, laryngorrhea, laryngorrhoea, laryngoscleroma, laryngoscope, laryngoscopic, laryngoscopical, laryngoscopy, laryngospasm, laryngospasmus, laryngostasis, laryngostenosis, laryngostomy, laryngostroboscope, laryngostroboscopy, laryngosurgery, laryngotome, laryngotomy, laryngotracheal, laryngotracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, laryngotracheobronchoscopy, laryngotracheoscopy, laryngotracheotomy, laryngotyphoid, laryngovestibulitis, laryngoxerosis, larynx, LAS, Las Vegas, LASA, lasability, lasable, lasagna, lasagne, LaSalle, lasalocid, lasant, lasanum, lascar, lascivious, LASCR, LASCS, lase, laseb, lasecon, laser, laser beam, laser printer, laser-bounce, laser-calibrated, lasercom, laser-drilling, laser-gated, lasergraph, laser-guided, laser-induced, laserist, laserium, laserJet, lasermetrics, laserphoto, laser-quenching, laser-scope, laser-seeker, lasertripsy, lash, lasher, lasher-on, lashes, lashing, lashings, Lashio, lashkar, lashless, lash-up, lashy, lasidium, LASIK, lasing, Lasiocampidae, lasiocarpine, lasiocarpous, Lasiorhinus, Lasioseius, Lasiosphaera, Lasiosphaeria, Lasiosphaeriaceae, Laski, LASL, Lasparaginase, L-asparaginase, laspartomycin, laspring, lasque, LASR, lass, Lassa, Lassa fever, Lassa virus, lassalite, Lassalle, Lassallean, Lassalleanism, lasse, Lassell, lassen, Lassen Volcanic National Park, lassenite, Lasser, lasserane, lassie, lassitude, lasso, lassock, lassoer, lassoing, last, last but not least, last ditch, last hurrah, Last Judgement, last judgment, last mile, last name, last night, last quarter, last resort, last rites, last saturday, last straw, Last Supper, last week, last word, last year, lastacross, lastage, lastanox, last-ditch, last-ditcher, lastdrive, laster, lastex, lasthome, lastics, last-in-chain, lasting, lastingness, lastly, last-mentioned, last-minute, lastname, lastness, lastocidin, last-of-chain, last-off, lastometer, lastrine, lasurapatite, lasureous, lasurite, lasya, lat, lat., lata, latacoria, latadentis, latadiscaloca, latagenacerores, latah, Latakia, latallae, latania, latapectinae, latasuture, latch, latchdown, latched, latches, latchet, latching, latchkey, latchkey child, latch-lock, latchstring, latchup, latch-up, late, Late Greek, Late Latin, latebra, latebrose, latecomer, lated, lateen, lateen sail, lateenrigged, lateen-rigged, late-glacial, late-late, lately, late-model, laten, latence, latency, latency period, lateness, late-night, latensification, latent, latent content, latent heat, latent period, latentiation, late-orogenic, later, later on, later years, latera, laterad, lateral, lateral line, lateral thinking, lateral ventricle, lateral-cut, lateralia, laterality, lateralization, lateralize, laterally-loaded, lateralplates, laterals, lateralspace, Lateran, Lateran Council, Lateran Treaty, laterday, later-day, latericeous, latericumbent, laterifolious, laterigrade, lateriomycin, lateris, laterite, lateritic, lateritiin, lateritious, lateritite, lateritization, laterization, laterize, laterocervicalia, laterocranium, laterogenesis, lateroglandularia, laterolog, lateropagus, lateropleurite, lateropulsion, laterosporamine, laterosporin, laterosternite, laterotergite, lateroversion, latescent, latest, latewood, latex, latex paint, latexed, latexometer, lath, Latham, lathc, lathe, lathe-bed, lathedog, lathee, lathe-hand, lathe-hedd, latheman, lather, lathering, latherometer, lathery, lathes, lathework, lathhouse, lathi, lathing, lathosterol, lath-shaped, lathwood, lathwork, lathy, lathyrism, lathyritic, lati, lati-, latibulum, latices, laticifer, laticiferous, laticometer, latifoliate, latifoline, latifolinine, latifolious, latifundia, latifundio, latifundism, latifundist, latifundista, latifundium, latigo, latilamina, latimeria, Latimeridae, latimerol, latimurate, Latin, Latin alphabet, Latin America, Latin American, Latin Quarter, Latin square, Latina, latin-american, Latinate, latine, Latinesque, Latinian, Latinic, Latinise, Latinism, Latinist, Latinity, Latinization, Latinize, latino, Latinos, Latins, latiplantar, latirostral, latisellati, latisepal, latiseptate, latish, latissimus dorsi, latite, latitude, latitudinal, latitudinarian, latitudinarianism, latitudinous, Latium, latiumite, lative, latke, Latona, latorex, latosol, latrappite, latria, latrine, LATRIX, latrobite, latrodectism, lats, Lattakia, latteen, latten, Lattens, latter, latter-day, latterkin, latterly, lattermath, lattermost, latter-wit, lattice, lattice-building, latticed, latticeleaf, lattices, lattice-site, latticework, lattice-work, latticing, latticinio, Lattimore, lattin, lattix, latu, latum, latus, Latvia, Latvian, Latvians, lauan, laubanite, laubmannite, laucaniline, laud, laudability, laudable, laudableness, laudably, laudanidine, laudanine, laudanosine, laudanum, laudation, laudative, laudator, laudatory, lauder, Laue, laueite, lauer, Lauesymmetry, laugenite, laugh, laugh