Say These 5 Spanish Words that Make You Sound SMART in Spanish


I'm Paulísima, from Spring Spanish, and today I'll teach you 5 words in Spanish that are going to make you sound super, super smart when you're speaking with a native Spanish speaker!

Let's say you want to spice up your Spanish and sound a little bit fancier than regular, then, these words are 100% for you.

Let's start with a word that, even if you don't know it, I'm pretty sure that you love the concept that the word represents


That is the name of that delicious smell, that earthy smell that comes after it has rained over dry land.

Yeah! That smell has a name!

In Spanish, we call it "olor a tierra mojada" and that's the way most people would call it.

And yeah, actually these phrase, "Olor a tierra mojada" It's in one of our most famous Mexicans songs.

Maybe you have heard it.

Imagine it has just started raining and you are with your Spanish speaking friend and that smell, that beautiful smell is in the air and you say: ¡Me encanta el petricor!
