| 划词

There is a marked swelling of the lymph nodes.



He was hospitalised 5 days later and examination showed facial oedema, erythroderma with exfoliative dermatitis and diffuse lymph node enlargement.



The entire caudate lobe was resected and skeletization lymph node dissection of the hepatoduodenal ligament was performed in all cases.



At high magnification, the germinal center in this reactive lymph node follicle has prominent macrophages with irregular cellular debris (so-called "tingible body macrophages").



Results Radical orchidectomy with high ligation of the spermatic cord and ipsilateral hemiscrotectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection were undertaken for 3 cases.



Conclusion Clinical stage, Lymphangial vascular invasion, histological grade, myometrium invasion are the main clinical pathology related with lymph node metastases from cervical cancer.

结论 与盆腔淋巴结转移相关因素,有临床分期、肌层浸润、组织分级、脉管浸润有关。


The indication of these procedures and the methods of lymph node dissection, bronchoplasty and pulmonary artery reconstruction, and superior vena cava reconstruction have been discussed.



Methods Pripheral blood analysis was done in all 20 cases with fever, angina, enlarged lymph nodes and enlargement of liver and spleen. Heterophil agglutination test was done in 15 of these 20 cases.




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chemopapain, chemopause, chemophysiology, chemoplast, chemoprophylactic, chemoprophylaxis, chemopsychiatry, chemoreception, chemoreceptive, chemoreceptivity, chemoreceptor, chemoreflex, chemorepellent, chemoresistance, chemorheology, chemosensitive, chemosensitivity, chemosensory, chemoserotherapy, chemosetting, chemosis, chemosmosis, chemosmotic, chemosorb, chemosorbent, chemosorption, chemosphere, chemostat, chemosterilant, chemosterilants, chemosterilization, chemosterilize, chemosugery, chemosurgery, chemosynthesis, chemosynthetic, chemotactic, chemotactically, chemotactism, chemotaxis, chemotaxonomy, chemotaxy, chemotec, chemothalamectomy, chemotherapeutant, chemotherapeutic, chemotherapeutics, chemotherapist, chemotherapy, chemotron, chemotronics, chemotrophy, chemotropic, chemotropically, chemotropism, chemotype, chemovar, Chemulpo, Chemungian, chemurgist, chemurgy, Chem-warrior, Chen, chena, Chenab, Chenag, chenango, chenar, chenchalok, chenevixite, Chengchow, Chengdu, Chengteh, Chengtu, chenhuan, chenier, chenille, chenliang, chenopod, Chenopodiaceae, chenopodiaceous, Chenopodium, chenopodium album, cheongsam, cheong-sam, cheoplasty, Cheops, cheque, cheque book, chequebook, cheque-book, chequer, chequered, Chequers, cheques, Cher, cheracol, cheradium, cheralite, Cherbourg, chereme, Cherenkov, chergui, Cheribon, cherimoya, cherish, chermeuse, Cherminae, chernikite, Chernobyl, chernozem, Cherokee, Cherokee rose, cherokine, cheromania, cheroot, cherophobia, Cherrapunji, cherries, cherry, cherry bomb, cherry plum, cherry red, cherry tomato, cherry tree, cherryade, cherry-picking, cherrystone, cherrywood, chersonese, chersophyte, chert, chertification, cherty, cherub, cherubic, cherubim, Cherubin, cherubism, cherubs, cherup, chervil, chervonets, Chery, Cheryl, Chesapeake, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Cheshire, Cheshire cat, Cheshire Cheese, Cheshvan, cheskey, chess, chess game, chess piece, chess player, chessboard, chessel, chesset, chessman, chessom, chessylite, chest, chest of drawers, chest pain, chest piece, chest protector, chested, Chester, chesterfield, Chesterfieldian, Chesterian, Chesterton, Chestertonian, chestful, chesting, chestnut, chestnut brown, chestnutting, chestnuttube, chest-on-chest, chestplate, chestpod, chest-protector, chesty, chetah, cheth, chetivism, Chetnik, chetomin, chetrum, cheval, cheval-de-frise, chevalet, cheval-glass, chevalier, chevalier-montrachet, cheval-vapeur, chevaux-de-frise, chevelure, chevening, cheverel, cheveron, chevet, chevillier, chevin, Cheviot, Cheviot Hills, Chevisol, chevkinite, chevon, chevreaux, chevres, chevret, chevrette, Chevroler, Chevrolet, chevron, chevrotain, chevy, chew, chew over, chew the fat, chewie, chewing, chewing gum, chewingsweets, chewink, chews, chewy, Cheyenne, Cheyletus, chez, CHH, chi, chia, chiack, chian, Chiang Mai, Chianti, chiao, Chiapas, chiaretto, chiaroscurist, chiaroscuro, chiasm, chiasma, chiasmata, chiasmatypy, Chiasmodontidae, chiasmus, chiaster, chiastic, chiastik, chiastobasidial, chiastobasidium, chiastolite, chiastoneury, chiastron, chiaus, Chiba, Chibcha, Chibchan, chibigouazou, chibinite, chibol, chibouk, chibouque, chic, Chica, Chicago, Chicagoan, chicalote, Chicana, chicane, chicanery, chicanismo, Chicano, Chicanos, chiccory, chicha, Chichester, chichi, chi-chi, chichili, chichipate, chichipe, chichism, chichituna, chick, chick pea, chickabiddy, chickadee, chickaree, chickasaw, chickee, chicken, chicken breast, chicken feed, chicken hawk, chicken leg, Chicken Little, chicken manure, chicken out, chicken pox, chicken run, chicken salad, chicken sandwich, chicken soup, chicken wing, chicken wire, chickenbreast, chicken-breasted, chickenbroth, chickencholera, chicken-dancing, chickenfeed, chicken-head, chickenhearted, chickenlivered, chicken-livered, chickenpox, chickenshit, chicken-wire, chickeny, chickfurter, chicklet, chickling, chickpea, chick-pea, chickweed, chicle, chicly, chico, Chicony, Chicopee, chicory, chicot, chid, chidden, chide, Chideruan, chief, Chief