Methods Incommodious bile duct was restored by making gallbladder one (lamella) with cystic artery into half-cannular or cannular gallbladder one (lamella).
ConclusionsThe technique of suture needle puncture and discission of bile duct is a simple,effective and safe method for laparoscopic common duct exploration.
GGTP (Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase) - Enzyme or protein synthesized by the lier in large amounts when there is obstruction of the bile ducts to the normal flow of bile.
Conclusions The key to prevent recurrent angiocholitis and reduce the reoperation rate is to relieve biliary tract stricture, remove the focus of infection and provide unobstructed bile duct drainage.
The common bile duct passes inferiorly, anterior to the epiploic foramen, where it is anterior to the right edge of the portal vein and on the right side of the hepatic artery.