| 划词

How many members have officially registered in the club?



About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.

大约有68% 的私生子是由父母双方共同登记的。


CFA registered Cattery which breeds British shorthair.

- CFA登录猫场,专门繁殖英国短毛猫。


The car is registered in my name.



He vaguely registered that the women had gone.



Your luggage is overlength (overweight). Please have it registered.



Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.



I registered that she was late.



With photoelectric counter on the counter-rejecter unit, the cartons will be delivered in batch as per registered.



You have to remember and safekeep your registered username and password for future enquiry regarding your application status.

您已成功注册,建议您将此确认书 打印 出来以作参考。


With more than 1.6 million registered pedigree cows, Germany is the home of biggest herdbook population all over the world.



EpiPen is a registered trademark for a commonly used autoinjector of epinephrine (a.k.a. adrenaline), used in medicine to treat anaphylactic shock.



A common bus system that is used to interconnect microcomputer circuit boards manufactured by Intel. Multibus is a registered trademark of Intel.



Article 10provides that all businesses must be registered correctly.



A minimally invasive reflective array, tool navigator, and a registered burr were used for localization and deroofing of the lesion, followed by curettage and highspeed burring of the cavity.




coefficient of elasticity, coefficient of expansion, coefficient of friction, coefficient of viscosity, coehorn, coel-, coelacanth, Coelacanthidae, Coelacanthiformes, coelanaglyphic,


3G, 401(K), a,


BBC 听力 2016年10

Officials said the foundation wasn't properly registered.


剑桥雅思听力全真试题 7

Ah... yes... Are you a registered student?



Almost 315 000 new cases have been registered.



About a year ago, I registered at a Detroit hotel.


瑞克与莫蒂 第二季(双语)

This man was a registered sex offender.

Steven 重获自由吧 Steven, set yourself free.Summer 在我占领这个星球之前 Summer, before I took over this planet, 这个人是登记在案的性犯者。


Not for withdrawal, I mean just registered.


BBC 听力 2015年9

Very often, they refuse to be registered.


BBC 听力 2019年9

Officials say 2,500 people have been registered as missing.


BBC 听力 2015年10

I want to be clear, people must be registered.



Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth.


CRI在线 2022年9

Denmark's prime minister said " two explosions" have been registered.



Yes, unless the same trademark is also registered in this country.



Eight others appeared not to be registered at all.


NPR音讯 2014年1

Governor Dan Malloy says this means a lot of assault weapons are now registered.


CRI在线 2021年1

Official data show that China's express delivery sector registered sharp growth last year.


CNN 10 学生英语 2019年2

Many automatic weapons that would have to be registered in the country as well as radios.



New York plates, registered to Cassandra Mueller.



Is there way that you have of being able to check what the machine has registered?


6 Minute English 六分钟英语

Like every download of this programme is registered.


VOA Daily Standard 2020年7

They registered eight churches in the country.




