In view of fact that both the Inquisitional System and the Adversary System are products of deliberate design, plans of constructivist rationalism are doomed to self-deconstructing.
In a sense, True.Through his writings, Franklin helped shape America's national identity, by shifting Americans' consciousness from a spiritual Puritanism to, er, secular rationalism, which was characteristic of The Enlightenment in the eighteenth century.
Heels go through a bit of an up-and-down history and the 1700s, philosophers are talking about the rationalism of men, by contrast, women are said to be emotional and sentimental and can't be trusted to do important things like think.
高跟鞋经历了一段起伏的历史,在 18 世纪,哲学家们谈论的是男的义,相比之下,女人被认为情绪化、多愁善感,不能被信任去做像思考这样的重要事情。