" Bugger all if I know. Wait, I said" . The man left, taking his spearmen with him.
" 怎?讲了,等着。" 说罢,那人带着他的长矛兵离开。
Tyrion advanced his spearmen. Qavo replied with his light horse. Tyrion moved his crossbowmen up a square and said, " The red priest outside seemed to think Volantis should fight for this silver queen, not against her" .
提利昂让他的长矛兵前进。魁沃用轻骑兵防守。提利昂又把十字弓兵前移了一格。" 外头的红袍僧似乎认为瓦兰提斯应该站在银女王一方,而不是反对她。"