To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
China will help foreign trade enterprises through current challenges and maintain steady and high-quality growth of the sector to stabilize the economy, industry chains and supply chains, according to a circular released by the State Council on May 26.
5 26 日,国务院办公厅印发《关于推动外贸保稳提质的意见》,帮扶外贸企业应对困难挑战,实现进出口保稳提质任务目标,助力稳经济稳产业链供应链。
Inventing a viable electric light was hard, I mean, this is the typical incandescent design, which just involves passing electric current through a material making it so hot that it glows, less than 5% of the electrical energy comes out as light.
发明一种可行的电灯是很困难的, 我的意思是, 这是典型的白炽灯设计, 只需让电流通过某种材料,使其变得非常热,从发光,只有不到5%的电能以光的形式出现。