at, laugh away, laugh line, laugh off, laughable, laughably, laugher, laughing, laughing gas, laughing stock, laughingly, laughingstock, laughing-stock, laughter, Laughton, laughy, lauhala, laulau, laumonite, launce, launch, launch pad, launched, launcher, launcherassembly, launching, launching pad, launching-tube, launch-latch, launchman, launchways, launder, launderability, launderette, laundering, launderometer, laundress, laundrette, laundromat, laundry, laundry basket, laundry cart, laundry detergent, laundryman, laundrywoman, Launfal, launobine, Laura, Lauraceae, lauraceous, lauraldehyde, lauramide, laurane, Laurasia, laurate, Lauratonematidae, laurdalite, laureate, laureateship, laureation, laurel, Laurel and Hardy, laurel wreath, laurel-green, laureline, laurelled, laurelliptine, laurel-oil, laurelor, laurels, Lauren, Laurence, Laurence Olivier, Laurene, Laurent, Laurentia, Laurentian, laurestinus, Lauretta, Laurette, lauric acid, lauricidin, Laurie, laurier, laurifruticeta, laurilignosa, laurilsulfate, laurin, laurine, laurinol, laurinoxylon, laurionite, laurisilva, laurisilvae, laurite, Laurocerasus, laurolactam, laurolene, laurolitsine, lauron, laurone, lauronitrile, laurophenone, laurostearin, laurotetanine, lauroyl, laurus, laurusan, laurusin, laurustine, laurustinus, laurvikite, lauryl, laurylene, laurylsulfoacetate, laurylthiocyanate, Lausanne, lausenite, laustoneu, Lautal, lautarite, lautenclavicymbal, lauter, lautite, lautmasse, Lautrec, Lauxaniidae, Lauxite, lav, lava, lava cave, lavabed, lavabo, lavaflood, lavage, laval, lavalava, lava-lava, lavalier, lavaliere, lavalliere, lavandula, lavandulol, lavaret, lavash, lavation, lavatorial, lavatory, lave, lavement, lavena, lavender, lavender-water, lavendery, lavendulin, lavenite, laver, Laveran, laverbread, Laverne, laverock, laves, Laveten, laveur, Lavi, lavialite, lavic, Lavida, LAVIE, LaView, Lavigne, Lavinia, lavipeditum, lavish, lavishly, lavishment, lavishness, lavoflux, Lavoisier, lavolta, lavrock, lavrovite, lavvy, law, law court, law enforcement, law enforcement agency, law merchant, law of conservation of energy, law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of matter, law of diminishing returns, law of effect, law of independent assortment, law of large numbers, law of mass action, law of Moses, law of nations, law of nature, law of segregation, law of the land, law officer, law school, law-abiding, lawak, lawbook, lawbreaker, law-breaker, lawbreaking, lawcourt, LAWCV, Lawd, Lawdy, Lawes, lawful, lawfully, lawfulness, lawgiver, law-hand, lawine, lawing, Lawk, lawks, lawless, lawlessly, lawlessness, lawlike, lawlikeness, lawmaker, lawmaking, lawman, lawmonger, lawn, lawn bowling, lawn chair, lawn mower, lawn sprinkler, lawn tennis, lawnmower, lawn-mower, lawns, lawny, law-officer, Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrencian, Lawrenciana, lawrencite, lawrencium, Lawrentian, Lawrentiana, lawrovite, Lawson, lawsone, lawsonia, lawsonite, lawsuit, lawsuits, Lawton, lawver, lawyer, lawyeress, lawyering, lawyerlike, lawyerly, lawyers, lax, laxation, laxative, laxatively, laxativeness, LAXD, laxer, laxitas, laxite, laxity, laxly, Laxness, laxtive, lay, lay about, lay aside, lay bare, lay claim to, lay down, lay hands on, lay in, lay off, lay out, lay over, lay reader, lay sth aside, lay sth bare, lay sth on, lay sth out, lay the table, lay to, lay to rest, lay waste, lay waste to, layabout, Layamon, Layard, lay-aside, layaway, layback, layboy, lay-by, layday, laydays, laydown, layelder, layer, layer cake, layerage, layere, layered, layering, layers, layer-stepping, layette, layfolk, laying, laying-in, laying-out, laylight, layman, layoff, lay-off, layoffs, lay-on-airdryer, layout, lay-out, layouter, layouts, layover, laypeople, layperson, layshaft, laysister, laystall, laytime, layup, lay-up, laywoman, lazar, Lazard Freres, lazaret, lazarette, lazaretto, lazarevicite, lazarhouse, Lazarist, Lazaro, Lazarus, laze, lazialite, lazies, lazily, laziness, Lazio, lazuli, lazuline, lazulite, lazurfeldspar, lazurite, lazy, lazy bones, lazy daisy stitch, lazy