The trumpeter wears the ottoman flag and heralds satan who fell from heaven as a star.
Located near Derweze Turkmenistan, satan's supposed front door is officially known as the Darvaza gas crater.
He believes in satan because he kills.
而是因他杀人 才信仰。
A medieval interpretation was that god gave satan the keys to the bottomless pit and this is where that comes from.
People's reaction to satan is what gives it appeal to these offenders.
人们对反应 正合那些罪犯心意。
He doesn't kill because he believes in satan.
不是因他信仰 他才杀人。
I think to cut my heart out while a bunch of naked people watch, all for, uh, dionysus or satan, or some god who has horns.
她要在一众果男果女面前 将我开膛破肚,把我献给酒神还是 反正是一个长角神灵。
Just as our lord our savior was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, a few ounces of silver can betray a child of satan to the world!
就像我们主因三十块银币而遭到背叛 (圣经中犹大背叛耶稣)几盎司纯银也能让子嗣 得到天下人惩罚!