The purser is always ready to help passengers during a flight.
" There is no young lady on board, " interrupted the purser.
" 我们船上根本就没有年轻的夫人," 事务长回答说。
The purser replied that he did not know any passenger by the name of Fogg.
The purser of the Oahu told me last journey that he hadn't met a nicer girl in the islands.
Let's see if we can find the purser or a steward to help us.
Usually, the purser is assigned a certain number of cabins.
She doesn't need to find the purser and the steward in other words, because she found her cabin.
换句话说, 不需要找到事务长管家,找到了的小屋。
823. The purser reports there are over ten hijackers onboard.
823. 事务长报告说,船上有十多名劫机者。
" Of course." The purser had the list with him and showed Passepartout.
He rushed to the purser and asked, " Am I on the Carnatic? "
" Yes, on the way to Yokohama, " replied the purser, a little surprised.
A Bonus Question For 40 years I've worked as a purser for one of the world's largest airlines.
附加问题 40 年来,我一直在世界上最大的航空公司之一担任乘务长。
" But is he the chap we have to deal with? Won't the pearl be in the purser's keeping" ?
“但他是我们要对付的那个人吗?珍珠不会由事务长保管吗” ?
810. The purser told me the injured passenger has blood type O. Maybe this information is useful to the paramedics.
13.will you show me your latest bill of health . please? My pleasure , here you are. Certainly , here you are. My purser can help you.
But his blind eye was turned towards the quay; and he had been flustered and confused by an argument with the pursers as to whether thirty-five bales of wool had been hoisted on board already or only thirty-four.
但是他那双瞎了眼的眼睛转向了码头。 事务长争论到底是已经有 35 包羊毛被吊到船上了, 还是只有 34 包, 这让他感到慌张困惑。