Susan, lazyback, lazybed, lazybones, lazyboots, lazyboy, lazyish, lazyitis, lazyjack, lazy-jack, lazy-tongs, lazzarone, LB, lb., LBA, lbap., L-bar, lbav., LBBB, LBC, LBD, LBE, lbf, lbg, lbin., LBIR, LBJ, lbm, LBO, LBOs, LBP, LBS, lbs., LBT, LBV, LBW, LC, LC/MS, LCA, LCAC, LCAO, LCAS, LCB, LCC, LCCC, LCCIEB, LCCMARC, LCCS, LCD, LCDs, LCDTV, LCE, LCF, LCFC, LCFS, LCG, LCGN, LCI, LCL, LCM, LCML, LCMS, LCN, LCO, LCOS, LCP, LCR, LCS, LCT, LCU, LCV, LCVP, l-cystine, LD, Ld., LD50, LDA, LDAP, LDB, LDC, LDCs, LDD, LDDC, LDDI, LDF, LDG, ldg., LDH, LDHs, LDL, LDMI, LDMS, LDN, LDO, l-dodecanol, Ldopa, L-dopa, L-dopadecarboxylase, LDP, Ldp., LDPE, LDR, L-drive, l-driver, LDRS, LDS, LDT, LDV, LDX, LE, Le Corbusier, Le Havre, lea, leach, leachability, leachable, leachant, leachate, leached, leacher, leachine, leaching, leach-precipitation, leachy, Leacock, lead, lead a simple life, lead acetate, lead astray, lead chromate, lead free, lead glass, lead line, lead off, lead out, lead pencil, lead poisoning, lead sheet, lead tetraethyl, lead the way, lead time, lead to, lead up to, leadable, leadage, leadagetest, lead-alunite, leadamalgam, lead-bearing, lead-becquerelite, Leadbelly, lead-burn, lead-circuit, lead-coat, lead-coated, lead-coating, lead-covered, leaded, leaded gasoline, leaden, leaden-footed, Leadenhall, leadenhearted, leader, leaderene, leaderette, leader-hook, leaderless, leaders, leadership, leaderstone, leadfair, lead-free, lead-hammer, leadhillite, leadin, lead-in, leading, leading edge, leading indicator, leading lady, leading light, leading man, leading question, leading-edge, leading-in, leading-out, lead-ingroove, leading-zero, leadinspiral, lead-lag, leadless, leadline, lead-lined, leadman, Leadmax, leadoff, lead-out, lead-overgroove, leadplant, lead-poisoning, leadprotection, leads, lead-screw, lead-sheathing, leadsman, leadswinger, leadswinging, Leadtek, leadtempering, leadtetrabromide, lead-tight, leadtime, lead-time, lead-tin-telluride, leadup, lead-up, leadwork, leadworks, leadwort, leady, leaf, leaf blade, leaf insect, leaf mold, leaf mustard, leaf roller, leaf spring, leafage, leaf-and-tongue, leaf-comb, leafcutter, leafed, leaf-fall, leaf-fat, Leafflower, leafhopper, leafiness, leafing, leafit, leafless, leaflet, leafleteer, leaflike, leafmeal, leaf-nosed, leaf-organ, leaf-shaped, leafspring, leafstalk, leaf-stalk, leaf-teeth, leaf-tier, leaf-tyer, leafwork, leafworm, leafy, league, league match, league member, league of nations, leaguer, Leah, leak, leak(age)rate, leakage, leakagemeter, leakage-proof, leakageradiation, leakance, leaked, leaker, Leakey, leakhunting, leak-in, leakiness, leaking, leakless, leakly, leak-off, leak-out, leakproof, leakproofness, leak-proofness, leakrelay, leak-test, leak-tested, leaktight, leak-tight, leaky, leakyring, leal, lealty, leam, leamer, lean, lean against, lean over, lean-burn, Leander, leaned, leaner, lean-forward, leaning, leaning tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, lean-limit, Leann Rimes, leanness, leant, lean-to, leap, leap frog, leap second, leap year, leaped, leaper, leapfrog, leapfrogging, leap-frogging, leapfroging, LeapFTP, leaping, leapingly, leaps, leapt, leapyear, leap-year, Lear, learn, learn by heart, learn by oneself, learn by rote, learn sth by heart, learn sth the hard way, learnable, learned, learner, learner-driver, Learners, learnership, learnery, learning, learning ability, learning disability, learning-disabled, learnt, leary, leasable, lease, leaseback, leased, leasehold, leaseholder, lease-lend, leaser, leases, leash, leashes, leasing, least, least common denominator, least common multiple, least of all, least resistance, least squares, leastone, leastways, leastwise, least-worst, leat, leather, leather jacket, leatherback, leatherboard, leatherbound, leather-bound, leathercloth, leathercoat, leathercraft, leatheret, leatheret(te), leatherette, leather-grain, leatherhacker, leather-hard, leatherhead, leatherheaded, leather-headed, leathering, leatherjacket, leather-jacket, leatherleaf, leather-lunged, leathermeal, leathern, leatherneck, leatheroid, leatherware, leatherwear, leatherwood, leather-wood, leatherwork, leatherworker, leatherworking, leathery, leave, leave a message, leave alone, leave behind, leave for, leave in the air, leave no sort of trace, leave no stone unturned, leave of absence, leave off, leave office, leave out, leave sb alone, leave sb behind, leave sth out, leave-breaker, leaved, leaven, leavenbent, leavened, leavening, leaver, leavers, leaves, leave-taking, leaving, leaving-age, leavings, Leavisian, leavy, Lebanese, Lebanese