The outer parapet of the Great Wall is crenelated with merlons almost 2 m high from the base of the wall.
Why now? Why was I sticking my head above the parapet?
为什么是现在? 为什么选择站出来面对大众?
" He can see by leaning over the parapet" .
“他可以靠在栏杆上看到” 。
The height of the parapet prevented my suicide.
A sudden silence swept along the brick parapets of Meereen. Now it was Dany's people who were screaming and cheering.
Then he leaned his head forward on the parapet.
Lean your elbows on the parapet and look over.
把你手肘靠在栏杆上, 往下看。
My father's face appeared above the parapet, scanning the rooftop.
She stopped and leant her elbows against the parapet of the embankment.
And, imitating the Prince, he leaned against the parapet, and disposed himself to listen.
然,他模仿王子, 靠在栏杆上, 俯身倾听。
'Promise me NEVER to walk on that parapet again'.
Staggering as if struck by lightning, he lost his balance and tumbled over the parapet.
THE DUKE Leto Atreides leaned against a parapet of the landing control tower outside Arrakeen.
He's second on the indictment, his head is below the parapet.
他当事人只是共犯 没你那位那么严重。
In order to make a parade of his bravery, the boy climbed up a parapet.
As he lay thoughtful along the parapet, he realized for the first time the responsibilities of monied life.
当他躺在栏杆上沉思时, 他第一次意识到金钱生活责任。
In shock, my foot slips on the parapet, my weight suddenly the wrong side of the drop.
吓了一跳, 我脚在栏杆上滑倒了,我体重突然倒在了错误一边。
I looked over the parapet, scanned the winking streets of the city and my legs didn't even tremble.
我越过栏杆,扫视着城市闪烁街道, 我双腿甚至没有颤抖。
He sat near her, astride the parapet, with one foot in the loggia and the other dangling into the view.
他坐在她附近, 跨在栏杆上, 一只脚踩在凉廊上, 另一只脚悬在视野中。
Then he turned, and in laying hold of his bag by the dim light pushed the parcel over the parapet.
然他转身, 在昏暗灯光下抓住他包, 把包裹推到护栏上。
Leaning her elbows on the parapet, she contemplated the River Arno, whose roar was suggesting some unexpected melody to her ears.