They have suspected, probably, that the lessor and lessee, in order to defraud the public revenue, might combine to conceal the real terms of the lease.
It has in that country, indeed, been lately extended to twentyseven, a period still too short to encourage the tenant to make the most important improvements.
This is evidently the smallest share with which the tenant can content himself, without being a loser, and the landlord seldom means to leave him any more.
A tax upon house-rent, payable by the tenant, and proportioned to the whole rent of each house, could not, for any considerable time at least, affect the building-rent.
When the tenant sued his lord for having unjustly outed him of his lease, the damages which he recovered were by no means equivalent to the possession of the land.
Drozdenko said the hostel’s unlikely location — on the 43rd floor of the Moscow International Business Center, known as " Moscow City" — was only possible because of the lack of interested tenants.
It offered them a chance to become land owners in time and it afforded an easier life, the renter being, to a certain extent at least, master of his own hours of labor.
The leveraged leasing is on agreement between the lessee, the lessor and the borrower under which the lessee pays the rent and obtains, the right to use the lease item during the lease term.