coenvelope, coenzyme, coenzyme a, coenzyme q, coenzymometer, coequal, coequality, coequalizer, coequally, coerce, coercend, coercer, coerces, coercibility, coercible, coercimeter, coercing, coercion, coercionary, coercionist, coercive, coercively, coercivemeter, coerciveness, coercivity, coeruleofibrite, coeruleolactite, coeruleous, coerulescent, coerulomycin, coesite, coessential, coestablishment, coeswrench, coetaneous, coeternal, coetonium, coeur, coeval, coevality, coevaporation, coevolution, coevolve, coexclusive, coexecutor, coexecutrix, coexist, coexistence, coexistensive, coexistent, coexponent, coextend, coextension, coextensive, coextract, coextraction, coextrusion, co-extrusion, COF, cofacter, cofactor, cofeature, cofel, coferment, COFF, coffee, coffee bar, coffee bean, coffee break, coffee cream, coffee cup, coffee grinder, coffee grounds, coffee maker, coffee mill, coffee roll, coffee shop, coffee table, coffee-and, coffeebar, coffeecake, coffeehouse, coffeemaker, coffeemill, coffee-mill, coffeepot, coffeestall, coffee-table, coffeine, coffeinum, coffer, cofferdam, coffering, coffers, coffeurin, Coffey, Coffey-still, coffie, coffin, coffin nail, coffinite, coffle, coffret, CofG, cofibering, cofibration, cofiltration, cofinal, cofinality, cofinance, cofinancing, cofinitetopology, coflow, coflyer, co-flyer, coformycin, cofounder, coframe, cofree, COFSA, cofunction, cofunctor, cog, cog wheel, Cogas, cogasin, cogbell, cogelled, cogency, cogeneration, cogenetic, cogent, cogently, cogeoid, co-geoid, coggea, cogged, Coggeshall, cogging, coggle, cogitable, cogitate, cogitation, cogitative, cogitator, cogito, cognac, cognate, cognation, cognisable, cognisance, cognisant, cognise, cognition, cognitive, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive process, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitivism, cognitor, cognitron, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognomen, cognominal, cognoscente, cognoscible, cognoscitive, cognovit, COGO, Cogon, cogongrass, cogpu, cogradientsubstitution, cograft, cograil, cogredient, cogroup, COGS, cog-tooth, cogway, cogwheel, cogwood, COHA, cohab, cohabit, cohabitant, cohabitation, Cohan, coheir, coheiress, Cohen, cohence, cohenite, cohere, cohereditary, coherence, coherency, coherent, coherentism, coherenttopology, coherer, coheres, cohesible, cohesiometer, cohesion, cohesionless, cohesive, cohesiveness, coho, coho salmon, cohobate, cohobation, cohoe, cohomology, cohomotopy, cohort, cohorts, cohosh, cohune, cohydrol, cohydrolysis, COI, coidentity, coif, coiffed, coiffeur, coiffeuse, coiffure, coign, coigne, Coignet, coigue, coil, coil spring, coila, coilanaglyph, coilbox, coiled steel, coil-ejector, coiler, coilia, coiling, coillayer, coilonychia, coilpanel, coilpolymer, coils, coil-side, coil-span, coil-temper-mill, coimage, Coimbatore, COIME, coimmobilization, coin, coin machine, coinage, coin-assorter, coin-box, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, coincidentally, coindication, coinduced, coinducer, coiner, coinfection, co-infection, co-information, coing, coinhere, coinheritance, co-inhibitor, coining, coinitial, coinitiator, coin-op, coin-operated, COINS, coinstantaneity, coinstantaneous, coinstantaneously, coinstitutional, coinsurance, coinsure, cointegrant, cointegrate, Cointelpro, cointersection, cointreau, co-invariant, coinverse, coion, coir, coiro, coit, coital, coition, coitophobia, coitus, coitus interruptus, Coix, coixenolide, coixol, cojones, cokability, coke, cokeability, cokebed, coked, cokefiend, cokehead, coke-hole, cokeite, coker, cokernel, cokernut, cokery, cokes, cokeslet, cokey, coking, cokuloris, col, col-, cola, colaborer, colace, colacium, colacobiosis, colaholic, colalin, colalloy, colamine, colander, colas, colasmix, colatein, colathar, colatin, colating, colation, colatitude, colatorium, colature, Colbac, colbertan, Colbertisme, Colbred, colby, colcannon, colcemid, colchamine, colchiceinamide, colchicin, colchicinamide, colchicine, colchicine-induced, colchicoresin, colchicoside, colchicum, colclad, Colclough, Colcord, colcothar, colcother, colcrete, cold, cold chisel, cold comfort, cold cream, cold