Executive, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief justice, chief of staff, chief of state, chief operating officer, Chief Petty Officer, chiefdom, chiefess, chiefless, chiefly, chief-rent, chiefship, chieftain, chieftaincy, chieftainess, chieftainship, chiefy, Chieh-qua, chiel, chield, chiffchaff, chiffon, chiffonade, chiffonelle, chiffonette, chiffonier, chiffonnier, chifforobe, chiflone, Chifonese, chigetai, chigger, chignin, chignon, chigoe, Chihkou, Chihpien, Chihshih, ChihsiaFormation, Chihuahua, chik, chika, chiklite, chil-, Chilachap, chilalgia, chilarium, chilauni, chilblain, chilblained, child, child abuse, child care, child neglect, child pornography, child prodigy, child psychology, childbearing, childbed, childbed fever, childbirth, childe, Childermas, childhood, childie, childing, childish, childishly, childishness, childless, childlike, childly, childmind, childminder, child-minder, childness, childproof, child-proof, children, childrenese, childrenite, child-welfare, chile, Chile pine, Chilean, Chileanize, Chileans, chilectomy, chilectropion, Chileguava, chileite, chilenite, chileno, chiles, chili, chili con carne, chili pepper, chili powder, Chili sauce, chiliad, Chilian, chiliarch, chiliarchy, chiliasm, chiliast, chiliburger, chilidium, chilidog, chilies, chilile, chiling, chilisaltpeter, chilitis, Chilkat, chill, chill out, chillagite, chillator, chilldown, chilled, chiller, chiller-crystallizer, chillers, chilli, chillies, chillily, chill-inducer, chilliness, chilling, chillness, Chillon, chilloplasty, chillout, chill-pressing, chillsome, chilly, chilodonelliasis, Chiloe, chilognathopalatoschisis, chilomastigiasis, Chilomastix, chilomonad, chilopa, chilophagia, chilopod, Chilopoda, chilopodiasis, chilostome, chilotomy, chilte, chiltern, chiltonite, chiluite, chilver, chimae, chimaera, chimaeric, Chimaeridae, chimaeriferus, Chimaeriformes, chimaerism, chimaphilin, chimar, chimatlon, chimayo, chimb, Chimborazo, chime, chimed, Chimer, chimera, chimeras, chimere, chimeric, chimerical, chimerism, chimeron, chimes, chimney, chimney piece, chimney pot, chimney stack, chimney sweep, chimney swift, chimney-breast, chimneyhead, chimneying, chimneynook, chimneypiece, chimney-pot, chimneys, chimney-stack, chimney-sweep, chimomycin, chimonochlorous, chimonophile, chimonophilous, chimopelagic, chimoto, chimp, chimpanzee, chimurenga, chin, Ch'in, chin music, chin rest, China, China aster, china clay, China grass, China rose, china stone, China tree, China-aster, chinaberry, chinaclay, china-clay, chinacrin, chinacrine, chinagraph, chinagreen, Chinajoy, Chinaman, chinampa, Chinanet, Chinanina, chinaphthol, chinar, ChinaRen, chinaroot, China's mainland, chinaseptol, CHINASSB, chinastone, Chinatown, chinaware, ChinaZip, chinbone, chincap, chincapin, chinch, chinch bug, chincherinchee, chinchilla, Chinchillidae, chinchin, chin-chin, chinchona, chinchorro, chinchy, chincough, chin-deep, Chindwin, chine, Chinee, Chinees, chinela, Chinese, Chinese anise, chinese boxing, Chinese cabbage, Chinese checkers, Chinese chestnut, Chinese cinnamon, Chinese date, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese hibiscus, Chinese jujube, Chinese lantern, Chinese mainland, Chinese puzzle, Chinese red, Chinese Revolution, Chinese Wall, Chinese wood oil, Chinese yam, Chinese-English, chinfest, ching, Ch'ing, ching-chieh, Chinghai, Chingku, Chinhuangtao, chinidine, chiniofon, chink, chinkapin, chinkerinchee, chinkolobwite, Chinks, chinkuning, chinky, chinless, chin-lift, chinlon, Chinmen, Chinnampo, chinning, chinny, chino, Chino-, Chino-Caribbean, chinoform, chinoin, chinois, chinoiserie, chinoite, chinol, chinoline, chinometer, chinomethionat, Chinon, chinone, Chinook, chinook salmon, Chinookan, CHINOPERL, chinorin, chinoscorodite, chinosol, chinostrengite, chinotoxine, chinotropin, chinovariscite, chinovin, chinovnik, chinpeimine, chinpiece, chinquapin, chinse, chints, chintz, chintzah, chintzing, chintzy, chin-up, chinwag, chin-wag, chiolite, chiomomycin, chionanthus, chionathin, chionic, chionite, chionium, chionodoxa, chionophile, chionophilous, chionophobe, chionophobia, chionophobous, Chios, chip, chip away at, chip out, chip shot, chipailium, chip-axe, chipboard, chipbreaker, chip-breaker, chipcore, Chipewyan, chiphead, chipidium, chip-load, chipmuck, chipmunk, chip-off, chipolata, chipped, Chippendale, chipper, Chippewa, chippie, chipping, chipping-out, chippings, chip-proof, chippy, chiprupter, chips, chipset, chipware, chipway, Chiquita, chiragra, chiral, chirality, chiratin, chi-rho, Chiricahua, Chiridotidae, chirimoya, chiripa, chirismus, chirivita, chirk, chirkle, chirm, chiro-, chirobrachialgia, Chirodidae, chirognomy, chirograph, chirographer, chirography, chirogymnast, chirokinesthesia, chirol, chirology, chiromancer, chiromancy, chiromegaly, chirometer, chiron, chironomid, chironym, chiroplasty, chiropodalgia, chiropodist, chiropody, chiropompholyx, chiropractic, chiropractor, chiropraxis, chiropter, chiroptera, chiropteran, chiropterite, chiropterophilous, chiropterygium, chiroscope, chiroscopy, chirospasm, chirosporous, chirotheca, chirotype, chiroxylographic, chirp, chirpily, chirping, chirps, chirpy, chirr, chirrup, chirrupy, chiru, chirurgeon, chirurgery, chirvinskite, Chisanbop,


