The brickmaking,smelting,china,filature, weaving and such handiworks had appeared early in the Ming Period.
A smelting furnace turned iron ore from the near-by mountain into lumps of pure iron all ready for the farm's blacksmith to hammer and beat into horseshoes, pincers, tongs, crowbars, hammers, and other tools needed on the farm.
The smelting of iron began at New London and New Haven about 1658; in Litchfield county, Connecticut, a few years later;at Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in 1731; and near by at Lenox some thirty years after that.
大约 1658 年, 新伦敦和纽黑文开始冶炼铁;几年后在康涅狄格州利奇菲尔德县; 1731 年在马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿;大约三十年后, 在莱诺克斯附近。