cuts, cold feet, cold fish, cold frame, cold front, cold fusion, cold shoulder, cold snap, cold sore, cold storage, cold sweat, cold turkey, cold wave, cold work, cold-bent, cold-blast, cold-blooded, coldbloodedly, coldblooedness, cold-brittleness, cold-calling, cold-chamber, cold-coining, coldcolours, coldcomfort, coldcounsel, cold-crucible, colddiuresis, cold-draw, cold-drawn, cold-emulsion, cold-end, cold-extruded, cold-eyed, cold-faxing, cold-finish, cold-flow, cold-forging, cold-forming, cold-hammer, coldhardiness, coldhearted, cold-hearted, cold-heartedly, cold-heartedness, coldish, cold-junction, cold-lap, cold-leach, coldlivered, cold-livered, coldly, cold-maceration, cold-mill, cold-molding, cold-moulding, coldness, coldnews, cold-pack, cold-patch, cold-penetration, coldplate, coldplate-mounted, Coldplay, cold-press, cold-roll, cold-running, cold-setting, cold-short, cold-shortness, cold-shots, cold-shoulder, coldslaw, cold-smoking, cold-snap, coldstart, cold-starting, cold-steel, cold-strip, cold-trap, cold-trim, cold-trimming, cold-weld, cold-workability, coldworking, cold-working, cole, cole slaw, colecalciferol, colectomy, coleitis, Coleman, colemanite, coleocele, coleopter, coleoptera, coleopteran, coleopterist, coleopterology, coleopteron, coleopterous, coleoptile, coleorhiza, Coleorrhyncha, coleospastia, coleostenosis, Coler, Coleridge, Coleridgian, coleseed, coleslaw, colessee, colestipol, coleta, Colette, coleus, co-level, colewort, coley, Colgate, colgrout, coli, colibacillosis, colibacilluria, colibacillus, colibacterin, colic, colica, colicin, colicine, colicinogen, colicinogeny, colicker, colicky, colicodynia, colicolitis, colicoplegia, colicroot, colicweed, colicystitis, colicystopyelitis, colidar, coliform, coliformin, coli-group, Coliidae, Coliiformes, coliindex, coli-index, coli-infection, colilysin, Colima, colimycin, Colin, Colin Powell, coline, colinear, colinearity, colinephritis, Colins, colipase, coliphage, coliplication, colipyelitis, colipyuria, colisan, colisee, colisepsis, coliseptale, coliseum, colistin, colitis, colititre, colitoxemia, colitoxicosis, colitoxin, coliuria, colk, colkhoz, colla, collaborate, collaborateur, collaboration, collaborationism, collaborationist, collaborative, collaborator, collacin, collada, collage, collagen, collagenase, collagenolysis, collagenolytic, collagenosis, collagenous, collagenzation, collagraph, collape, collapsar, collapse, collapsed, collapses-revivals, collapsibility, collapsible, collapsing, collapsotherapy, collar, collar bone, collarband, collarbeam, collarbone, collar-bone, collarbutton, collard, collare, collared, collaret, collarette, collargall, collarine, collaring, collarless, collars, collarstud, collarwork, collastin, collat, collate, collated, collateral, collateral damage, collateralize, collaterals, collating, collation, collative, collator, collatoria, colleague, colleaguesmanship, collect, collect call, collectable, collectanea, collected, collectedly, collectedness, collectibility, collectible, collectin, collecting-arm, collection, collectiontruck, collective, collective agreement, collective bargaining, collective farm, collective noun, collective security, collectively, collectivisation, collectivise, collectivism, collectivist, collectivistic, collectivity, collectivization, collectivize, collectomania, collector, collectorate, collector-base, collector-reflector, collector's, collectorship, collectress, colleen, college, College of Cardinals, college student, colleger, colleges, collegia, collegial, collegiality, collegian, collegiate, colleging, collegium, Collemaceae, Collembola, collembolan, collembolous, collenchyma, collencyte, collergang, collet, collet chuck, colleter, colleterium, Colletidae, colletin, colletotrichum, collets, collette, colliculectomy, colliculitis, colliculus, collide, collide with, collided, collider, collidine, collie, collieite, collier, colliers, colliery, collies, collieshangie, colliferous, colligability, colligable, colligate, colligation, colligational, colligative, colligend, collimate, collimating, collimation, collimator, collinear, collinearity, collineation, collinite, Collins, collinsia, collinsite, Collinsonia, collinus, colliquable, colliquate, colliquation, colliquefaction, collision, collision