pound, Lebanon, Lebaycid, leben, Lebensraum, lebensspur, lebensspuren, leberblende, lebes, Lebesgue, Lebkuchen, Leboyer, LEC, Lecanicephaloidea, Lecanoraceae, Lecanorales, Lecce, lech, lechatelierite, lechedor, lecher, lecherous, lechery, leching, lechodochium, Lechon, lechopyra, lechuguilla, lechwe, Lecidea, Lecideaceae, Lecideales, lecithal, lecithalbumin, lecithality, lecithic, lecithid, lecithin, lecithinase, lecithinemia, lecithoblast, lecithocoel, lecithoid, lecithoprotein, lecithotrophic, lecithovitellin, lecithymen, leck, lecontite, lecotropal, lectern, lectin, lectins, lection, lectionary, Lectneriales, lector, lectorate, lectorship, lectostratotype, lectotype, lectrice, lectuer, lectulum, lecture, lecture room, lectured, lecturee, lecturer, lectures, lectureship, Lecythidaceae, Lecythidales, lecythus, led, Leda, ledaloyl, ledatron, ledbit, Leddicon, leddiene, ledebouriella seseloides, ledeburite, Lederberg, ledererite, lederhosen, lederite, ledermycin, ledge, ledged, ledgeddoor, ledgement, ledger, ledger line, ledger paper, ledgy, Ledian, ledikite, ledixanthin, ledkore, Ledloy, ledmorite, ledol, ledouxite, LEDP, Ledrit, ledrite, lee, Leeaceae, leeangle, leeboard, leech, leechcraft, leechdom, leeched, leechee, leecher, leeches, leeching, leechrope, LEED, Leeds, leedsite, leeflange, Leehom, leek, leek-green, leeks, leelite, LEEP, leer, leerily, leeriness, leeringly, leery, lees, leeside, leet, leetrough, Leeuwenhoek, leeuwfonteinite, leeward, Leeward Islands, leewardly, leewardmost, leewardy, leeway, lefadol, lefkasbestos, lefkoweld, LEFM, left, left atrium, left field, left hand, left handed, left wing, left-center, left-component, left-face, left-footed, left-hand, left-handed, left-hander, leftie, left-in, leftish, leftism, leftist, leftists, left-justify, leftlaid, left-laid, left-lane, leftleaning, left-leaning, left-luggage, left-matching, leftmost, left-of-center, left-off, leftover, leftover(s), leftovers, left-stepping, leftward, leftwards, left-wheel, leftwing, left-wing, leftwinger, left-winger, left-wings, left-witted, lefty, leg, leg lifts, legacy, legal, legal action, legal age, legal duty, legal fee, legal guardian, legal holiday, legal instrument, legal opinion, legal profession, legal representative, legal residence, legal right, legal separation, legal status, legal system, legal tender, legalese, legalise, legalism, legalist, legalistic, legality, legalization, legalize, legally, legal-size, legantine, Legaspi, legasthenia, legatary, legate, legatee, legateship, legatine, legation, legato, legator, Legazpi, legcholeglobin, legena, legend, legendarily, legendary, legendist, legendize, Legendre, legendry, legends, leger, legerdemain, legerdemainist, legerity, leges, leg-fin, legged, legger, legginess, legging, leggings, leggo, leggy, legharness, leghemoglobin, leghorn, legibility, legible, legibly, Legio, legion, legionaire, legionary, legioned, legionnaire, legionnella, Legionnelosis, legions, legiron, leg-iron, legislate, legislation, legislative, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council, legislatively, legislator, legislatorial, legislatorship, legislatress, legislatrix, legislature, legist, legit, legitimacy, legitimate, legitimately, legitimation, legitimatize, legitimise, legitimism, legitimist, legitimization, legitimize, leglen, legless, leglet, legman, legnum, Lego, leg-of-mutton, legong, legpull, leg-pull, legpuller, leg-pulling, legrandite, Legris, legroom, leg-room, leg-rope, legs, leguan, leguleian, legume, legumelin, legumen, legumes, legumin, legumina, Leguminosae, leguminous, leguminous plant, leg-up, Legurame, leg-warmer, legwork, Leh, lehiite, Lehmann, lehmannite, lehnerite, lehr, lehrbachite, lehre, Lehrer, lehua, lehuntite, lei, leiasthenia, Leibnitz, Leibniz, Leica, Leicester, Leicestershire, Leiden, Leif, leifite, Leigh, Leighton, leightonite, Leila, leimocole, leimocolous, leimyoma, Leinster, leiocom, leiodermia, Leiodidae, leiodystonia, leiogynus, leiomyoblastoma, leiomyofibroma, leiomyoma, leiomyomas, leiomyosarcoma, leiosporous, Leiothrix, leiotrichi, leiotrichous, leiphemia, leipobrachia, Leipsic, Leipzig, leis, leishmania, leishmanial, leishmaniasis, leishmanid, leishmaniform, leishmaniosis, leishmanoid, leister, leisterer, leisurable, leisure, leisure time, leisure wear, leisured, leisureful, leisureless, leisureliness, leisurely, leisuresuit, leisure-time, leisurewear, leisure-wear, Leith, leitmotif, leitmotiv, Leitneriales, Leixoes, leizure, LEJ, lek, lekach, lekker, Lektroset, lekvar, lekythos, LEL, Leland, Lelia, LEM, lema, Lemac, lemacidine, lemaireocereine, leman, Lemarquand, Lemay, Lemberg, lembergite, lemco, lemel, lememia, lemery, lemma, lemmas, lemmatize, lemme, lemming, lemmings, lemmoblast, lemmoblastoma, lemmocyte, lemmocytes, Lemnaceae, lemnaceous, Lemnalactone, lemnasite, Lemnian, lemniscate, lemniscus, lemnoblast, Lemnos, Lemol, lemology, lemon, lemon