A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), typically less than twice as long as wide, with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum).
短角果 Silicle 十字花的一种开裂干果,果长小于二倍果宽,两个心皮瓣片从宿存的胎座和(假)隔膜处(胎座框)分开。
A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), typically less than twice as long as wide, with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum).
短角果 Silicle 十字花的一种开裂干果,果长小于二倍果宽,两个心皮瓣片从宿存的胎座和(假)隔膜处(胎座框)分开。