course, collisional, collision-mat, colllywobbles, collo-, colloblast, collobrierite, collocable, collocate, collocation, collochemistry, collochore, collocutor, collocystis, collodion, collodionize, collodium, colloform, collogue, colloid, colloidal, colloidal gel, colloidal solution, colloidal suspension, colloidality, colloider, colloidin, colloidization, colloidize, colloidoclasia, colloidogen, colloidopexy, colloidophagy, colloidox, colloids, colloma, collonema, collop, collophane, collophanite, collophony, collophore, colloquia, colloquial, colloquialism, colloquialist, colloquially, colloquist, colloquium, colloquize, colloquy, collose, collosol, collotype, colloxylin, colltype, collude, collulum, collum, collunarium, collusion, collusite, collusive, collut., collutorium, collutory, colluvia, colluvial, colluviation, colluvium, colly, collyr., collyria, Collyritidae, collyrium, collywobbles, Colman, colmascope, colmatage, colmation, Colmonoy, Colnova, colo-, Colo., Colobidae, coloboma, colobus, colocasia, co-locate, co-location, colocecostomy, colocentesis, colocleisis, coloclysis, coloclyster, colocolostomy, colocynth, colocynthidism, colodyspepsia, colog, cologarithm, cologenide, Cologne, cololysis, Colomat, Colombia, Colombian, colombianite, colombier, Colombo, colombophile, colometrogram, colometrometer, colomony, colomycin, colon, colon cancer, colone, colonel, colonelcy, colonelship, colonia, colonial, colonial expansion, colonialism, colonialist, colonialistic, colonic, colonics, colonise, colonist, colonitis, colonization, colonize, colonizer, colonnade, colonnaded, colonnette, colonofiberscope, colonofiberscopy, colonometer, colonopathy, colonorrhagia, colonorrhea, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colonus, colony, colonychia, colopathy, colopexostomy, colopexotomy, colophon, colophony, coloplication, coloproctectomy, coloproctitis, coloproctosomy, coloptosis, colopuncture, coloquintida, color, color bar, color blindness, color chart, color guard, color line, color scheme, color vision, colorable, colorably, colorado, Colorado beetle, Colorado Desert, Colorado Plateau, Colorado potato beetle, Colorado Springs, Coloradoan, coloradoite, colorama, colorant, colorate, coloration, coloratlas, colorator, coloratura, colorature, color-bar, color-bearer, colorblind, color-blind, color-blindness, colorcast, color-code, color-compensating, colordisc, colorectal, colorectitis, colorectostomy, colored, colored filter, colorfast, colorflexer, colorful, Colorgraph, colorific, colorimeter, colorimetric, colorimetric analysis, colorimetrictitration, colorimetry, coloring, coloring book, colorist, colority, colorize, colorized, color-key, colorless, colorman, Colormatrix, colorplate, colorradical, color-ratio, colorrhaphy, colors, color-sensitive, color-sergeant, colorspace, ColorSpy, colortec, colortip, colortransmission, color-under, color-wash, colorway, colory, colosigmoidostomy, colossal, Colossendeidae, colosseum, colossi, Colossian, Colossians, colossus, colostomy, colostration, colostrokinin, colostrorrhea, colostrum, colotomy, colotype, colotyphoid, colour, colour bar, colour blindness, colour scheme, colour television, colourable, colourably, colourant, colouration, colourbearer, colour-blind, colourbred, colourbreed, colourcast, coloured, colouredness, colourfast, colourfilter, colourflexer, colourful, colourific, colourimetry, colouring, colouringsubstance, colour-in-oil, colourist, colourity, colourize, colourless, colourlesssubstance, colourman, colourometry, colourplate, colourplexer, Colourpoint, colourprinting, colour-purity, colours, colourscheme, colourtron, colouruniformity, colourway, coloury, colpalgia, colpatresia, colpectasia, colpectasis, colpectomy, colpedema, colpemphraxis, colpeo, colpeurysis, colpismus, colpitis, colpocace, colpocele, colpoceliocentesis, colpoceliotomy, colpocleisis, colpocystitis, colpocystocele, colpocystosyrinx, colpodesmorrhaphy, colpodynia, colpohysteropexy, colpohysterorrhaphy, colpohysterotomy, colpoid, colpolaparotomy, colpomicroscope, colpomicroscopy, colpomycosis, colpomyomectomy, colpoovariectomy, colpoperineoplasty, colpoperineorrhaphy, colpopexy, colpoplasty, colpoptosis, colporate, colporrhagia, colporrhaphy, colporrhexis, colportage, colporteur, colposalpingectomy, colposcope, colposcopy, colpostat, colpostegnosis, colpostenosis, colpostenotomy, colpotomy, colpoxerosis, colpus, COLREGS, colt, colter, coltish, Colts, coltsfoot, colubrid, Colubridae, colubrine, colugo, colulus, Colum, Columba, columbamine, columbarium, columbary, columbate, Columbia, Columbia