balm, lemon curd, lemon drop, lemon juice, lemon oil, lemon peel, lemon sole, lemon tree, lemon yellow, lemonade, lemon-balm, lemondrop, lemon-drop, Lemonene, lemongrass, lemongrass oil, lemonile, lemonish, lemonlike, lemonomycin, lemonsqueezer, lemon-squeezer, lemonweed, lemonwood, lemony, lemon-yellow, lemoparalysis, lemostenosis, Lempel-Ziv, lempira, Lemuel, lemur, Lemuralia, lemures, Lemuria, lemurid, Lemuridae, lemuroid, Lemuroidea, lemurs, Len, Lena, Lena River, lenacil, lenad, lenamycin, Lenape, Lenard, Lencril, lend, lend itself to, lendable, lender, lenders, lending, lending institution, lend-lease, lenetic, lengebachite, lengenbachite, length, length of service, lengthen, lengthener, lengthening, lengthily, lengthiness, lengthman, lengthways, lengthwise, lengthy, leniary, leniceps, lenience, leniency, lenient, leniently, lenigallol, Lenin, Leninabad, Leninakan, Leningrad, Leninism, Leninist, Leninite, lenis, lenitic, lenition, lenitive, lenitively, lenity, lennilite, Lennon, Lenny, leno, leno-fastening, Lenore, leno-selvedge, Lenovo, Lenox, lens, lens cover, lenscale, lensectomy, lensed, lensing, lensless, lenslet, lens-like, lensman, lensmen, lensoid, lensometer, lensprotein, lent, lentamente, lentando, lentectomy, Lenten, lenthionine, lentic, lenticel, lenticellate, lenticelle, lenticide, lenticle, lenticonus, lenticula, lenticular, lenticular nucleus, lenticularis, lenticulate, lenticulated, lenticulation, lenticule, lenticulit, lentiform, lentiform nucleus, lentigines, lentiginose, lentiginosis, lentiginous, lentiglobus, lentigo, lentil, lentils, lentin, lentinan, lentine, lentis, lentiscus, lentisk, lentissimo, lentitis, lentitude, lentivirus, lento, lentoid, lentoptosis, lentor, lentosulfa, lentous, lenus, l'envoi, Lenz, Lenzites, lenzitin, Leo, Leo Tolstoy, leocillin, Leon, Leona, Leonard, Leonard Bernstein, Leonardesque, Leonardian, leonardite, Leonardo, Leonardo da Vinci, leone, Leones, Leong, leonhardite, Leonid, Leonidas, Leonids, Leonil, leonine, Leonis, leonite, Leonora, Leonore, Leonotis, Leontalbine, leontamine, leontiasis, leonticine, leontidine, leontiformine, leontine, leontodin, Leontodon, leonuridine, leonurine, leonurinine, leonurus, leopard, leopard cat, leopard lizard, leopard-cat, leopardess, leopardine, leopardite, Leopold, leopoldite, LEOS, leotard, Leotichidae, LEP, Lepadomorpha, Lepcha, leper, Leperditicopida, lepidic, lepidine, lepido-, lepidoblastic, Lepidocarpales, Lepidocentroida, lepidocrocite, Lepidodendrales, lepidolite, lepidoma, lepidomelane, lepidometer, Lepidophyta, Lepidophyton, lepidopter, lepidoptera, lepidopteral, lepidopteran, lepidopterid, lepidopterin, lepidopterist, lepidopterological, lepidopterologically, lepidopterology, lepidopteron, lepidopterous, lepidorthosis, Lepido-saphinae, Lepidosauria, lepidosiren, Lepidosirenidae, lepidosis, lepidosome, lepidote, lepidotrichia, Lepidotrichidae, lepis, lepisma, Lepismatidae, lepisphere, lepocyte, LEPOR, leporid, leporide, leporine, Lepospondyli, lepospondylous, lepothrix, leppy, lepra, lepraphobia, leprarioid, leprechaun, leprechaunism, leprelcosis, lepriasis, lepric, leprid, lepride, leprocidal, leproid, leprolin, leprologist, leprology, leproma, lepromatous, lepromin, leprophil, leprophobia, leprophthalmia, leprosarium, leprosary, leprose, leprosery, leprosin, leprosis, leprosity, leprosy, leprotene, leprotic, leprotin, leprotine, Leprotintinnus, leprous, leptactinine, leptaflorine, leptandroid, Leptathrix, leptazol, lepteny, lepthymenia, leptin, leptinae, Leptinidae, leptinidine, leptite, lepto-, Leptobasaceae, leptocephalic, leptocephalous, leptocephalouslarva, leptocephalus, leptocercal, Leptochaete, Leptochela, leptochlorite, Leptochoeridae, leptochroa, Leptocimex, Leptocodon, Leptoconops, Leptocylindrus, leptocystidium, leptocyte, leptocytosis, leptodactyl, Leptodactylidae, leptodactyline, leptodactylone, leptodactylous, Leptodactylus, leptodactyly, leptodermatous, leptodermic, leptodermous, leptoform, leptogenesis, leptogeosyncline, Leptograptidae, leptohormone, leptokurtic, leptokurtosis, Leptolegnia, Leptolepidae, Leptolepidomorpha, Leptolepiformes, leptology, leptoma, leptome, Leptomedusae, leptomenigitis, leptomeningioma, leptomeningitis, leptomeningopathy, leptometer, Leptomitales, Leptomitus, leptomonad, Leptomonas, lepton, leptone, leptonema, leptonematite, leptonic, leptonomorphology, leptons, Leptopentacta, leptophonia, leptophos, leptophragmata, leptophyll, leptophyllous, Leptopodidae, Leptopodoidea, Leptopodomorpha, leptoprosopic, leptoprosopy, leptoquark, leptorrhine, leptoscope, Leptosol, leptosomatic, leptosome, leptospermone, leptospira, leptospire, leptospirolysin, leptospirosis, leptosporangiate, Leptostraca, Leptostromataceae, leptotene, leptothricosis, Leptothrix, Leptotrichia, leptotrichosis, Leptotrombidium, lepto-zygenema, leptuntic, leptynite, leptynol, leptystic, Lepus, lequear, lerema, leren, leresis, lergefin, lergotrile, Lermontov, Lernaeidae, Lernaeopodidae, Lernaeopodoida, lernaeosis, lernanthropusiasis, Leroy, lerp, lerret, lerrite, LES, Lesbian, Lesbianism, lesbians, Lesbo, Lesbos, lesche, leschenema, lese-majeste, lesene, lesgirls, lesion, Leskeineae, Lesley, lesleyite, Leslie, Lesotho, lespedeza, less, less