They hung around the Mustafa hotel, wearing wraparound sunglasses and camouflage fatigues, drove about in big Toyotas and carried a small arsenal of weapons.
The secret sauce of SNHU is combining that competency-based online learning with the in-person learning that we do with partners to provide all the wraparound supports.
Choice pieces from ancient Pergamon are already displayed just across the river, in a specially built space that houses a giant, wraparound panorama of the city in 200AD.
Paul remembered he had rushed out to find Chani standing beneath the yellow globes of the corridor, clad in a brilliant blue wraparound robe with hood thrown back, a flush of exertion on her elfin features.
The things that we face in our neighborhood when it comes down to marginal things such as resources and wraparound services — and, you know, we've had issues in the community, those are unique to the South Side.