University, Columbian, columbic, columbin, columbine, columbite, columbium, columbomicrolite, columbous, columbrin, Columbus, Columbus Day, columbyl, columella, columellae, columelliform, column, column chromatography, column inch, columna, columnal, columnar, columned, columniation, columniform, column-inch, columning, columnist, columnization, column-rank, columns, colure, colusite, Colva, Colvadur, Colvin, colwick, coly, colyphrenia, colza, colza oil, COM, com-, Com., coma, Coma Berenices, COMAC, comake, comaker, comal, comanagement, co-manager, comanchaca, Comanche, Comanchean, Comanchian, COMAND, comandante, comania, Comasteridae, comate, comatose, comatula, comatulid, Comatulida, comb, Comb Jelly, combarloy, combat, combat fatigue, combat zone, combatant, combative, combatively, combativity, combat-ready, combat-worthy, combe, combed, combeite, comber, combi, combinability, combinableness, combination, combination lock, combinational, combinationlathe, combinations, combination-venose, combinative, combinator, combinatorial, combinatorialtopology, combinatorics, combinatory, combinatus, combine, combine with, combined, combine-harvester, combiner, combing, combings, combining, combining form, combining weight, combi-rope, comble, combo, combobox, comboloio, combos, comb-out, comboys, comb-papilla, Combretaceae, combridge, combs, comburant, comburent, comburimeter, combust, combustibility, combustible, combustible material, combustibleness, combustiblerefuse, combustibles, combustiblesubstance, combustion, combustion-supporting, combustive, combustor, comby, COMCM, COMDEX, come, come about, come across, come across sb, come after, come alive, come along, come apart, come around, come away, come back, come back to life, come before, come between, come down, come down on, come due, come forth, come forward, come from, come home, come in, come in for, come in handy, come into, come into being, come into effect, come into power, come near, come of, come of age, come off, come on, come out, come out with, come over, come over sb, come round, come sth to light, come this way, come through, come to, come to hand, come to life, come to light, come to nothing, come to nought, come to sb, come to terms with sb, come to terms with sth, come to the fore, come to the point, come to the rescue, come together, come true, come under, come under heavy criticism, come up, come up against, come up smiling, come up to, come up with, come upon, come-along, come-and-go, come-at-able, comeback, COMECON, comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedies, comedietta, comedist, comedo, comedocarcinoma, comedomastitis, comedones, comedown, come-down, comedy, come-hither, comeliness, comeling, comely, comendite, comentropy, come-off, come-on, come-outer, comer, COMERO, comes, Comesomatidae, comestible, comestibles, comet, co-metabolism, cometary, comether, cometic, cometography, cometophobia, comets, comeuppance, come-uppance, come-uptime, Comex, CoMFA, comfily, comfimeter, comfinement, comfit, comformity, comfort, comfort food, comfort station, comfort zone, comfortable, comfortably, comforter, comforting, comfortless, comfortlessly, comfortlessness, comfrey, COMfuel, comfy, comic, comic book, comic opera, comic strip, comical, comicality, comically, comics, COMINCH, Cominform, coming, coming back, coming-in, coming-of-age, coming-on, comingout, coming-out, comings and goings, comint, Comintern, comique, comirin, Comisco, COMIT, comitadji, comitalia, comitative, comitia, comitiva, comitragedy, comity, comix, Comleyan, comlognet, comm.,


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