than, less than a week, lessee, lessen, lessened, lessening, Lesseps, lesser, Lesser Antilles, lesser celandine, lesser omentum, lesser panda, lesser spearwort, Lesser Sunda Islands, lesserflood, lesserite, Lessing, lessivage, lessness, lesson, lessons, lessor, less-than-carload, less-than-container, lest, lestage, leste, Lester, Lestidae, L-estimator, lestiwarite, lestobiosis, lestobiotic, let, let alone, let down, let go, let go of, let in, let loose, let off, let oneself go, let out, let pass, let sb alone, let sb down, let sb in for, let slide, let sth alone, Leta, let-alone, letch, letdown, let-down, lethal, lethal agent, lethal dose, lethal gene, lethality, lethally, lethane, lethargic, lethargic encephalitis, lethargize, lethargus, lethargy, Lethe, Lethean, letheomania, lethidrone, lethiferous, lethologica, Letitia, Leto, let-off, let-out, letovicite, Letraset, Lett, letted, letter, letter bomb, letter box, letter carrier, letter case, letter of credit, letter of intent, letter opener, letter paper, letter stock, letter writer, letter-bomb, letterbound, letter-bound, letterbox, letterboxed, lettercard, letterdrop, lettered, letterer, letterform, lettergram, letterhead, letter-head, letter-high, lettering, letterless, letterman, letter-perfect, letterphone, letterpress, letter-punch, letters, letters of administration, letters patent, letter-scales, letterset, lettersheet, letterspacing, letterweight, letterwriter, letterzine, Lettic, letting, letting down, Lettish, lettre de cachet, lettrism, lettsomite, lettuce, lettuces, Letty, letup, let-up, leu, leuc-, Leucadendron, leucaemoid, Leucaena, leucaenine, leucaenol, Leucaltidae, leucanaemia, leucanterite, leucargyrite, Leucas, Leucascidae, leucaugite, leuccinamycin, leucemia, leucemiz, leucenine, leucenol, Leucettida, leuchtenbergite, leucic, leucin, leucine, leucinesupersensitivity, leucinethylester, leucinosis, leucinostatin, leucinuria, leucismus, leucite, leucitite, leucitoeder, leucitohedron, leucitophyre, leuco, leuco-, leucoagglutination, leucoagglutinin, leucoalizarin, leucoaniline, leucoanthocyanidin, leucoanthocyanin, leucobasalt, leucobase, leuco-bases, leucoblast, leucochalcite, leucocianidol, leucocidin, leuco-compound, leucocompounds, leucocoria, leucocrate, leucocratic, leucocyan, leucocyanidin, leucocyte, leucocythemia, leucocytopenia, leucocytosis, leucocyturia, leucoderma, leucodermia, leucodiorite, Leucodontaceae, leucodrin, leucofiseltinidin, leucoflavin, leucofluorescein, leucogarnet, leucogen, leucoguibourtinidin, leucoindigo, leucokeratosis, leucokinin, leucolactoflavin, leucoline, leucolysin, leucolysis, leucoma, leucomainaemia, leucomaine, leucometer, leucomycin, leucon, Leuconostoc, leucopenia, leucophanite, leucophite, leucophoenicite, leucophore, leucophosphite, leucophyll, leucophyre, leucophyte, Leucoplakia, leucoplast, leucoplastid, leucopoenia, leucopoiesis, leucoprotease, leucopterin, leucopterine, leucopyrite, leucoregulin, leucoriboflavin, leucorrhea, leucorrhoea, Leuco-Sapphire, leucoscope, Leucosiidae, leucosin, leucosis, leucosol, Leucosoleniida, leucosome, leucosphenite, Leucospidae, leucosporous, leucosulfakinin, leucotaxine, leucothionine, Leucothoidae, Leucothrix, Leucotile, leucotome, leucotomy, leucotoxin, Leucotrichaceae, leucotriene, leucotrope, leucovorin, leucoxene, leucoxides, leucoxine, leucrose, leucyl, leucylglycylalanine, leucylnegamycin, leucylpeptidase, leud, leuekotrichious, leukaemia, leukanemia, leukangeitis, leukapheresis, leukasmus, leukemia, leukemic, leukemid, leukemogen, leukemogenesis, leukemogenic, leukemoid, leukeran, leukin, leuko, leuko-, leukoagglutinin, leukoaraiosis, leukobilin, leukoblast, leukoblastosis, leukocidin, leukocytal, leukocyte, leukocytic, leukocytoblast, leukocytogenesis, leukocytoid, leukocytology, leukocytolysin, leukocytolysis, leukocytoma, leukocytometer, leukocytopenia, leukocytoplania, leukocytopoiesis, leukocytoreaction, leukocytosis, leukocytotactic, leukocytotaxis, leukocytotherapy, leukocytotic, leukocytotoxicity, leukocytotropic, leukocytozoon, leukocyturia, leukoderivative, leukoderma, leukodermal, leukodextrin, leukodiagnosis, leukodystrophy, leukoedema, leukoencephalitis, leukoencephalopathy, leukoerythroblastosis, leuko-erythroblastosis, leukoferment, leukogram, leukokinesis, leukokinetics, leukol, leukolysin, leukolysis, leukoma, leukomyelopathy, leukon, leukonid, leukonin, leukonoid, leukonuclein, leukonychia, leukopathia, leukopedesis, leukopenia, leukopenic, leukopin, leukoplakia, leukoplania, leukoplasia, leukoplast, leukoplastid, leukopoiesis, leukopoietic, leukoprecipitin, leukoprophylaxis, leukoprotease, leukoregulin, leukoriboflavin, leukorrhagia, leukorrhea, leukorrheal, leukorrhoea, leukosarcoma, leukosarcomatosis, leukosis, leukotactic, leukotaxia, leukotaxis, leukotherapy, leukothrombin, leukothrombopenia, leukotine, leukotome, leukotomy, leukotoxin, leukotrichia, leukotriene, leukotrienes, leuko-urobilin, leukous, leukovirus, leukuresis, leunaphoska, leunase, leuneburgite, LEUNG, leurocristine, leurosidine, leuteinization, leuto, leutu, Leuven, lev, levacetylmethadol, levair, Levallois, Levalloisian, levallorphan, levamfetamine, levamisol, levamisole, levan, levansucrase, levant, levant morocco, levante, levanter, levantera, levantine, levantinism, levanto, levantor, levarterenol, levator, leveche, levecon, levee, level, level crossing, level off, level(l)er, level(l)ing, level(l)ing-up, leveler, levelers, level-funding, levelheaded, level-headed, leveling, leveller, leveller-cultivator-harrow, levelling, levelly, levelman, level-meter, levelness, level-off, levelpeg, level-peg, levels, Level-Trol, level-up, level-wind, lever, lever lock, leverage, leveraged buyout, leveraged buyouts, leveret, leverman, levers, leverstand, lever-type, Levi, Levi Strauss, leviable, leviathan, levicellular, levier, levies, levigable, levigate, levigating, levigation, levigator, levigelinite, levin, Levine, levirate, Levis, Levi's, levisticum, levitate, levitating, levitation, levitationmelting, levitative, Levite, Levitical, Leviticus, levitron, levity, Levkas, levo, levo-, levocardia, levocardiogram, levo-compound, levocycloduction, levodopa, levo-dromoran, levoduction, levogiration, levoglucosan, levoglucose, levogram, levogyrate, levogyration, levogyre, levogyric, levoid, levoisomer, levomenthone, Levomepromazine, levomycetin, levomycin, levophacetoperane, levophanol, levophed, levophobia, levophoria, Levoprome, Levorin, levoristatin, levorotary, levorotation, levorotatory, levorphan, levorphanol, levosarcolysin, levothyrocine, Levotomin, levulans, levulic, levulin, levulinamide, levulinate, levulinic, levulorotation, levulosans, levulosazone, levulose, levulosuria, levurid, levy, levyine, levyist, levyite, levyne, levynite, lew, lewd, lewdly, lewdness, lewdster, Lewes, lewis, Lewis Carroll, Lewisham, lewisite, Lewisol, lewisson, Lewiston, lex, Lexan, lexeme, lexemic, lexer, Lexes, lexia, lexic, lexica, lexical, lexical ambiguity, lexical meaning, lexicality, lexicalization, lexicalize, lexically, lexicographer, lexicographic, lexicographical, lexicographist, lexicography, lexicology, lexicon, lexiconize, lexicostatistics, lexics, lexigram, lexigraphic, lexigraphy, Lexington, lexis, lexloci, Lexmark, lexon, lexotactics, lextron, Lexus, ley, Leycornox, Leyden, Leyden jar, Leydig cell, Leydig cells, leyitron, leypewter, Leyte, Leyton, Leytosan, lez, leze, leze-majesty, LF, LFA, LFB, LFC, LFD, LFER, lff, LFG, LFGB, LFL, LFM, LFO, LFS, LFT, LFTk, LF-vacuum, LG, LGA, LGL, lgmerald, LGO, LGOC, LGP, lgranulitization, LH, LHA, Lhasa, lhasa apso, LHC, LHCP, LHD, LHE, lherzolite, LHR, LHRH, LHS, LHSV, LHT, LHV, LHW, li, LI14, liabilities, liability, liability insurance, liable, liaise, liaised, liaison, liaisons, liana, lianas, liane, liang, Liangmen, Liangqiu, lianjuan, lianoid, Lianr, Lianvirnian, Liao, Liaoning, liar, liard, Lias, Liassic, liatris, lib, libanotus, libanus, libate, libation, libationer, Libau, libber, libbie, Libby, libeccio, libel, libelant, libelee, libeler, libelist, libellant, libellee, libeller, libellist, libellous, Libellulidae, libelous, liber, Libera, Liberace, liberal, liberal arts, Liberal party, liberalise, liberalism, liberalist, liberalistic, liberality, liberalization, liberalize, liberally, liberaloid, liberals, liberate, liberated, liberation, liberation theology, liberationism, liberationist, liberative, liberator, liberatory, liberatress, Liberia, Liberian, Liberian Dollar, liberite, Liberius, Libermanism, libero, libertarian, libertarianism, libertarism,