3G, 401(K), a,



This will help direct the lymph outflow.



So any other symptoms? Swollen lymph glands?

如此说来 还有什么其他症状吗 巴腺肿大?


Are you sure? - Yeah. Lymph nodes are completely clear. Congratulations.



We found some cells in your lymph nodes, in three of them.



The middle layer is the lamina propria and it contains blood and lymph vessels.


双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

To assign an N stage, doctors evaluate the lymph nodes through biopsies and imaging.

在进行 N 分期时,生会通过活检和成像对巴结进行评估。


And together this caseating tissue and associated lymph node make up the characteristic Ghon complex.


实习生格蕾 第2季

Okay, the best news is that the lymph node tumor is benign.


VOA Special 2018年10月合集

Usually doctors examine lymph node tissue samples under a microscope to see whether cancer is present.



Chest CT can be used to evaluate if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes.



Any change in bowel habits? Is there any lymph node enlargement? Any burning sensation while urinating?



All right, let's back up and briefly talk about this lymph stuff.



These are signs that your lymph vessels may circulate more slowly, letting toxins accumulate in your body.



The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and the statistics were not great for long-term survival.



These lymphatic vessels mainly drain into a group of lymph nodes in the axilla, or the armpit.


实习生格蕾 第2季

Bex has been admitted for an ultrasound guided biopsy on an enlargement of a pelvic lymph node.

Bex 入院因为B超引导下活检提示盆腔巴瘤。

双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

Lymph and blood vessels carry those cells all over the body, and they can go on to form tumors.


VOA常速英语(视频版)- 2022年合集

And it did spread to one of my lymph nodes and I just started crying, out of fear.



Once all of that stuff is in the lymphatic system, it's called lymph.



It soon gets picked up by nearby immune cells and gets transported to a nearby lymph node.




chladnite, Chlamdothrix, chlamydate, chlamydeous, chlamydia, chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydiales, chlamydiosis, Chlamydobacteriales, chlamydo-blastomycosis,


3G, 401(K), a,
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