The lane was rutted with tyre track.
New Hope Church was behind the gray troops now, a memory in a mad haze of like memories, heat, dust, hunger, weariness, tramp-tramp on the red rutted roads, slop-slop through the red mud, retreat, entrench, fight — retreat, entrench, fight.
" Let's do this, " Bulwer commanded. A whip snapped, and the wayns began to rumble slowly down the rutted road as the snow came down around them. Sam lingered beside Clydas and Dolorous Edd and Jon Snow. " Well, " he said, " farewell" .
" 们走," 布尔威下令。鞭子甩,拖车隆隆起步,在飘落的雪花中沿着布满车辙的道路缓慢前进。山姆在克莱达斯、忧郁的艾迪和琼恩·雪诺身边多逗留了片刻。" 好吧," 他说," 再见。"