3G, 401(K), a,



Nonetheless, it inevitably neglects individual needs to some extent.



Yet even in Britain it is neglected.



Now, don't neglect other areas of your life.



" Those also are actions too often neglected, " said the fox.


瑞克与莫蒂 第二季(双语)

Actually, it's because of years of neglect.



His father, impatient with the boy's neglect of his studies, cut off his allowance.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2019年9月合集

Domestic donkeys are faced with abuse, neglect and abandonment.



It is always perilous to neglect our national defense.



Having left the house, I proceeded to do what Gregson had neglected.


CRI在线 2013年8月合集

He says these two are equally important and neither should be neglected.



It's quite common that career women neglect their families and their children.



Yet time and time again, people neglect your abilities and disrespect your achievements.



But the importance of the export research is often neglected by the managers.


摩登家庭第六季_Modern Family-Season06

Oh, because you've been neglecting Joe?



But the importance of the export research is often neglected by the managers.



Maybe your dad loved cars so much that he neglected you as a child.



But while this greenery was sprawling under our steps, it didn't neglect us overhead.


时代周刊 (Time)

She fights for funding to support neglected communities.



So, you can go back to your policy of benign neglect.


America The Story of Us

America pays the price for neglecting radar.




Lieut, lieut., lieut.col., lieut.comdr., lieut.gen., lieutenancy, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, Lieutenant Commander, lieutenant general,


3G, 401(K), a,
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